
Kris Deugau wrote:
I've got a repository that saw moderate use for several years, then the project reached a stable point.

I upgraded SVN as I went along, however on my primary dev system I've been stuck with a 1.4 client (CentOS 4).

Recently, I've switched to a different system for further development on this project, made a number of commits to bring /trunk and /branches/stable into sync, and done further development on /trunk.

I'd like to merge my changes from /trunk now, but I'd also like to make use of the merge tracking features that have been added since SVN 1.4.

Is there a way to do "svn merge --record-only" that will result in /trunk and /branches/stable being considered equivalent and/or fully merged as of a given revision?

Historically, some changes have been made first on /trunk, then merged to /branches/stable (mostly new development); others have been made the other way around (bugfixes). :/

I'd like to avoid walking back over the log to explicitly run "svn merge --record-only rA:B source dest" for each of these historical merges.


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