Re: [SOGo] Web-Login not working after upgrading to 2.3.2

2015-09-17 Thread Peter Beck
On 09/17/2015 02:28 AM, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:
> Try to delete all sessions from the table specified by
> OCSSessionsFolderURL (/etc/sogo/sogo.conf), restart memcached and give
> it an other try.

Hi Ludovic,

just removed everything from sogo_session_folders with "delete from
sogo_sessions_folder;" and restarted memcached/sogo with
"/etc/init.d/sogo stop; /etc/init.d/memcached stop;
/etc/init.d/memcached start; /etc/init.d/sogo start"

IDField is now set for each domain:

 CNFieldName = cn;
 IDFieldName = mail;
 UIDFieldName = mail;

ldapsearch is working with the credentials defined in sogo.conf, just as
a example this search completes without errors:

ldapsearch -x -D "serviceldap@domain.local" -b
"cn=Users,dc=domain,dc=local" -W "(&(objectClass=user)(mail=*))" -h

but still get the same error in the logs..

But I've also updated another server (single domain, similar samba4/ldap
connection and also Debian Jessie 8.2) and on this machine there were
absolutely no issues (even IDFieldName is _not_ defined in sogo.conf)

So maybe there is some problem within my multi domain setup, this is the
only difference to the others server setup.

Each domain is defined this way, as far as I know it seems to be correct
(or isnt' it ?):

domains = {

  domain.tld = {
SOGoMailDomain = domain1.tld;
SOGoTimeZone = Europe/Vaduz;
SOGoForceExternalLoginWithEmail = YES;// defaults to NO
SOGoUserSources = (
type = ldap;
id = domain.tld;
CNFieldName = cn;
IDFieldName = mail;
UIDFieldName = mail;
hostname = "ldap://10.x.x.x:389;;
baseDN = "dc=domain,dc=local";
bindDN = "serviceldap@domain.local";
bindPassword = "passwd";
bindFields = (mail);
filter = "(objectClass='*' AND mail='*@domain.tld' AND
userAccountControl != 66050 OR objectClass='contact')";
canAuthenticate = YES;
isAddressBook = YES;
displayName = "Globales Adressbuch";
IMAPLoginFieldName = mail;
MailFieldNames = (mail, otherMailbox);
MultipleBookingsFieldName = Multiplebookings;
mapping = {
  mozillasecondemail = otherMailbox;
  mozillahomeurl = WWWHomePage;
  mozillahomepostalcode = postalCode;
  workCity = l;
  cellularnumber = mobile;
  workstreet = streetaddress;
  workzipcode = (postalcode, zip);
  workcountry = countryname;
  workcity = (l, locality);
  workstate = (st, region);
  company = (o, company);
  jobtitle = title;

other domains like above



Re: [SOGo] Web-Login not working after upgrading to 2.3.2

2015-09-17 Thread Peter Beck
On 09/17/2015 02:40 PM, Peter Beck wrote:
> So maybe there is some problem within my multi domain setup, this is the
> only difference to the others server setup.

Hi Ludovic,

just found the issue:

first I've commented all domains except a single domain and login to the
webmail was working. Then I've seen in the documentation that
SOGoEnableDomainBasedUID will be ignored with single domain servers, so
I've commented this line - and now login to webmail works for all
domains perfectly ;-)

Sorry for the noise and thanks for your help


Re: [SOGo] Web-Login not working after upgrading to 2.3.2

2015-09-16 Thread Ludovic Marcotte

On 16/09/2015 20:16, Peter Beck wrote:

Any other hints ?
On top of my head, not really. Try to delete all sessions from the table 
specified by OCSSessionsFolderURL (/etc/sogo/sogo.conf), restart 
memcached and give it an other try.

Ludovic Marcotte  ::  +1.514.755.3630  ::
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo ( and PacketFence 


[SOGo] Web-Login not working after upgrading to 2.3.2

2015-09-16 Thread Peter Beck
Hi there,

i've just updated to SOGo 2.3.2 on Debian Jessie 8.2 (Stable) and now I
am unable (with any user) to log into the web interface. Thunderbird and
EAS are still working with the same user accounts, no errors there.
I have a multi-domain setup and none of the domains (all connected to
the same samba4-dc/ldap) is able to login. I've tested differnt browsers
on different systems (Iceweasel, Firefox, Epiphany and Internet Explorer).

