Re: Can't move temporary on update.

2014-03-02 Thread Stefan


sry for the belated answer. It took me a while before I had some time to 
investigate that issue deeper.

Following investigations were done with TSVN 1.8.5 (Subversion 1.8.8) 
and Server is now running Visual SVN 2.7.3 (based on SVN 1.8.5).

I traced the issue down to obvious problems with a certain directory in the
repository. Ignoring/Skipping that directory and the check-out as well as the
update operation work fine.

Looking into the .svn/tmp-directory I do see a single existing file:
trz2A87.tmp but obviously there's no trace of the mentioned svn-E78ED003 file.

Can you possibly come up with a reproduction recipe that doesn't require access
to your repo (unless of course your repo is publicly accessible)?

I hope to be able to try that out later today. But no promises.

The errors you're getting are coming from the run_file_install() step of the
workqueue processor.  It's rather hard to understand what's going just from the
error messages.  Based on what you're saying it seems like the temp file we're
trying to move into place doesn't exist.  Since looking at the code we try to
install the file, and then trap a ENOENT error from the rename call.  When the
rename call fails with ENOENT we try to create the destination directory.
Which fails and thus you see the errors.

Right above the code generating the error it creates and writes the temp file.
  So I would expect to be seeing an error message from that if the file isn't
being created.
I debugged the code directly and didn't run into the breakpoint I set in 
The code-path which returns the error seems to be somewhere else in my 
case (or did I get u wrong here).

From what I can tell, it goes like this:
- svn_wc__db_pristine_install()
- calls: svn_io_file_rename()
- calls: svn_io_file_rename()
- calls: apr_file_rename(from_path_apr, to_path_apr, pool);
- calls: if (MoveFileExW(wfrompath, wtopath, 
 That one returns a status code of 720,002. If I'm reading the 
APR-macros correctly, that corresponds to a window system error of 2 - 
which according to MSDN means: ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.

Setting a breakpoint right before that Move-call in apr_file_rename 
suggests it's trying to move the following file:


Looking at the .svn/tmp-directory I do see that a file with the expected 
file contents was created, but is named differently:


From that point, it's obvious that the move-call would fail, since the 
given filename seems to differ from that on the disk.

Taking ur statement into account I assume that SVN tries to actually put 
a differently named file into that folder and somehow that one seems to 
get mangled on my system to a different filename.
If so, I could try to debug the code a bit further. Would u have the 
function for me I'd investigate to trace down where the temp-file would 
be created?

One question I do have is have you done anything unusual with how your file
system is setup?  The .svn/tmp directory needs to be on the same file system as
the rest of the working copy since we're doing atomic renames to put files into
There's nothing special from the file system set-up point of view. The 
drive is a simple local partition on an IDE drive. There are no symlinks 
or somesuch in place. File system is NTFS. The issue is reproducible on 
two different machines, both running Avast Antivirus. I don't know much 
about the set-up on the other machine, but I would expect it's somehow 
the same.

we recently started getting this error when trying to update or check-out a
Weird thing is that the issue only occurs when we try to check-out/update the
thing externally (meaning via VPN).

So same machine, same working copy doesn't work over the VPN but does without a
VPN?  Is the working copy perhaps on a network filesystem?
No, sry, wasn't clear enough. We didn't test whether it's at all related 
to a VPN-connection. We can't atm test it without a VPN connection to 
test whether it's at all related to that. I'll try to do a local set-up 
of a working copy to see whether it's reproducible in that environment 
too. Can't tell atm when I got the time to get it done, but might have a 
few minutes left today. Let's see.


Re: Can't move temporary on update.

2014-03-02 Thread Stefan


I also think I found a (to the other described problem most likely 
distinct) issue.

The problem occurs in a file deep in the folder structure.
Let's say it' occurs with a file located in : 

When I check-out trunk let's say on G:\test and do an update on that 
directory, after the failure, the working copy is locked and I have to 
do an SVN cleanup before I can run another update.
However, when I do an update directly on G:\test\A\B\C\D\E, the working 
directory is not locked after the error occurred.



sry for the belated answer. It took me a while before I had some time 
to investigate that issue deeper.

