I dream of a amavis+spamassassin system developed in C++ language and with 
separate rule compiler and matching daemon...

Also, this thing of running a perl regex matching for each (enabled) rule is a 
bit brain damaged... Why not invert the flow and build something like flex + 
bison, ie: a grammar parser: you feed it with your text, and it replies with 
the hitten rules.

Well, just an idea.

PS: brain damage is just an eufemism: it actually works!


> I definitely have to say that between OutOfMemoryProblems and TrustPath
> we've probably covered about 20% of the problems on the list :)
> Justin Mason wrote:
> > hey, feel free to edit around that FAQ too, Matt ;)
> >
> > Right now I think that question really *is* the most FA'd Q.
> >
> > --j.
> >
> >   

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