Spamassassin and razor

2004-11-11 Thread Hitete
I've installed razor1xxx and I'd like to configure it.

. What do I have to take special care about in order for the mails of my
domain not beeing tagged as spam by razor ?.

. I also installed pyzor, if I put razor and pyzor at 1 in procmailrc,
aren't there gonna be too many plugins for spamassassin ?.
. I have sa-learn running, won't it be too much ?.

Do I really have to configure razor and pyzor or do they work "out of the
box" when installing them with a working spamassassin ?.

I have whitelists in, do I have to configure whitelists in razor
too ?.

To your experience, do razor and pyzor make a big difference in detection ?.
And Do I have to invoke them in procmailrc or are the lines :

use_razor 1
use_pyzor 1

enough in ?.


Re: whitelist_from not working, sometimes

2004-11-10 Thread hitete
I use :

whitelist_from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

and it works good.

Sa-LEARN error, and no debuggibg messages.

2004-11-10 Thread hitete
I have 2 users which classify their messages a ham and spam.

Two new directories have been created :


The non detected spam is transfered (no bounce no forward) to SPAM-NON-DETECTED

The detected spam which isn't in fact SPAM is transfered (no bounce no forward)
to HAM

What sa learn linen do I have to run in order for sa-learn to perform correctly

I'm asking this because I get an ERROR line at the end. Even if I ad a "-D" in
the sa-learn line, i still get the error WHITHOUT any debugging messages !!!.

Another question regarding sa-learn : it is sad that you have to specify the
path to the directory...BUT the HAM and SPAM-NON-DETECTED Folders are


IMAP folder with sa-learn

2004-11-10 Thread hitete

> I want to integrate sa-learn to learn what is spam and what is non spam.
> I use SA 2.64 and procmail.
> Is it OK if I have two users that each move there SPAM and HAM to
> local IMAP folders ?.
> How do I specfy to sa-learn to go look in a certain imap folder ?.
> /Hitete

Re: sa-learn

2004-11-10 Thread hitete
I want to integrate sa-learn to learn what is spam and what is non spam.
I use SA 2.64 and procmail.

Is it OK if I have two users that each move there SPAM and HAM to
local IMAP folders ?.

How do I specfy to sa-learn to go look in a certain imap folder ?.


SA and blaclists

2004-11-08 Thread hitete
I've put my blacklists n the file.

. What is the reaction when SA finds a blacklisted domain in a header ?.
  he automatically upgrades the hits by 5 ? 10 ?.

  Or do I have to tell him what to do in procmailrc ?.

. My file is huge now ! 4M. Won't this slow down SA too much ?.


SA using blacklists ?.

2004-11-08 Thread hitete
How can I check if Spamassassin is really doing domain lookups ?.
( I have a list like this in :

blacklist_from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
blacklist_from [EMAIL PROTECTED])

I also have another cf file for drug contents , how can I specify spamassassin
to use it ?.

I have a lot of false positives..

HELP on SIMPLE sa-mimedefang file ?

2004-11-07 Thread Hitete

Here is my file :

required_hits   5
ok_locales  all
rewrite_subject 1
subject_tag [*SPAM*]
report_safe 0
skip_rbl_checks 1

Is that enough to for spamassassin to work on a relay host ?.(the relay host
workerd well before mimedefang and spamassassin installation).

I'm looking for a fairly simple mimedefang config file. Seems impossible to
find. Is that enough ?.
I run fedora core 2 and SA 3.0 with mimedefang 2.42.


Re: How do I prevent lock files

2004-11-05 Thread hitete
First of all thanks for answering. Then I'm sorry I have to write back but I'm
not sure Ii understand :

> > :0fw:spamassassin.lock
>   ^^
> Actually, you remove this part.  A second colon on a line indicating the
> start of a procmail recipe tells procmail to use a lockfile- which will
> be named as indicated if you include a lockfile name as you've got here.

