On 10/6/04 5:56 AM, "Darren Coleman" wrote:

> I'm sorry to say but you must have some sort of configuration issue with
> your install, and I'd suggest to RTFM.  I upgraded from 2.64 to 3.00 and
> have recently less untagged spam (as expected) as a result.
> - Are you using any additional rulesets from www.rulesemporium.com ?  If
> not why not? :)
> - Have you verified that your configuration is correct and working?
> (spamassassin --lint)

We too are seeing a small percentage (I mean small) of spam or what I would
call spam getting past, seems the scores are lower, we are set at 5 and most
of the questionable stuff is like 4.3 and such, also we seem to be getting
time-outs which would account for the spam (Working on that issue), and are
not running any additional rules at the moment as we wanted to see just how
effective the new SA 3.0 is (Which I am impressed with).

I would like to add more rules, but not sure what to add that isn't already
being handled by SA? The www.rulesemporium.com  does mention what SA has
added though is still a little vague on what all has been integrated into SA
and with the timeouts not really wanting to place more on SA until resolved.

Have some of the rules been set with lower values with the new SA? I
remember reading on the list that this may be the case to balance out all
the other rules in place.

Still very impressed with this latest release!

David Thurman
The Web Presence Group
Web Development/E-Commerce/CMS/Hosting/Dedicated Servers

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