Following investigations were done with TSVN 1.8.5 (Subversion 1.8.8) 
and Server is now running Visual SVN 2.7.3 (based on SVN 1.8.5).

I traced the issue down to obvious problems with a certain directory 
in the
repository. Ignoring/Skipping that directory and the check-out as 
well as the

update operation work fine.

Looking into the .svn/tmp-directory I do see a single existing file:
trz2A87.tmp but obviously there's no trace of the mentioned 
svn-E78ED003 file.
Can you possibly come up with a reproduction recipe that doesn't 
require access

to your repo (unless of course your repo is publicly accessible)?

I hope to be able to try that out later today. But no promises.

The errors you're getting are coming from the run_file_install() step 
of the
workqueue processor.  It's rather hard to understand what's going 
just from the
error messages.  Based on what you're saying it seems like the temp 
file we're
trying to move into place doesn't exist.  Since looking at the code 
we try to
install the file, and then trap a ENOENT error from the rename call.  
When the
rename call fails with ENOENT we try to create the destination 

Which fails and thus you see the errors.

Right above the code generating the error it creates and writes the 
temp file.
  So I would expect to be seeing an error message from that if the 
file isn't

being created.
I debugged the code directly and didn't run into the breakpoint I set 
in run_file_install().
The code-path which returns the error seems to be somewhere else in my 
case (or did I get u wrong here).

From what I can tell, it goes like this:
- svn_wc__db_pristine_install()
- calls: svn_io_file_rename()
- calls: svn_io_file_rename()
- calls: apr_file_rename(from_path_apr, to_path_apr, pool);
- calls: if (MoveFileExW(wfrompath, wtopath, 
 That one returns a status code of 720,002. If I'm reading the 
APR-macros correctly, that corresponds to a window system error of 2 - 
which according to MSDN means: ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.

Setting a breakpoint right before that Move-call in apr_file_rename 
suggests it's trying to move the following file:


Looking at the .svn/tmp-directory I do see that a file with the 
expected file contents was created, but is named differently:


From that point, it's obvious that the move-call would fail, since the 
given filename seems to differ from that on the disk.

Taking ur statement into account I assume that SVN tries to actually 
put a differently named file into that folder and somehow that one 
seems to get mangled on my system to a different filename.
If so, I could try to debug the code a bit further. Would u have the 
function for me I'd investigate to trace down where the temp-file 
would be created?

One question I do have is have you done anything unusual with how 
your file
system is setup?  The .svn/tmp directory needs to be on the same file 
system as
the rest of the working copy since we're doing atomic renames to put 
files into

There's nothing special from the file system set-up point of view. The 
drive is a simple local partition on an IDE drive. There are no 
symlinks or somesuch in place. File system is NTFS. The issue is 
reproducible on two different machines, both running Avast Antivirus. 
I don't know much about the set-up on the other machine, but I would 
expect it's somehow the same.

we recently started getting this error when trying to update or 
check-out a

Weird thing is that the issue only occurs when we try to 
check-out/update the

thing externally (meaning via VPN).
So same machine, same working copy doesn't work over the VPN but does 
without a

VPN?  Is the working copy perhaps on a network filesystem?
No, sry, wasn't clear enough. We didn't test whether it's at all 
related to a VPN-connection. We can't atm test it without a VPN 
connection to test whether it's at all related to that. I'll try to do 
a local set-up of a working copy to see whether it's reproducible in 
that environment too. Can't tell atm when I got the time to get it 
done, but might have

Re: Can't move temporary on update.

2014-03-02 Thread Stefan

It would have also been quite useful to get the filename of that file 
that SVN tried to copy the temporary for. If it would have stated 
"print_options.exe", we could have run a bit of testing just with that 
one file to easier trace it down to an anti virus related problem 
(would have been quite obvious already just by the filename, since 
it's an exe-file).
Would it be beneficial if I create an entry in ur bugtracker with that 




thanks for the hints. I obviously mixed-up the thing with serf/neon. 
Yes, the connection is via http.

