With regards to my post on Sept 8, I have not seen any responses. No
one else is having this issue with the .spamassassin folder not
always being created for a new user?

This bit of code is mixing up the unix username for the last message
filtered [for a pre-existing SA user] rather than the username for
the current message being filtered [for a new SA user].

  # bug 4932: use the last default_userstate_dir entry if none of
the others 
  # already exist 
  $fname ||= $self->sed_path($default_userstate_dir[-1]); 

If I manually create the new user's /.spamassassin/ folder, the
user_prefs does get installed as expected. Or if 2 messages for this
same user come in immediately in sequence, the first message fails
to do it, but the second message will successfully cause the
creation of the folder and prefs file. Because the 'last' in this
case just happens to be the same user.


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