> it is possible to whitelist phrases like "Ebay antwort" or
> "online kontakt ..." ?

Depends on what you mean by 'whitelist'.  The specific answer is 'no'.  The
general answer is 'yes'.

There is no "whitelist random phrase" command.  But there are rules, which
can look for random phrases in the body or header of a message.  And you can
give these rules a negative score, which will have an effect of whitelisting
that word or phrase.

Be VERY wary of doing this though.  If a spammer can figure out that you
have a particular phrase with a negative score, they can stick that into
their spams and have a free ticket to getting them to you.  (And there are
spammers subscribed to this list, so they are reading this message.)

All that said, you could make a rule like:

body ONLINE_K /online kontakt/
score ONLINE_K -1
describe ONLINE_K Possibly from Ebay member


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