There are some other mailing list entries [1], but none of them could
solve my problem (neither restarting sogo/memcached) and I think my
settings are correct as they were working until the upgrade to 2.3.2

The log is telling me first "sucessful login" but then fails...

2015-09-16 22:11:10.922 sogod[19585] ERROR(-[NSNull(misc)
forwardInvocation:]): called selector setObject:forKey: on NSNull !
2015-09-16 22:11:10.922 sogod[19585]   didn't set return value for type 'v'
Sep 16 22:11:10 sogod [19585]: SOGoRootPage successful login from
'(null) env=REMOTE_HOST' for user 'u...@domain.tld' - expire = -1  grace
= -1
Sep 16 22:11:11 sogod [19585]: (null) env=REMOTE_HOST "POST
/SOGo/connect HTTP/1.1" 200 27/60 0.137 - - 0
2015-09-16 22:11:11.035 sogod[19585] ERROR(-[NSNull(misc)
forwardInvocation:]): called selector objectForKey: on NSNull !
2015-09-16 22:11:11.035 sogod[19585] ERROR(-[NSNull(misc)
forwardInvocation:]): called selector objectForKey: on NSNull !
Sep 16 22:11:11 sogod [19585]: <0x0x7f4c94861660[SOGoWebAuthenticator]>
tried wrong password for user

my ldap setting is (all domains identical, just other filter settings):

SOGoUserSources = (
 type = ldap;
 id = domain.tld;
 CNFieldName = cn;
 UIDFieldName = mail;
 hostname = "ldap://x.x.x.x:389;;
 baseDN = "dc=domain,dc=local";
 bindDN = "serviceldap@domain.local";
 bindPassword = "passwd";
 bindFields = (mail);
 filter = "(objectClass='*' AND mail='*@domain.tld' AND
userAccountControl != 66050 OR objectClass='contact')";
 canAuthenticate = YES;
 isAddressBook = YES;
 displayName = "Globales Adressbuch";
 IMAPLoginFieldName = mail;
 MailFieldNames = (mail, otherMailbox);
 MultipleBookingsFieldName = Multiplebookings;
 mapping = {

Installed sope versions:

ii  libsope-appserver4.9 4.9.r1664.20150916
amd64SOPE application server libraries
ii  libsope-core4.9  4.9.r1664.20150916
amd64Core libraries of the SOPE application server
ii  libsope-gdl1-4.9 4.9.r1664.20150916
amd64GNUstep database libraries for SOPE
ii  libsope-ldap4.9  4.9.r1664.20150916
amd64SOPE libraries for LDAP access
ii  libsope-mime4.9  4.9.r1664.20150916
amd64SOPE libraries for MIME processing
ii  libsope-xml4.9   4.9.r1664.20150916
amd64SOPE libraries for XML processing
ii  sope4.9-gdl1-mysql   4.9.r1664.20150916
amd64MySQL connector for SOPE's fork of the GNUstep database
ii  sope4.9-libxmlsaxdriver  4.9.r1664.20150916
amd64XML Parser for SOPE's SAX engine

Anybody else with similar issues or knowledge how to solve ?

Best Regards



Re: [SOGo] Web-Login not working after upgrading to 2.3.2

2015-09-16 Thread Ludovic Marcotte

On 16/09/2015 19:42, Peter Beck wrote:

Anybody else with similar issues or knowledge how to solve ?

Unless you forgot to copy/paste it, your authentication source is 
missing the IDFieldName parameter. That will result in unexpected behaviors.

Ludovic Marcotte  ::  +1.514.755.3630  ::
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo ( and PacketFence 


Re: [SOGo] Web-Login not working after upgrading to 2.3.2

2015-09-16 Thread Peter Beck
On 09/17/2015 01:51 AM, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:
> Unless you forgot to copy/paste it, your authentication source is
> missing the IDFieldName parameter. That will result in unexpected
> behaviors.

Hi Ludovic,

thanks for the fast response.

I didn't had the IDFieldName set until now and it was working.
But after adding "IDFieldName = mail;" (also tried sAMAccountName) to
each domain and restart memcached and sogo I still get the same error.

Strange to me is also that Thunderbird and EAS are working with or
without the IDFieldName set.

Any other hints ?
