[I have lost the attribution, but someone wrote:]

> >That's not what I'm saying. It should not be necessary to run a
> >full-blown DNS server for SA to do it's queries. It should be
> >possible to call a library and create a DNS context that has all of
> >it's own parameters and then use that in an isolated way.

That's silly.  The whole point of a caching DNS server is that *all*
applications on the system benefit from the cache.  If you cache within
each process, then you waste memory and make redundant DNS lookups.

> >Then other services on the system are completely unaffected. Don't
> >tell me someone has never tweaked some parameter in your supposedly
> >caching-only nameserver and inadvertantly broken something or
> >wished they could tweak something and can't because of the
> >dependencies.

Umm... that has never happened to me and I've been administering UNIX
systems since 1990.  The whole point of caching nameservers is that
they're dead easy to set up and once they're running, you just leave
them alone.



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