Actually ur hints let me thinking it might be an access issue on my 
machine and it turns out that when I disable my virus scanner, 
everything works just fine (using avast! here).

The folder I tried to check-out contains an exe-file 
(print_options.exe) and that's the file the update/check-out junked on.

For me the issue has been solved. I'm just wondering whether SVN 
couldn't actually either do something about that or whether at least 
the presented error-message could be a bit improved. Just from the 
error it was almost impossible to get the hint to a virus scanner issue.


On 1/13/14, 1:32 PM, Stefan wrote:

Sry, forgot the obvious most important info:

Client is running 1.8.5
Server is running Visual SVN 2.5.15 - based on SVN 1.7.13 - server 
is set-up to

use neon.
FYI, the server doesn't use neon.  Neon or Serf is only used on the 

I'm guessing you're trying to say the server is using http.

I traced the issue down to obvious problems with a certain 
directory in the
repository. Ignoring/Skipping that directory and the check-out as 
well as the

update operation work fine.

Looking into the .svn/tmp-directory I do see a single existing file:
trz2A87.tmp but obviously there's no trace of the mentioned 
svn-E78ED003 file.
Can you possibly come up with a reproduction recipe that doesn't 
require access

to your repo (unless of course your repo is publicly accessible)?

The errors you're getting are coming from the run_file_install() 
step of the
workqueue processor.  It's rather hard to understand what's going 
just from the
error messages.  Based on what you're saying it seems like the temp 
file we're
trying to move into place doesn't exist.  Since looking at the code 
we try to
install the file, and then trap a ENOENT error from the rename 
call.  When the
rename call fails with ENOENT we try to create the destination 

Which fails and thus you see the errors.

Right above the code generating the error it creates and writes the 
temp file.
  So I would expect to be seeing an error message from that if the 
file isn't

being created.

One question I do have is have you done anything unusual with how 
your file
system is setup?  The .svn/tmp directory needs to be on the same 
file system as
the rest of the working copy since we're doing atomic renames to put 
files into


we recently started getting this error when trying to update or 
check-out a

Weird thing is that the issue only occurs when we try to 
check-out/update the

thing externally (meaning via VPN).
So same machine, same working copy doesn't work over the VPN but 
does without a

VPN?  Is the working copy perhaps on a network filesystem?

svn: E720002: Can't move 
'G:\Egosoft\X4\Source\.svn\tmp\svn-E78ED003' to

The system cannot find the file specified.
svn: E720183: Additional errors:
svn: E720183: Can't create directory 

Cannot create a file when that file already exists.

The issue is 100% reproducible on two completely different machines.

Is there any way I could trace down the root-cause of the problem?
I think the best thing to do is try to create a minimal reproduction 

Start with create a new repo, adding files/directories needed. Try with
ra_local (file://) rather than http first.  If you can't duplicate 
it with

ra_local then try doing it over http.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.

Re: Can't move temporary on update.

2014-03-02 Thread Stefan


I came up with an even easier repro case. It seems to suffice to trigger 
the problem by simply committing the problematic file to an empty local 
repository and having avast installed.

To whom should I send the repro-case (it requires the zipped-exe-file).



sry for the belated answer. It took me a while before I had some time 
to investigate that issue deeper.

Following investigations were done with TSVN 1.8.5 (Subversion 1.8.8) 
and Server is now running Visual SVN 2.7.3 (based on SVN 1.8.5).

I traced the issue down to obvious problems with a certain directory 
in the
repository. Ignoring/Skipping that directory and the check-out as 
well as the

update operation work fine.

Looking into the .svn/tmp-directory I do see a single existing file:
trz2A87.tmp but obviously there's no trace of the mentioned 
svn-E78ED003 file.
Can you possibly come up with a reproduction recipe that doesn't 
require access

to your repo (unless of course your repo is publicly accessible)?

I hope to be able to try that out later today. But no promises.

The errors you're getting are coming from the run_file_install() step 
of the
workqueue processor.  It's rather hard to understand what's going 
just from the
error messages.  Based on what you're saying it seems like the temp 
file we're
trying to move into place doesn't exist.  Since looking at the code 
we try to
install the file, and then trap a ENOENT error from the rename call.  
When the
rename call fails with ENOENT we try to create the destination 

Which fails and thus you see the errors.

