Re: Re: [SOGo] Resources planning - Not working

2011-05-10 Thread julian.robbins


Resources looks to be what i need, but for users the idea of 'inviting' a room
or a pool car to an event, just so you can book them seems quite alien. I can
really see that what you've done here is great, but with the issues of usage,
are you planning further changes to make this more userfriendly? Obviously what
you wish to do also has to be available within Thunderbird too, which makes
things harder ..


Re: [SOGo] Resources planning - Not working

2011-05-10 Thread Ludovic Marcotte

On 10/05/11 06:23, wrote:

Resources looks to be what i need, but for users the idea of 'inviting' a room
or a pool car to an event, just so you can book them seems quite alien. I can
really see that what you've done here is great, but with the issues of usage,
are you planning further changes to make this more userfriendly? Obviously what
you wish to do also has to be available within Thunderbird too, which makes
things harder ..
Perhaps you should explain what you have in mind regarding a non-alien 


Ludovic Marcotte  ::  +1.514.755.3630  ::
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo ( and PacketFence 


Re: [SOGo] Resources planning - Not working

2011-05-10 Thread Julian Robbins

On 10/05/11 14:14, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:

On 10/05/11 06:23, wrote:
Resources looks to be what i need, but for users the idea of 
'inviting' a room
or a pool car to an event, just so you can book them seems quite 
alien. I can
really see that what you've done here is great, but with the issues 
of usage,
are you planning further changes to make this more userfriendly? 
Obviously what
you wish to do also has to be available within Thunderbird too, which 

things harder ..
Perhaps you should explain what you have in mind regarding a non-alien 

I've never used Outlook/Exchange so cant vouch for that, but the idea of 
'Inviting' a resource just seems bizarre.

Perhaps a different button, marked 'Select Resources' relating to 
resources would work better in the interface, but then its not something 
that would be duplicated in Lightning, which would be a problem.



Kind Regards,

Julian Robbins
Web Marketing and IT Manager

Q-par Angus Ltd
Barons Cross Laboratories
United Kingdom

Telephone +44 (0) 1568 612138
Fax   +44 (0) 1568 616373


(Registered office) Incorporated in England No 1826221


Re: [SOGo] Resources planning - Not working

2011-05-10 Thread Bennie Kahler-Venter

On 10May 2011, at 3:28 PM, Julian Robbins wrote:

 I've never used Outlook/Exchange so cant vouch for that, but the idea of 
 'Inviting' a resource just seems bizarre.

From supporting Exchange environments, not so bizarre.  These resources 
meeting rooms, etc usually have a secretary accepting on their behalf and a 
calendar to avoid double bookings.  Some companies I worked meetings can last 
several days ;)  but then they have a few hundred meeting rooms and other 
resources that can be booked.  These resources are standard users available in 
the addressbook to address in meeting bookings.


Re: [SOGo] Resources planning - Not working

2011-05-10 Thread Julian Robbins

On 10/05/11 15:03, Bennie Kahler-Venter wrote:

On 10May 2011, at 3:28 PM, Julian Robbins wrote:

I've never used Outlook/Exchange so cant vouch for that, but the idea of 
'Inviting' a resource just seems bizarre.

 From supporting Exchange environments, not so bizarre.  These resources meeting 
rooms, etc usually have a secretary accepting on their behalf and a calendar to 
avoid double bookings.  Some companies I worked meetings can last several days ;)  but 
then they have a few hundred meeting rooms and other resources that can be booked.  These 
resources are standard users available in the addressbook to address in meeting bookings.

Ok, that's useful to know. I think its just a terminology thing, 
although the idea is great


Re: [SOGo] Resources planning - Not working

2011-04-29 Thread Martin Lehmann

Hi Ludovic,

this is my configuration for SOGoUserSource:

CNFieldName = cn;
IDFieldName = uid;
KindFieldName = description;
MultipleBookingsFieldName = Multiplebookings;
UIDFieldName = uid;
baseDN = ou=resources,dc=my-company,dc=de;
bindDN = uid=sogoadmin,ou=bind,dc=my-company,dc=de;
bindPassword = password;
canAuthenticate = YES;
displayName = Resourcen;
hostname =;
id = resourcen;
isAddressBook = YES;
port = 389;

I tried also with KindFieldName = kind as I'm using the objectclass 
CalendarResource from my own calresource.schema.

This is the ldiff of my resource audioraum:
# Entry 1: uid=audioraum,ou=resources,dc=my-company,dc=de...
dn: uid=audioraum,ou=resources,dc=my-company,dc=de
cn: audioraum
description: location
kind: location
multiplebookings: 1
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
objectclass: organizationalPerson
objectclass: person
objectclass: top
objectclass: CalendarResource
sn: audioraum
uid: audioraum
vcarduid: audioraum

I'm running the latest nightlies.

Do you see any misconfiguration which can lead to the not working resources?


On 04/28/2011 05:13 PM, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:

On 28/04/11 10:58, Martin Lehmann wrote:
I was unable to find out how it should work correctly. Could you give 
more details?

