Test Bayes?

2007-08-09 Thread Matthew Daubenspeck
I've been running spamassassin along with a bayes setup for (literally)
years on the same server. I'm using a MySQL backend that appears to be
working wonderfully. However, I have been seeing a lot of the same spam
over and over, even after having bayes learn about them. Is this normal?

Is there a way I can actually test the bayes data to be sure that it is
working properly? The bayes_seen table currently has 1,129,184 records
and is changing all the time, so SOMETHING is happening. For the most
part I have been using a mutt macro to learn spam/ham with sa-learn
--spam --single and --ham respectively...
  Matthew Daubenspeck

Gentoo Linux x86_64 Dual Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 165
08:01:33 up 20 days, 11:51, 2 users, load average: 0.17, 0.06, 0.02

Re: Rule for Stock Spam

2005-12-08 Thread Matthew Daubenspeck
On Wed, Dec 07, 2005 at 01:43:59PM -0700, Chris Stone wrote:
> Works great here (watch wrapping):
> header __SUBJ_NEWS  Subject =~ /(^news$)|(^[a-z]+ news$)|(^news 
> alert$)|(^press release$)|(^news report$)|(^winner$)|(^plea?s[ae]nt news$)/i
> describe SENET_BRK_NEWS_GIF Breaking news (gif)

Wonderful. It's been catching them all. Thanks so much!

  Matthew Daubenspeck

Gentoo Linux 2.6.14-gentoo-r2 x86_64 AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 2800+
15:32:42 up 2 days, 2:45, 2 users, load average: 0.40, 0.34, 0.29

Rule for Stock Spam

2005-12-07 Thread Matthew Daubenspeck
Recently I have been receiving a TON of Stock Spam lately. For the most
part, the subject is news related (news, updated news, breaking news,
etc) and the message itself is empty except for a .GIF file with Stock
information on it. Has anyone seen these and come up with a custom rule
to stop them?

Thanks in advance.
  Matthew Daubenspeck

Gentoo Linux 2.6.14-gentoo-r2 x86_64 AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 2800+
08:29:50 up 19:42, 2 users, load average: 0.14, 0.17, 0.16

Re: 3.0.3 uses all CPUs after tie

2005-06-03 Thread Matthew Daubenspeck
On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 11:40:39AM -0700, Justin Mason wrote:
> can you repro this reliably?  if so, output from -D and/or an "strace
> - -f -p $spamdpid" would be helpful.

>From top:

28702 nobody25   0  781m 714m 1796 R 99.9 35.5   4:11.72 spamd

That's the "runaway process."

# strace -f -p 28702
Process 28702 attached - interrupt to quit

That's all it does. I never see anything else. It then continues to chew
up both processors untill I killall and restart spamd. If I kill just
that PID, another spamd PID takes over and uses 100% cpu.

About the only thing I can do is run a cron script that kills all of
spamd and restarts it. However, that is a VERY ugly fix :)


Re: 3.0.3 uses all CPUs after tie

2005-06-02 Thread Matthew Daubenspeck
On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 11:40:39AM -0700, Justin Mason wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> can you repro this reliably?  if so, output from -D and/or an "strace
> - -f -p $spamdpid" would be helpful.

It randomly happens after an hour or so of use. Next time it happens I
will try both and send it to the list.

> where does "tie" come in? (from the subj line).

Whoops. That should have been time :)

3.0.3 uses all CPUs after tie

2005-06-02 Thread Matthew Daubenspeck
I am using Spamassassin 3.0.3 on a Gentoo AMD64 system with exim and
exiscan. This has worked VERY well for months without a single issue.
All of the sudden spamd eventually uses all of both CPU's and nearly
locks the machine. I have tried downgrading to 3.0.2 with the same
result. I have been using several of the RulesDuJour's and first started
to suspect that.

I removed all of the files from /etc/mail/spamassassin except for the
following local.cf:

required_hits   5
skip_rbl_checks 0
use_bayes   0
score ALL_TRUSTED   0
use_auto_whitelist  0

When spamd is running normally its processes look as such:

# ps aux | grep spamd
root 29434  0.0  1.6  66712 33828 ?Ss   21:13   0:00
/usr/sbin/spamd -d -r /var/run/spamd.pid -m 5 -c -H
root 29442  0.1  1.8  69712 37152 ?S21:13   0:00 spamd
root 29443  0.0  1.7  68852 36300 ?S21:13   0:00 spamd
root 29444  0.0  1.7  68444 35904 ?S21:13   0:00 spamd
root 29445  0.0  1.7  68124 35584 ?S21:13   0:00 spamd
root 29446  0.0  1.7  68160 35600 ?S21:13   0:00 spamd

When both CPU's are pegged at 100%, they look like this:

# ps aux | grep spamd
root 10097  0.2  5.6 152336 117208 ?   Ss   10:32   0:06
/usr/sbin/spamd -d -r /var/run/spamd.pid -m 5 -c -H
root 10378  0.9  6.8 176116 141012 ?   S10:32   0:19 spamd
root 10379  1.0  6.6 170452 136024 ?   S10:32   0:22 spamd
root 10380  0.9  6.8 174528 140080 ?   S10:32   0:19 spamd
nobody   10381 27.1 38.0 818616 783476 ?   R10:32   9:20 spamd
root 10382  0.7  6.4 167376 133004 ?   S10:32   0:16 spamd

I'm sure pasting that to a message screwed everything up, so you can
also see them at http://daubnet.dyndns.org:3000/foo/spamassassin

For some reason, one of the processes switches from being owned by root
to owned by nobody. Its state also changes from S to R. The only way I
can clear this is by killing all spamd processes and restarting the
service. I was initially using bayes, but thought that might have
something to do with it so I disabled it. This made no change. 

I've tried everything I can think of but nothing makes any difference. I
have searched the archives and can't seem to find a solution. I know the
list has heard this a million times, but I have changed nothing as far
as settings in months :)

Any suggestions?
  Matthew Daubenspeck

13:53:22 up 5 days, 23:52, 1 user, load average: 0.24, 0.20, 0.12