Re: Solved! Re: claims "no rules found" but I have run sa-update

2012-04-26 Thread Michael Scheidell

On 4/25/12 9:31 PM, Chad Leigh Shire.Net LLC wrote:

Ok, I solved this.  This was user error/misunderstanding.

I should have been calling this with --siteconfigpath and not --configpath.   
--configpath changes the actual rules directory, while I thought it was my own 
"rules" in the  Once I changed it to --siteconfigpath we were all set!


glad you solved it.

ps, Im the port maintainer for the FreeBSD port ( 
how different was you needs that the basic port, or at worst, a slave 
port would have worked?

in the port, I have also added critical patches backported from 3.4.

have you ever done a slave port? even a local one? (look at 
japanese/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin for example of slave port)

Michael Scheidell, CTO
o: 561-999-5000
d: 561-948-2259
>*| *SECNAP Network Security Corporation

   * Best Mobile Solutions Product of 2011
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Solved! Re: claims "no rules found" but I have run sa-update

2012-04-25 Thread Chad Leigh Shire.Net LLC

On Apr 25, 2012, at 12:38 AM, Chad Leigh Shire.Net LLC wrote:

> I have SA 3.3.2 installed on FreeBSD 9.  This was installed from "source" and 
> not the package or port. I have some different requirements and so built it 
> myself.
> I run a bunch of FreeBSD jails on a given system, and have a new area I call 
> /usr/public  which gets mounted inside each jail.  The software gets built 
> and installed here, but I work to set things up so that it reads config files 
> and uses local space in /usr/local for each system.
> I am having an issue with SA 3.3.2 on a new install (my old servers were 
> running an old SA 3.x that was pre sa-update) where it claims the rules are 
> not found.  This includes spamassassin and spamd
> If I run spamassassin manually here is the debug output (first part):
> spamassassin --configpath=/usr/local/etc/mail/spamassassin/ -D < 
> Apr 25 00:26:06.303 [64987] dbg: logger: adding facilities: all
> Apr 25 00:26:06.303 [64987] dbg: logger: logging level is DBG
> Apr 25 00:26:06.303 [64987] dbg: generic: SpamAssassin version 3.3.2
> Apr 25 00:26:06.304 [64987] dbg: generic: Perl 5.012004, PREFIX=/usr/public, 
> DEF_RULES_DIR=/usr/public/share/spamassassin, 
> LOCAL_RULES_DIR=/usr/local/etc/mail/spamassassin, 
> LOCAL_STATE_DIR=/usr/local/var/spamassassin
> Given this, where should I find the rules?

Ok, I solved this.  This was user error/misunderstanding.

I should have been calling this with --siteconfigpath and not --configpath.   
--configpath changes the actual rules directory, while I thought it was my own 
"rules" in the  Once I changed it to --siteconfigpath we were all set!