Do you mean that I only have to put :



> > :0:
> > * ^X-Spam-Level: \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*
> > /dev/null
> You can remove the second colon here;  no need to lock /dev/null for
> writing.  

What is second colon ?. Don't quite see what it is ?.

Dpo I have to write :

:0 instead of :0: ?.

What is the difference ?.

What are lockfiles for anyway ?. I read a bit and I think I understood that
mails are sent back . Am I wrong ?.
Maybe I didn't understand well


How do I prevent lock files

2004-11-05 Thread hitete
How do I prevent lock files from being "used" ?
I get these errors in the logs :
procmail: Couldn't determine implicit lockfile from "/usr/bin/spamc"
procmail: Lock failure on ".lock"

What do I have to add in procmailrc to stop spamassassn from trying to create a
lock file ?.

here is my procmailrc :


* < 256000
| /usr/bin/spamc -f

* ^X-Spam-Level: \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*

* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes


Spamassassin catching only 50% + RELAY HOST

2004-11-05 Thread hitete
First of all thanks to all of you for your mails regarding my questions posted
yesterday.. It has been of much help.

But guess what ... I have  a few more :-)

Spamassassin is catching only 50% of the spam, how can I increase that ?. (spma
level is low : 3 and I don't know if lowering it more is a good idea...

1. I've put domains in the file, how can I see if spamassassin is
   blacklists ?.

2. Do Razor and DCC have to be installed for spamassassin to work fine and get
99% of the spam ?.


I have a relay host that works fine (relays to an internal mail server).
If I install and configure spamassassin on the relay host will it work ok ?. Or
do I have to use miedefrag or milter for sure ???.

POsted this questioon because I got confused by another post saying it would
work without milter or mimedefrag

The relay host is a sendmail, I've installed spamassassin 3 but haven't
activated it yet nor have I configured it yet.

Thanks for your answers.


2004-11-04 Thread hitete
Here is my procmailrc :


* < 256000
| /usr/bin/spamc -f

* ^X-Spam-Level: \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*

* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

So what I wanna do is if the mail has 10 hits it gets deleted, or else if it is
spam it goes to the SPAM folder.

My procmailrc isn't correct since I have these errors in logs :

procmail: Couldn't determine implicit lockfile from "/usr/bin/spamc"
procmail: Incomplete recipe

What am I doing wrong ?.

RBLs and Spamassassin for Webmin

2004-11-04 Thread hitete
Hi all,

I've installed NET:DNS, but do I need to put an option in in order for
SA to query RBLs ?.

I've got many   domains in my file...
I've got a webmin interface which is correctly configured.
If I manage the SA level via webmin, it doesn't make the changes in the
procmailrc file.

Where does the webmin module make the changes then ?.



2004-11-04 Thread hitete
If I want to install spamassassin on a SENDMAIL relay host that relays to an
internal machine, how do I do ?.


PRocmail recipe problem and spamassassin not filtering correctly

2004-11-04 Thread hitete

Hi all,

I use spamassassin 2.63 on fedora core 2.
I have two problems :

1. Spamassassin does not flag all spam, although muy level is at 3. Sometimes he
doesn't even have ONE hit on a spam message !!!.

2. I want to move the spam messages to a specific folder, how to do that ?.

My procmail.log says :

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Thu Nov  4 09:57:10 2004
  Folder: /var/spool/mail/THE USER'S LOGIN
procmail: Incomplete recipe

My in spamassassin folder is like this :
rewrite_subject 1
subject_tag [*ATTENTION SPAM*]
report_safe 0

use_bayes 1
auto_learn 1

# Spam domains

blacklist_from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
blacklist_from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
blacklist_from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
blacklist_from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
blacklist_from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
blacklist_from [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Here is my procmailrc file :


:0 fw
* < 256000
| /usr/bin/spamc -f

* ^X-Spam-Level: \*\*\*

Can someone help me out ?.
