
Been a while since I had to look at our mail system (a tribute to 
postfix/courier/spamassassin/sasl/related software), but when upgrading all our 
software recently, I ran into a couple issues, the 2nd one being particularly 
confounding (and not much turns up via a Google search, thus I thought I would 
post this in case someone else has the same problem(s)).  I thought spamc might 
be the cause of the 2nd, more confusing one, but it turns out to have been 
innocent, but in case others come here looking for the error I had, I am 
posting for their sake.

We upgraded to Fedora Core 9.  We have a virtual users setup with our users in 
MySQL and no local users.

First, I was unable to get any SMTP connections to work - (sasl) auth was 
failing.  We use the pam-mysql package so that sasl can auth against our 
database.  I eventually tracked this down to some odd symlinks -- I had edited 
/etd/pam.d/smtp as I always do without realizing that it was a symlink to 
/etc/alternatives/mta-pam, which itself is a symlink to 
/etc/alternatives/smtp.sendmail.  First mistake.  Second mistake was I was in 
too much of a hurry to stop and ask "what's this symlink 'alternatives' crap?"  
I just mucked with the symlinks until it worked.

Much later, I started to see that our autoresponder was not working.  I was 
seeing some errors I'd never seen before:

Aug  3 10:02:19 mail postfix/pipe[6291]: 7BA7D38F21C: to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
relay=maildrop, delay=0.92, delays=0.06/0.01/0/0.85, dsn=5.3.0, status=bounced 
(internal software error. Command output: sh: /usr/bin/spamc: No such file or 
directory maildrop: error writing to filter. Who are you? )

Huh?  Well, after a while being stupid, I managed to realize I have to look 
above that for any other errors in the mail log.  I found:

Aug  3 10:02:18 mail sendmail[6297]: m192B5Z9926297: SYSERR(UID5021): Who are 
Aug  3 10:02:18 mail sendmail[6297]: m192B5Z9926297: Authentication-Warning: 
mail.example.com: Unknown UID 5021 set sender to <> using -f

OK, so the problem is that the MTA is not understanding who the message is 
from, when it gets reinjected from spam checks.  The 5021 uid is a virtual uid, 
not a system one.  Why is the MTA looking for a *system* uid?  Hmm, looks like 
it's the real sendmail and not postfix masquerading as postfix.  I don't know 
how to tell the difference, so I Googled around a lot, but didn't find much 
until I see once again that the sendmail binary is actually a symlink.  Ah, 
here we go again with this alternatives crap:

/usr/sbin/sendmail --> /etc/alternatives/mta --> /usr/sbin/sendmail.sendmail

First I just changed that last symlink to point to /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix, 
but when starting postfix I get:

postfix/postfix-script: warning: /usr/lib/sendmail and /usr/sbin/sendmail differ
postfix/postfix-script: warning: Replace one by a symbolic link to the other
postfix/postfix-script: starting the Postfix mail system

More Googling - not many results.  OK, OK, I'll try to understand what this all 
means.  Google still didn't give me much, but I see it's some dumb package 

man alternatives

That's about all I found, but it's enough.  Personally, this seems ridiculous 
to me, but oh well.  I changed all the symlinks for both the mta stuff and the 
pam stuff back to what they were in the first place (and edited the correct 
pam.d/smtp.postfix file) and did it the "Right Way":

alternatives --set mta /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix

Verify with:

alternatives --display mta

Yeesh.  Now it works.



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