On Thu, 31 Dec 2020 16:54:15 -0800
Kenneth Porter wrote:

> With the discussion of the KAM channel and Fedora's sa-update script
> that uses directory-based channel configuration, I went snooping into
> their script and systemd units. It looks like sa-update.cron has a
> 2-hour random delay before it looks for updates. I'm thinking it
> would be nice to move that delay into the systemd timer unit using
> the RandomizedDelaySec feature. This would allow the script to be run
> from the command line for immediate testing without waiting for the
> delay. The delay would be done by systemd, instead.

I don't know whether this is completely specific to  Fedora and
systemd, but if you want it to be more generic you can do following in
the script:

if ! [ -t 0 ]; then

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