Welcome to test russian ruleset

2006-10-27 Thread sa-russian
Hi everybody!
Welcome to test russian ruleset for SpamAssassin. The ruleset file can be 
downloaded from the URL:
The ruleset reflects the list of tokens, often found in russian spam. The list 
of tokens is available at URL (KOI8-R encoding):
The ruleset was testet on two linux boxes with Perl 5.6 and 5.8.
Comments and reports are gratefully appreciated.
Best regards.
Alan M. Makoev

Simple script that rejects mail from spammers

2006-10-31 Thread sa-russian
Hi to all!

I made a simple script that scans sendmail log files, finds IP from which 
several spam messages were received, and blocks them in sendmail access file.

The backgroung is as follows: Once I found that our MX is nearly down. Running 
top exposed a lot of spamd instances, cosuming almost all CPU time. Examining 
maillog showed, that one of our subscribers sent about 4000 messages within 
approximately 15 minutes, and all them were spam. I manually banned that 
subscriber in /etc/mail/access and informed their personel about possible 
zombie infection.
Now I have script that runs from cron and instantly blocks hosts that have sent 
us more than some maximum number of spam messages within last hour (or any 
duration of your choice).

The script is availble from http://sa-russian.narod.ru/block_spammers.bash

Understanding of some fundamentals of BASH scripting is expected. The only MTA 
supported is sendmail. Look at the comments inside the script to tailor it to 
your installation.

Best regargs,
Alan M. Makoev