Right above the code generating the error it creates and writes the 
temp file.
  So I would expect to be seeing an error message from that if the 
file isn't

being created.
I debugged the code directly and didn't run into the breakpoint I set 
in run_file_install().
The code-path which returns the error seems to be somewhere else in my 
case (or did I get u wrong here).

From what I can tell, it goes like this:
- svn_wc__db_pristine_install()
- calls: svn_io_file_rename()
- calls: svn_io_file_rename()
- calls: apr_file_rename(from_path_apr, to_path_apr, pool);
- calls: if (MoveFileExW(wfrompath, wtopath, 
 That one returns a status code of 720,002. If I'm reading the 
APR-macros correctly, that corresponds to a window system error of 2 - 
which according to MSDN means: ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND.

Setting a breakpoint right before that Move-call in apr_file_rename 
suggests it's trying to move the following file:


Looking at the .svn/tmp-directory I do see that a file with the 
expected file contents was created, but is named differently:


From that point, it's obvious that the move-call would fail, since the 
given filename seems to differ from that on the disk.

Taking ur statement into account I assume that SVN tries to actually 
put a differently named file into that folder and somehow that one 
seems to get mangled on my system to a different filename.
If so, I could try to debug the code a bit further. Would u have the 
function for me I'd investigate to trace down where the temp-file 
would be created?

One question I do have is have you done anything unusual with how 
your file
system is setup?  The .svn/tmp directory needs to be on the same file 
system as
the rest of the working copy since we're doing atomic renames to put 
files into

There's nothing special from the file system set-up point of view. The 
drive is a simple local partition on an IDE drive. There are no 
symlinks or somesuch in place. File system is NTFS. The issue is 
reproducible on two different machines, both running Avast Antivirus. 
I don't know much about the set-up on the other machine, but I would 
expect it's somehow the same.

we recently started getting this error when trying to update or 
check-out a

Weird thing is that the issue only occurs when we try to 
check-out/update the

thing externally (meaning via VPN).
So same machine, same working copy doesn't work over the VPN but does 
without a

VPN?  Is the working copy perhaps on a network filesystem?
No, sry, wasn't clear enough. We didn't test whether it's at all 
related to a VPN-connection. We can't atm test it without a VPN 
connection to test whether it's at all related to that. I'll try to do 
a local set-up of a working copy to see whether it's reproducible in 
that environment too. Can't tell atm when I got the time to get it 
done, but might have a few minutes left today. Let's see.


Re: Merge information lost with newer versions of subversion

2014-03-02 Thread Henrik Carlqvist
On Wed, 26 Feb 2014 20:41:38 +0100
Henrik Carlqvist  wrote:
> Now I have finally been able to create a small case where merge
> information is lost.

I didn't get much response here, do you think that I should file a bug
report into the subversion issue tracker?

regards Henrik

Re: Can't move temporary on update.

2014-03-02 Thread olli hauer
On 2014-03-02 11:40, Stefan wrote:
> Hi,
> I came up with an even easier repro case. It seems to suffice to trigger the 
> problem by simply committing the problematic file to an empty local 
> repository and having avast installed.
> To whom should I send the repro-case (it requires the zipped-exe-file).

Hi Stefan,

if it works without installed avast or with a different virus scanner 
installed, then I suggest to open a ticket by avast.

>> sry for the belated answer. It took me a while before I had some time to 
>> investigate that issue deeper.
>> Following investigations were done with TSVN 1.8.5 (Subversion 1.8.8) and 
>> Server is now running Visual SVN 2.7.3 (based on SVN 1.8.5).
 I traced the issue down to obvious problems with a certain directory in the
 repository. Ignoring/Skipping that directory and the check-out as well as 
 update operation work fine.

