We consider the Bayes system as a detector of SPAM, which 'technically' it isn't. What it reports is how close a given message is to one of two sets, given that it has been previously shown examples of each of the two sets.
Because this is the case, I'm thinking it should be possible to use the same system as a SCAM detector. If I have a large number of 419s, lottery scams etc, and show these to sa-learn, then show it some non-scams (SPAM and/or ham) then surely the Bayes network should now be able to return a confidence value of how likely a message is to be a scam.
So, what I would like to do is be able to call different bayes databases during the rule checking phase. Ideally I would call 'eval:check_bayes(BAYES_DB, '0.99', '1.00')'
where I could define the BAYES_DB to be checked.
Does anyone else think this would be useful? I'm far from a perl Guru, but with a few pointers I could find my way around the code and could help with development.

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