Hello Joe,

Tuesday, April 26, 2005, 8:31:43 AM, you wrote:

JK> On another server or two I have disabled the auto white-list. Is
JK> this acceptable practice? Now that I am into this I recall seeing
JK> this issue before and thus decided to disable it. Comments on this
JK> practice?

My personal practice has become to disable the auto white list for the
first month or two of any new install.  Once Bayes is well trained and
active, and I'm comfortable with the accuracy of the SA system in
general, then I turn the AWL on.

Seems to work well here.

The problems I've had were all shortly after wiping/refreshing the
Bayes database, when a small but significant number of emails would be
mis-classified by SA, and then AWL would start pushing scores in the
wrong direction because of that. Once I get the number of FPs/FNs
down, AWL works well.

Bob Menschel

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