 Looking into the .svn/tmp-directory I do see a single existing file:
 trz2A87.tmp but obviously there's no trace of the mentioned svn-E78ED003 
>>> Can you possibly come up with a reproduction recipe that doesn't require 
>>> access
>>> to your repo (unless of course your repo is publicly accessible)?
>> I hope to be able to try that out later today. But no promises.
>>> The errors you're getting are coming from the run_file_install() step of the
>>> workqueue processor.  It's rather hard to understand what's going just from 
>>> the
>>> error messages.  Based on what you're saying it seems like the temp file 
>>> we're
>>> trying to move into place doesn't exist.  Since looking at the code we try 
>>> to
>>> install the file, and then trap a ENOENT error from the rename call.  When 
>>> the
>>> rename call fails with ENOENT we try to create the destination directory.
>>> Which fails and thus you see the errors.
>>> Right above the code generating the error it creates and writes the temp 
>>> file.
>>>   So I would expect to be seeing an error message from that if the file 
>>> isn't
>>> being created.
>> I debugged the code directly and didn't run into the breakpoint I set in 
>> run_file_install().
>> The code-path which returns the error seems to be somewhere else in my case 
>> (or did I get u wrong here).
>> From what I can tell, it goes like this:
>> [...]
>> - svn_wc__db_pristine_install()
>> - calls: svn_io_file_rename()
>> - calls: svn_io_file_rename()
>> - calls: apr_file_rename(from_path_apr, to_path_apr, pool);
>> - calls: if (MoveFileExW(wfrompath, wtopath, 
>>  That one returns a status code of 720,002. If I'm reading the APR-macros 
>> correctly, that corresponds to a window system error of 2 - which according 
>> Setting a breakpoint right before that Move-call in apr_file_rename suggests 
>> it's trying to move the following file:
>> G:\Egosoft\X4\Source\.svn\tmp\svn-C5D6631B
>> to
>> G:\Egosoft\X4\Source\.svn\pristine\00\0077903324a83da0419971daeb632ff51529d320.svn-base
>> Looking at the .svn/tmp-directory I do see that a file with the expected 
>> file contents was created, but is named differently:
>> trz5B5.tmp
>> From that point, it's obvious that the move-call would fail, since the given 
>> filename seems to differ from that on the disk.
>> Taking ur statement into account I assume that SVN tries to actually put a 
>> differently named file into that folder and somehow that one seems to get 
>> mangled on my system to a different filename.
>> If so, I could try to debug the code a bit further. Would u have the 
>> function for me I'd investigate to trace down where the temp-file would be 
>> created?
>>> One question I do have is have you done anything unusual with how your file
>>> system is setup?  The .svn/tmp directory needs to be on the same file 
>>> system as
>>> the rest of the working copy since we're doing atomic renames to put files 
>>> into
>>> place.
>> There's nothing special from the file system set-up point of view. The drive 
>> is a simple local partition on an IDE drive. There are no symlinks or 
>> somesuch in place. File system is NTFS. The issue is reproducible on two 
>> different machines, both running Avast Antivirus. I don't know much about 
>> the set-up on the other machine, but I would expect it's somehow the same.
> we recently started getting this error when trying to update or check-out 
> a
> repository.
> Weird thing is that the issue only occurs when we try to check-out/update 
> the
> thing externally (meaning via VPN).
>>> So same machine, same working copy doesn't work over the VPN but does 
>>> without a
>>> VPN?  Is the working copy perhaps on a network filesystem?
>> No, sry, wasn't clear enough. We didn't test whether it's at all related to 
>> a VPN-connection. We can't atm test it without a VPN connection to test 
>> whether it's 

Re: Can't move temporary on update.

2014-03-02 Thread Branko Čibej
On 02.03.2014 11:40, Stefan wrote:
> Hi,
> I came up with an even easier repro case. It seems to suffice to
> trigger the problem by simply committing the problematic file to an
> empty local repository and having avast installed.
> To whom should I send the repro-case (it requires the zipped-exe-file).

The problem is obviously caused by the virus scanner. If it's renaming
files from under Subversion's nose, there's really nothing we can do
about it.

-- Brane

Branko Čibej | Director of Subversion
WANdisco // Non-Stop Data

Re: Can't move temporary on update.

