Apparently SA 3.2.1 is more finicky than 3.1.8 about the user the daemon
runs as.  If no -u option is given to spamd when it starts, then its
child processes run as root, which works, but the bayes module won't
cooperate.  If a spamd child is running as root, the bayes filter uses
the user spec'd to "spamc -u", but before it reports, spamd falls back
to running as a non-priv user (in my case 'nobody'), the bayes scanner
re-runs as user 'nobody' and it finds nothing.  If I start spamd with
"-u nobody", the spamd children run as this user and the bayes filter
runs happily and reports a usable score based on the bayes tokens
recorded for the user spec'd to spamc.

So this _was_ a configuration error, but one that was the result of
tightened security between SA 3.1.8 and 3.2.1.

Thanks to everyone who responded on this!  Running spamd with -D and
looking at my log files produced the answer.

Lindsay Haisley       | "In an open world,    |     PGP public key
FMP Computer Services |    who needs Windows  |      available at
512-259-1190          |      or Gates"        |    |                       |

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