Hi guys,
I tried to add a new palette to the 
/usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/js/Common.js file.
r.definePalette("sogo-orange", {
      50: "FFF3E0",
      100: "FFE0B2",
      200: "FFCC80",
      300: "FFB74D",
      400: "FFA726",
      500: "FF9800",
      600: "FB8C00",
      700: "F57C00",
      800: "EF6C00",
      900: "E65100",
      A100: "FFD180",
      A200: "FFAB40",
      A400: "FF9100",
      A700: "FF6D00",
      contrastDefaultColor: "light",
      contrastDarkColors: ["50", "100", "200"]

But when I change the values in:
r.definePalette("sogo-grey", o), 
r.theme("default").primaryPalette(“sogo-orange", {
      default: "900",
      "hue-1": "400",
      "hue-2": "800",
      "hue-3": "A700"
    }).accentPalette(“sogo-orange", {
      default: "500",
      "hue-1": "A100",
      "hue-2": "300",
      "hue-3": "A700"
    }).backgroundPalette("sogo-grey"), DebugEnabled || (e.debugEnabled(!1), 
t.debugInfoEnabled(!1), i.disableWarnings(), r.generateThemesOnDemand(!0)), 
n.interceptors.push("AuthInterceptor"), n.interceptors.push("ErrorInterceptor”)

The SOGo login interface has the green accent on the button and when logged in, 
nothing is with the colour I chose. It is all default colours, I believe is the 
green theme.

Any ideas how and where I need to go to get this working?

Thank you,
Igor Almeida

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