2014-03-02 Thread Stefan

Hi Brane and Olli,

On 02.03.2014 11:40, Stefan wrote:


I came up with an even easier repro case. It seems to suffice to 
trigger the problem by simply committing the problematic file to an 
empty local repository and having avast installed.

To whom should I send the repro-case (it requires the zipped-exe-file).

The problem is obviously caused by the virus scanner. If it's renaming 
files from under Subversion's nose, there's really nothing we can do 
about it.
Well, if you are sure that the virusscanner is actually causing the 
rename, of course there's little SVN could do about. But then I'd find 
that really odd for a virus scanner and wouldn't suspect that it is 
doing that.
Is there some code path I'd trace down to confirm it's actually the 
virusscanner causing the rename? Where in the code path would the 
tmp-file be generated?


Re: Can't move temporary on update.

2014-03-02 Thread Thorsten Schöning
Guten Tag Stefan,
am Sonntag, 2. März 2014 um 20:23 schrieben Sie:

> Well, if you are sure that the virusscanner is actually causing the
> rename, of course there's little SVN could do about. But then I'd   
> find that really odd for a virus scanner[...]

Wouldn't be the first "odd" thing about such software. ;-)

> and wouldn't suspect that   it is doing that.
> Is there some code path I'd trace down to confirm it's actually the
> virusscanner causing the rename? Where in the code path would thetmp-file 
> be generated?

I would first try to use Process Monitor to see activity in the file
system, one time with and the other time without Avast or in the
latter case at least with your working copy excluded for Avast. The
MoveFileEx error should be easy to find using ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND and
from that point you "just" need to scroll upwards to see if files are
renamed by Avast or such.

Avast will surely not modify Subversions code, but hook Windows
functions instead and that may be hard to debug. I found Process
Monitor really helpful in such cases, that's what it's designed for.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Thorsten Schöning
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme

Telefon...05151-  9468- 55
Fax...05151-  9468- 88
Mobil..0178-8 9468- 04

AM-SoFT GmbH IT-Systeme, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln
AG Hannover HRB 207 694 - Geschäftsführer: Andreas Muchow

Re: Can't move temporary on update.

2014-03-02 Thread Branko Čibej
On 02.03.2014 20:23, Stefan wrote:
> Hi Brane and Olli,
>> On 02.03.2014 11:40, Stefan wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I came up with an even easier repro case. It seems to suffice to
>>> trigger the problem by simply committing the problematic file to an
>>> empty local repository and having avast installed.
>>> To whom should I send the repro-case (it requires the zipped-exe-file).
>> The problem is obviously caused by the virus scanner. If it's
>> renaming files from under Subversion's nose, there's really nothing
>> we can do about it.
> Well, if you are sure that the virusscanner is actually causing the
> rename, of course there's little SVN could do about. But then I'd find
> that really odd for a virus scanner and wouldn't suspect that it is
> doing that.

The name of the temporary file is a hint. Subversion creates all
temporary files with a name that begins with "svn-", followed by a
number of hex digits. The file you found has a name with a completely
different format, which reminds me of how mktemp() works on Windows.

We've seen virus scanners on Windows do all manners of silly things, so
I wouldn't be at all surprised if this one thinks mucking around with
the names of files is just fine.

> Is there some code path I'd trace down to confirm it's actually the
> virusscanner causing the rename? Where in the code path would the
> tmp-file be generated?

The call stack is probably:


The last function is private to subversion/libsvn_wc/update_editor.c.

-- Brane

Branko Čibej | Director of Subversion
WANdisco // Non-Stop Data

Re: Can't move temporary on update.

2014-03-02 Thread Stefan

Hi Thorsten,

and wouldn't suspect that   it is doing that.
Is there some code path I'd trace down to confirm it's actually the
virusscanner causing the rename? Where in the code path would thetmp-file 
be generated?

I would first try to use Process Monitor to see activity in the file
system, one time with and the other time without Avast or in the
latter case at least with your working copy excluded for Avast. The
MoveFileEx error should be easy to find using ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND and
from that point you "just" need to scroll upwards to see if files are
renamed by Avast or such.

