Hello Loren, Stuart,

Monday, December 6, 2004, 9:27:52 PM, you wrote:

LW> Most of the empty spams also lack a To: address, although
LW> they may have a From.  I've found that checking for missing body,
LW> missing subject, and missing To: is pretty accurate.

LW> One could probably argue that a missing To: all by itself was
LW> reason to toss the mail, but I haven't tried a mass-test to see
LW> what that would do.

Found in SARE's 70_sare_header3.cf

header    __SARE_TO_NONE           To =~ /^UNSET$/ [if-unset: UNSET]
header    __SARE_CC_NONE           Cc =~ /^UNSET$/ [if-unset: UNSET]
meta      SARE_TOCC_NONE           __SARE_TO_NONE && __SARE_CC_NONE 
describe  SARE_TOCC_NONE           No To header found in email 
score     SARE_TOCC_NONE           0.491
#hist     SARE_TOCC_NONE           Originally submitted by Bob Menschel
#counts   SARE_TOCC_NONE           728s/45h of 71334 corpus (43633s/27701h RM) 
#counts   SARE_TOCC_NONE           168s/58h of 17050 corpus (14617s/2433h MY) 
#counts   SARE_TOCC_NONE           49s/3h of 38398 corpus (14914s/23484h JH) 
08/14/04 TM2 SA3.0-pre2

Hits a lot of ham. Enough spam to make it worth while for systems not
too tight on system resources.

Bob Menschel

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