[SOGo] DAV REPORT map not found!

2012-10-11 Thread jean-philippe.ghibaudo

WIth 2.0.0 and 2.0.1, synchronization with Lighting on Thunderbird doesn't work

I get my calendar unavailable (but events appears). I can create Event but I
don't see it on Lightning. It appears on SOGo.

Here the log when I try to sync the calendar :

Oct 11 19:29:17 sogod [3904]: <0x0903F5E4[SOGoAppointmentFolder]:personal> DAV
REPORT map not found! - - [11/Oct/2012:19:29:17 GMT] "PROPFIND
/SOGo/dav/me/Calendar/personal/ HTTP/1.1" 207 917/279 0.025 - - 0 - - [11/Oct/2012:19:29:18 GMT] "OPTIONS /SOGo/dav/me/Calendar/
HTTP/1.1" 200 0/0 0.007 - - 0 - - [11/Oct/2012:19:29:19 GMT] "PROPFIND /SOGo/dav/me/ HTTP/1.1"
207 826/235 0.003 - - 0
Oct 11 19:29:20 sogod [3904]: |SOGo| DAV REPORT map not found!
Oct 11 19:29:20 sogod [3904]: <0x0AD8AC3C[SOGoUserFolder]:me> DAV REPORT map
not found!
Oct 11 19:29:20 sogod [3904]: <0x0AD6070C[SOGoAppointmentFolders]:Calendar> DAV
REPORT map not found!
Oct 11 19:29:20 sogod [3904]: <0x0A85C954[SOGoAppointmentFolder]:personal> DAV
REPORT map not found!
Oct 11 19:29:20 sogod [3904]: <0x0A85C954[SOGoAppointmentFolder]:personal> DAV
REPORT map not found!
Oct 11 19:29:20 sogod [3904]: [obj-dav-dispatch] did not find a method to serve
the REPORT ({DAV:}sync-collection) - - [11/Oct/2012:19:29:20 GMT] "REPORT
/SOGo/dav/me/Calendar/personal/ HTTP/1.1" 501 201/162 0.010 - - 0

Thank you !

[SOGo] Resources Booking

2013-06-13 Thread jean-philippe.ghibaudo

It's just pure knowledge, but I've just configured the Resource Booking with
SOGo successfully. The first time, I set Multiplebookings attribute on my
OpenLDAP server to 0. I've spent quite a lot of time to figure out why, as I
changed for 1, the resource didn't reject a second overlapping booking.

The value of Multiplebookings attribute seems to be cached, or store in
database. I restarted a lot of time the SOGo service and it has never red again
the attribute.
I don't usually do that with a Linux server, but I've rebooted it and... It now
works !

Could someone please explain to me what's the process ?

Plus, it does not concern the Inverse team, but I can't invite people (so a
resource) by adding the email address in the guests field on my Android 4.2.2
phone with Funambol and the standard Google app for calendars. Someone knows
the trick ?

Thank you,
Best regards,

[SOGo] SOGo, CAS JASIG, IMAP and Sieve

2011-10-05 Thread jean-philippe.ghibaudo
Hi there,

I've successfully configured SOGo and IMAP to use our CAS from JASIG (v3.3.5).
Now, I would like to implement the use of our Sieve server. So I need Sieve to
use CAS too. This part is ok, Sieve can use CAS.

When I try to add a Vacation script, SOGo doesn't seem to work as a Proxy and
finally, SOGo try to use the same Service Ticket as IMAP, so the CAS doesn't
accept the request.

Maybe I've done something wrong ?

Thanks for your help !

[SOGo] Subfolders are empty

2011-11-10 Thread jean-philippe.ghibaudo

When I try to access any subfolder in the webmail interface, I've got two
errors :

ERROR] <0x0xa5af054[NGImap4Connection]> could not select URL:
imap://user@imapserver.mydomain/folder/subfolder/: {RawResponse =
"{ResponseResult = {description = \"Mailbox does not exist\"; result = no;
tagId = 27; }; }"; reason = "Mailbox does not exist"; result = 0; }

[ERROR] <0x0xa5af054[NGImap4Connection]> could not fetch 102 uids for url:

The subfolder and its mails work very well with Thunderbird or another webmail.
It's a SOGo issue.

Thanks for your help !


[SOGo] View emails in plain text

2012-01-11 Thread jean-philippe.ghibaudo

Happy new year 2012 and best wishes !
Is there a way to view received emails only in plain text ? A lot of solutions
offer this functionnality and one of my user's asking ?

I assume it's not possible, I didn't find anything.

Thank you !

Re: Re: [SOGo] Body filters

2014-07-24 Thread jean-philippe.ghibaudo
Thank you Francis, my Cyrus IMAP server wasn't advertising the body
extensions. It works now!

Best regards,