Avast will surely not modify Subversions code, but hook Windows
functions instead and that may be hard to debug. I found Process
Monitor really helpful in such cases, that's what it's designed for.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning
Should have thought about using process monitor earlier... Thanks for 
the hint.

However, I'm not getting much out there. Here's the summary from what I 
see in process manager from the svn-BDF57639 temp file and the 
corresponding trzBF17.tmp-file which in-deed is created by Avast.
The problem is I don't see where the svn-BDF57639-file would be renamed 
or deleted.

I'd gladly send the log captured with Process Monitor just to make sure 
I didn't overlook anything.

Quick sum-up of the log:
TortoiseSVN creates the file: .svn\tmp\svn-BDF57639 (SUCCESS) - Generic 
Read/Write access - create

TortoiseSVN reads the file contest of the problematic exe file: 

TortoiseSVN writes the contest of that file excluding the final junk to 
TortoiseSVN reads the file contents of the problematic 
print_options.exe-file again (EOF)

TortoiseSVN writes the last junk of the svn-BDF57639 file and closes the 

Avast creates file access to svn-BDF57639 - Read Attributes/Synchronize, 

Avast queries name information file on svn-BDF57639
Avast closes the svn-BDF57639 file
Avast creates file access to svn-BDF57639 - Read Attributes, Open
Avast operation: FileSystemControl - Control: FSCTL READ FILE USN DATA 
on svn-BDF57639

Avast closes the svn-BDF57639 file
Avast creates file .svn/tmp/trzBF17.tmp and closes it directly - Generic 
Read, Create
Avast creates file access on .svn/tmp/trzBF17.tmp - Read 
Attributes/Delete, Open
Avast queries attribute tag file - Attributes: ANCI, Reparse Tag: 0x0 on 

Avast sets disposition information file on trzBF17.tmp - Delete: True
Avast closes file access to trzBF17.tmp
Avast queries directory information on .svn/tmp - svn-BDF57639 is 
returned as existing

Avast queries tries to open trzBF17.tmp - file not found is returned
Avast recreates the trzBF17.tmp file and writes a junk of 81.920 bytes 
(size of the actual print_options.exe-file)

Avast queries tmp-directory for svn-BDF57639 - file exists
TortoiseSVN closes file access to print_options.exe
TortoiseSVN tries to open .svn/tmp/svn-BDF57639 - NAME NOT FOUND


Re: Can't move temporary on update.

2014-03-02 Thread Stefan

Hi Brane,

Is there some code path I'd trace down to confirm it's actually the 
virusscanner causing the rename? Where in the code path would the 
tmp-file be generated?

The call stack is probably:


The last function is private to subversion/libsvn_wc/update_editor.c.
Thanks that helped. I traced it down and it looks like when SVN is 
closing the stream to write the temp file, it gets removed from disk. I 
tried to trace the issue down a bit further using Process Monitor as 
suggested by Thorsten but am a bit buffled by the log. It seems to have 
no record of either a rename-operation or a delete operation on 
svn-BDF57639. A query on the file from the Avast succeeds while an 
almost directly following query on the same file from TSVN fails.

I could provide the process monitor log, if u want to spend a few 
minutes double-checking my investigations just to make sure I didn't 
overlook anything.

From what I can see, I'd guess the only way to strengthen SVN against 
this odd AV behavior would be to keep a filehandle open on the temp-file 
until it's moved into the pristine-directory.


Re: Can't move temporary on update.

2014-03-02 Thread Branko Čibej
On 02.03.2014 22:54, Stefan wrote:
> Hi Brane,
>>> Is there some code path I'd trace down to confirm it's actually the
>>> virusscanner causing the rename? Where in the code path would the
>>> tmp-file be generated?
>> The call stack is probably:
>> svn_io_open_unique_file3
>> svn_stream_open_unique
>> svn_wc__open_writable_base
>> ...
>> apply_textdelta
>> The last function is private to subversion/libsvn_wc/update_editor.c.
> Thanks that helped. I traced it down and it looks like when SVN is
> closing the stream to write the temp file, it gets removed from disk.
> I tried to trace the issue down a bit further using Process Monitor as
> suggested by Thorsten but am a bit buffled by the log. It seems to
> have no record of either a rename-operation or a delete operation on
> svn-BDF57639. A query on the file from the Avast succeeds while an
> almost directly following query on the same file from TSVN fails.

