Thomas Bolioli wrote:
Anyone with ideas, they would be greatly appreciated but right now I need to determine if it is SA that is having issues with the lookups or are the accounts screwed up in some way. bind does not seem to be throttled either so the volume of queries should not be the issue either.

After doing a diff between the home dirs of some of these users, I found .resolv.conf files in the offending users directories. I am not sure how they got there (they were ~2-3 yrs old and formatted in such a way it leads me to believe they were put there by an application) but they were pointing at older DNS servers that went offline about a month or two ago. I removed them and now the spam coming in is firing off on one or more rbls. Somehow the presence of these did not interfere with non-DNS specific requests. ie; GET would work with this there.
Thanks for the help everyone.

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