Selon Justin Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> However, as an Apache project, we're hosting our lists at, and
> they get *insane* quantities of spam, viruses, and blowback -- far too
> many for the hardware to cope with, without upfront DNSBL use, apparently.

sure, but:
- [philosopical] rejecting legitimate mail isn't the answer
- [practical] a mailing list that makes it hard to unsubscribe is no different
than a spammer that doesn't implement opt-out. an ML can reject mail from
someone, but can't continue to send him email if he wants to stop.

> It's not our call alone -- it's up to the ASF infrastructure volunteers.
> We can *ask* them nicely, but considering we get it for free, it's
> their call.

This explains the situation but doesn't solve the problem. I am certain that a
lot of people can host a mailing list for the popular spamassassin. otherwise,
we have a real problem:
- people can subscribe
- mail may be rejected for unreliable reasons
- people can't even unsubscribe

or am I to understand that "volunteer=open source=unreliable"???? fortunately
not. a single example is the dspam ML. it doesn't reject "sorbs slaves";-p

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