Re: [sa] Re: FH_DATE_PAST_20XX

2010-01-01 Thread Frank DeChellis DSL
would commenting out FH_DATE_PAST_20XX in help until it's 


On Fri, 1 Jan 2010, Charles Gregory wrote:

Date: Fri, 1 Jan 2010 09:50:24 -0500 (EST)
From: Charles Gregory 
Subject: Re: [sa] Re: FH_DATE_PAST_20XX

On Fri, 1 Jan 2010, Mike Cardwell wrote:

On 01/01/2010 10:15, Per Jessen wrote:

I just received some HAM with a surprisingly high score. The
following rule triggered:
*  3.2 FH_DATE_PAST_20XX The date is grossly in the future.

Agree, that should probably be [2-9][0-9].
Please open a bug for this, it should be fixed for 3.3.0

Following that URL you find out that the "bug" was fixed five months
ago. I'm using the Debian Lenny package and it doesn't contain that fix.

NOW the 'minor' issue I raised before has just become a MAJOR one.

I have already fixed my config, so let's skip *that* portion of the 
argument :)

I speak for the unguessable number of people who have installed a 'standard' 
3.2.x install with their linux variant, and don't monitor closely, or watch 
this list. Some of them, we can hope, will have 'sa-update' running in their 
nightly cron job. But will that do any good if this 'patch' is not 'rushed' 
out as an sa-update for the current version?

You could release 3.3.0 today, but that would not benefit people who don't 
know about the upgrade and leave it at 3.2.x.

And my pity to all those people who don't run sa-update..... :(

- Charles

Frank DeChellis
Internet Access Worldwide
3 East Main StreetWelland, Ontario, CanadaL3B 3W4
905-714-1400 fax 905-732-0524

Plugging dspam into SA

2009-07-09 Thread Frank DeChellis

We used NetBSD 4, SA 3.2.5 and just installed dspam 3.8.0 .

Our SMTP server is exim.

We run SA on a different server.  Exim receives the mail and sends it out
for checking.  I configured this all myself but I don¹t consider myself 100%
confident and well versed, so I write looking to see if there is an easy
answer to my question.

We call SA into action from exim by specifying spamd_address to the SA
server and port number.

Is there a simple way to integrate dspam into SA like we integrate Bayes
and/or Razor?  Am I looking for too simple a solution?

My hope is that dspam can be used a simple plugin to spamassassin.

Right now, this is the easiest thing I have found:

If anybody has any advice or ideas, please let me know.



Frank DeChellis
President, Internet Access Worldwide
Welland, Ontario, Canada

2 weird errors ... Might be interconnected

2008-12-31 Thread Frank DeChellis
Hi there,

We are running Spamassassin 3.2.1.  I am getting these error messages
repeatedly but I can¹t find where to specify the directory:

spam-filter spamd[9476]: auto-whitelist: open of auto-whitelist file failed:
locker: safe_lock: cannot create lockfile
/nonexistent/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist.mutex: No such file or directory

bayes: cannot open bayes databases
/usr/local/etc/mail/spamassassin/bayes/bayes_* R/W: lock failed: Interrupted
system call

We have the file auto-whitelist.mutex in the ~root/.spamassassin directory.
I don;t see another file with that name on our system.

Our directory with all the .cf files is /usr/local/etc/mail/spamassassin

Our bayes directory is /usr/local/etc/mail/spamassassin/bayes

Here is the command line used to start spamd:

/usr/local/bin/spamd -Q -u spamd -H /var/spool/spamd -d -r
/var/run/spamd/ -m 45 -i 69.49.xx.xx -A 69.49.xx.xx -p 783

I am not sure what else to include here that would be helpful.

Files in my bayes directory are being updated so I know it¹s seeing the

Does anybody have any idea how I can lose those error messages?


Frank DeChellis
President, Internet Access Worldwide
Welland, Ontario, Canada

Spam with HUGE negative scores

2008-12-29 Thread Frank DeChellis
Hi there,

We use SA 3.2.1 on FreeBSD 6.1.  We have Bayes and Razor in use.

Lately, 3 weeks or so, we¹ve been getting HUGE negative scores on our spam.
And it¹s coming in by the truck load.  We use Sa-Update to update our rules
from and

Has anybody else experience this?  Is there a config setting that I messed
up that allowed this to come through?


P.S.  Are there other channels that people suggest adding to sa-update?

Frank DeChellis
President, Internet Access Worldwide
Welland, Ontario, Canada

Preconfigured Spamassassin image/setup ?

2008-12-22 Thread Frank DeChellis
Is there an image file out there that has a unix server and spamassassin
config on it, all in one sort of thing?

I have configured spamassassin a few times (one running now) on various
servers and it does the job ³better than OK² but I have the feeling it is a
lot better then what I¹m getting out of it.

I¹m talking like a preconfigured image that the end product is of the
Barracuda spam  server genre.


Frank DeChellis
President, Internet Access Worldwide
Welland, Ontario, Canada

Re: SpamCop listing internal hotmail servers?

2005-09-09 Thread Frank DeChellis DSL
> On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 07:04:39PM -0700, John Rudd wrote:
> >
> > On Sep 7, 2005, at 6:23 PM, Michele Neylon:: wrote:
> >
> > >Greg Allen wrote:
> > >>Spamcop users are idiots too. When you have end users pushing
> > >>the 'this is spam' button when they get an email that they
> > >>don't like from their own friends or family, well... you get Spamcop.
> > >
> > >That's a lovely generalisation and bears little relation to reality.
> >
> > From where I stand, he's right on the mark.  Spamcop is run by morons,
> To insult other system administrators will not help to build a better
> society.  I have recently received mail from Spamcop to inform me that
> spam was sent from a mail server inside our network.  On further
> investigation we discovered that one of the servers inside our network
> for which our mail gateway relay email, was poorly setup as an open
> relay and this server had indeed been used by spammers to send out
> some 2+ emails per day for a day or three.
> So I am grateful to Spamcop helping us to identify a problem that
> could cause us serious problems if it went on undetected.

Spamcop has also helped us find leaks in our system from time to time.  I
imagine that being in the business of curtailing spam also includes
identifying sources and giving the sys admins a chance to rectify problems
before listing them.

Frank DeChellis
Internet Access Worldwide
3 East Main StreetWelland, Ontario, CanadaL3B 3W4
905-714-1400 fax 905-732-0524