I tried both methods and created a SOGoUserSources from your example.

Now, I can see resources like the global addressbook and in it my 
test-resource room-a. But the test-resource room-a is an ordinary 
address and not a special resource.

Does the webinterface no work with resouces yet? 

It does.

Show your configuration and your LDIF entries - I can't guess what you 
put in there.


Re: [SOGo] Resources planning - Not working

2011-04-29 Thread Ludovic Marcotte

On 29/04/11 09:07, Martin Lehmann wrote:

this is my configuration for SOGoUserSource:

CNFieldName = cn;
IDFieldName = uid;
KindFieldName = description;
MultipleBookingsFieldName = Multiplebookings;
UIDFieldName = uid;
baseDN = ou=resources,dc=my-company,dc=de;
bindDN = uid=sogoadmin,ou=bind,dc=my-company,dc=de;
bindPassword = password;
canAuthenticate = YES;
displayName = Resourcen;
hostname =;
id = resourcen;
isAddressBook = YES;
port = 389;

I tried also with KindFieldName = kind as I'm using the objectclass 
CalendarResource from my own calresource.schema.

This is the ldiff of my resource audioraum:
# Entry 1: uid=audioraum,ou=resources,dc=my-company,dc=de...
dn: uid=audioraum,ou=resources,dc=my-company,dc=de
cn: audioraum
description: location
kind: location
multiplebookings: 1
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
objectclass: organizationalPerson
objectclass: person
objectclass: top
objectclass: CalendarResource
sn: audioraum
uid: audioraum
vcarduid: audioraum

I'm running the latest nightlies.

Do you see any misconfiguration which can lead to the not working 

It looks fine - you should make sure that the resource's access rights 
to all authenticated users is at least view date  time for public events.


Ludovic Marcotte  ::  +1.514.755.3630  ::
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo ( and PacketFence 


Re: [SOGo] Resources planning - Not working

2011-04-28 Thread Martin Lehmann

Hi Ludovic,

I was unable to find out how it should work correctly. Could you give 
more details?

I tried both methods and created a SOGoUserSources from your example.

Now, I can see resources like the global addressbook and in it my 
test-resource room-a. But the test-resource room-a is an ordinary 
address and not a special resource.

Does the webinterface no work with resouces yet?

I thought that resouces are shown in the calendar with a begin-/end-date.

@ludovic: I've created a schema from the draft for me. But there were 
some errors in the draft so I'd to fix it and I've assigned a OID for 
the placeholder x in the draft. This solution works for me. If you're 
interested I can send it.

On 04/25/2011 02:38 PM, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:


A new feature has just landed in the SOGo code:  resources planning.

It's now possible to tell SOGo how to identify resources (conference 
rooms, projectors, etc.) and apply constraints on them to avoid 
double-bookings and to automatically accept the invitation for them.

This works right now only over LDAP and you can identify resources 
using either :

 a- the calendarresource objectClass (see
 b- a specific LDAP attribute (specified by the KindFieldName 
parameter in your SOGoUserSources) which must hold either location, 
thing or group (also see the URL above)

Then, you must also set how many simultaneous bookings are allowed for 
this resource. A value of 0 means no limit. This limit is also read 
from a LDAP attribute specified by MultipleBookingsFieldName.

If SOGo can't determine it's a resource, the code will work just like 
it did before - meaning that someone must accept/decline the 
invitation for the resource. If it can, the following scenarios are 

1- automatically accept the invitation for the resource if there's no 
2- prevent save operations if there's a conflict (ie., someone tries 
to use a resource already scheduled for an other meeting)

A SOGoUserSources entry which can handle resources might look like :

CNFieldName = cn;
IDFieldName = uid;
KindFieldName = description;
MultipleBookingsFieldName = multiplebook;
UIDFieldName = uid;
baseDN = dc=inverse,dc=ca;
bindDN = cn=sogo,ou=services,dc=inverse,dc=ca;
bindPassword = zot;
canAuthenticate = YES;
displayName = Partag\U00E9;
hostname =;
id = public;
isAddressBook = YES;
port = 389;

while a resource defined in LDAP *could* look like :

dn: uid=room103,ou=resources,dc=inverse,dc=ca
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: top
uid: room103
cn: room103
sn: room103
multiplebook: 1
description: location

Nightly builds are being regenerated and should be available in less 
than 30 mins with that code in.



Re: [SOGo] Resources planning - Not working

2011-04-28 Thread Ludovic Marcotte

On 28/04/11 10:58, Martin Lehmann wrote:
I was unable to find out how it should work correctly. Could you give 
more details?

I tried both methods and created a SOGoUserSources from your example.

Now, I can see resources like the global addressbook and in it my 
test-resource room-a. But the test-resource room-a is an ordinary 
address and not a special resource.

Does the webinterface no work with resouces yet? 

It does.

Show your configuration and your LDIF entries - I can't guess what you 
put in there.

Ludovic Marcotte  ::  +1.514.755.3630  ::
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo ( and PacketFence 