Heh. I wonder if Avast is setting the delete-on-close flag on
Subversion's temp file. That would explain why it suddenly disappears.
Subversion definitely isn't doing that in this particular case; note the
svn_io_file_del_none parameter used in svn_wc__open_writable_base.

> I could provide the process monitor log, if u want to spend a few
> minutes double-checking my investigations just to make sure I didn't
> overlook anything.

I think it's more or less clear from the info you already sent that
Avast is doing something weird. I recommend reporting this issue to them.

> From what I can see, I'd guess the only way to strengthen SVN against
> this odd AV behavior would be to keep a filehandle open on the
> temp-file until it's moved into the pristine-directory.

You can't do that on Windows.

-- Brane

Branko Čibej | Director of Subversion
WANdisco // Non-Stop Data

Update from 1.8.5 to 1.8.8 breaks my self-signed numeric IP certificate

2014-03-02 Thread Daniel Widdis
I recently upgraded from 1.8.5 to 1.8.8 via macports. The new version 
refused to permanently accept my self-signed certificate, citing an 
"unknown error".

Certificates generated on Windows 2008 Server using VisualSVN 2.7.4.

Hostname is a numeric IP on a VPN (

Client is Mac OS X 10.9.1 (Mavericks) with svn installed via Macports:
  subversion @1.8.5_1+universal (active) < this setup works
  subversion @1.8.8_0+no_bdb+universal < this setup fails

Under 1.8.8:
$ svn update
Updating '.':
Error validating server certificate for '':
 - The certificate has an unknown error.
Certificate information:
 - Hostname:
 - Valid: from Mar  1 02:21:16 2014 GMT until Feb 27 02:21:16 2024 GMT
 - Issuer:
 - Fingerprint: BE:C4:65:B6:0E:BD:5C:EE:F4:DB:A9:E1:EB:AE:B6:BC:43:F2:E7:5E
(R)eject or accept (t)emporarily? t
At revision 46.

Under 1.8.5 with no other changes:
$ svn update
Updating '.':
At revision 46.

Re: Can't move temporary on update.

2014-03-02 Thread Stefan

Hi Brane,

Is there some code path I'd trace down to confirm it's actually the 
virusscanner causing the rename? Where in the code path would the 
tmp-file be generated?

The call stack is probably:


The last function is private to subversion/libsvn_wc/update_editor.c.
Thanks that helped. I traced it down and it looks like when SVN is 
closing the stream to write the temp file, it gets removed from disk. 
I tried to trace the issue down a bit further using Process Monitor 
as suggested by Thorsten but am a bit buffled by the log. It seems to 
have no record of either a rename-operation or a delete operation on 
svn-BDF57639. A query on the file from the Avast succeeds while an 
almost directly following query on the same file from TSVN fails.

Heh. I wonder if Avast is setting the delete-on-close flag on 
Subversion's temp file. That would explain why it suddenly disappears. 
Subversion definitely isn't doing that in this particular case; note 
the svn_io_file_del_none parameter used in svn_wc__open_writable_base.
I can't see in the Process Monitor that Avast is actually setting that 
flag. Actually I don't see anyone setting that flag. But that idea let 
me to review the case, and I spotted an attribute which I overlooked 

Upon the creation of the temp file:

Desired Access:Generic Read/Write
Options:Synchronous IO Non-Alert, Non-Directory File
ShareMode:Read, Write, Delete

ShareMode Delete... That made me a bit suspicious here. Why should SVN 
create that file with the share mode set to delete? Doesn't that suggest 
that any other process would be allowed to change the delete-state of 
that file while the handle is open? I don't know whether this is related 
to the problem or not, but I'm wondering the reasoning for that (or am I 
misreading that parameter --- i'm not that much into Windows file 
handling tbh).
