I have set up spamassassin 3.0.4-1.el4 on a RedHat
Enterprise 4 with sendmail. This is the RPM supplied
by RedHat. The setup works properly and is able to
detect SPAM and HAM. However, I have not been able to
configure spamd properly to get the usual "Clean
Message" and "identified spam" lines to be added to my
/var/log/maillog file. I need these line to do the
usual stat analysis. I have tried all combination of
the following:

  - Turn off firewall
  - xinetd service on
  - "-s /var/log/maillog" spamd options
  - older spamassassin 2.55 on RedHat EL 3
  - download and recompiled SA 3.0.4 from source

Given the fact that I have tried all the above
options, I think I am doing something wrong and/or
missing something.

I would appreciate any help/suggestions regarding

Boris Alemi

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