Re: ForBean: 4.1 to 4.1.1

2007-03-14 Thread Sam Gendler

I'm curious why storing a list in hidden fields, even as ids, isn't
considered a huge security hole.  Doesn't it seem like it is just
inviting users to manipulate their application into letting them do
things to entities they shouldn't have access to, etc.  I use volatile
wherever I can, despite the risk of stale link exceptions, precisely
for this reason.  It is either that or put a ton of logic into the
converter  to ensure that only the correct values are iterated over,
and given that business rules may be different from loop to loop, it
may even mean implementing different converter logic for every loop
(or significant fraction of them) in the application.

I am particularly concerned by storing the precomputed values of
conditionals in hidden fields.  If you have code that says something
like span jwcid=@If condition=isAuthorized(...)some code
here/span it would be all to easy to manipulate the client into
rewinding with different authorization credentials than the page was
rendered with.

So basically, my strategy is to use volatile=true in almost all
conditionals and loops.  I am at higher risk of stale link errors, but
much lower risk of security breach and malicious users.  The one case
that forces me to use a non-volatile conditional or loop is when a
field from earlier in the page is part of the condition.  Since that
value can easily change when it is rewound prior to the conditional, I
am forced to either implement logic in the page which stores the prior
value when the set method is called, or use a non-volatile


On 3/13/07, Jesse Kuhnert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm not certain this change happened from 4.1 to 4.1.1 as I'm pretty
sure I never made it. Maybe from 3 - 4 ?

The list is stored in the form ~specifically~ so that it does match
exactly on render/rewind as anything else would be un-predictable .
You can set volatile=true on your list - but if you are using
hibernate you really want to make use of the converter parameter to
encode the very minimum amount of data necessary to re-constitute your
entity list.

On 3/12/07, Robert J. Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just upgraded from Tapestry 4.1 to 4.1.1. Now I'm having some problems with 
the For component. It seems that it was changed so that it stores the source list 
in hidden fields in the page and uses the stored version on rewind. I can 
understand why this might be useful, since it could be problematic if the source 
list changed on you between render and rewind. That being said, it causes two 
really big problems for me:

 1. The download size of the page just got enormous.

 2. The source list contains Hibernate entities, which are now detached on the 
rewind, causing errors.

 What I really want is the old behavior, which is to reload the list every 
time. I'll deal with the consequences of the list changing. Is there some way to 
get that behavior back, short of making my own component that subclasses ForBean 
and overrides getData()?

 Robert J. Walker

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Jesse Kuhnert
Tapestry/Dojo team member/developer

Open source based consulting work centered around

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JFlyEditTable update

2007-03-14 Thread Andrea Chiumenti

Hello everybody,
A new demo of JFlyEditTable for Tapestry 4.1.1 is present at
The component now can incorporates custom widgets  into cells when in edit
mode as demonstrated

The grid still has some bugs:
1) it doesn't work under MSIE (if someone has a js debugger for msie and
want to check the exception  launched by the evil browser is welcome)

2) When using widgets into cells it's necessary that one widget is already
present into the page (the has one hidden next to the 'clear
list' button), if a widget isn't present an exception about alertdialog not
defined into namespace is thrown (this exception should be investigated

New tests need to be done with  other dojo widgets.

The source code may be retrieved  via svn:
svn co

I hope you enjoy it.

Have a good day,

Catch 22 - Tapestry5 vs Maven (vs me)

2007-03-14 Thread Kovács István


I've tried the hilo example given in the Tapestry5 tutorial (which
is also the first time I used Maven). The build failed:
mvn.bat archetype:create
-DarchetypeArtifactId=quickstart -DarchetypeVersion=5.0.3-SNAPSHOT
-DgroupId=org.example -DartifactId=myapp
-DpackageName=org.example.myapp -Dversion=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

Error message:
[INFO] Error creating from archetype

Embedded error: Archetype does not exist: Unable to download the
artifact from any repository

Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

Then, install it using the command:
   mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.apache.tapestry
-DartifactId=quickstart \
   -Dversion=5.0.3-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file


from the specified remote repositories:
 central (

I got around that by adding
to the command-line. This time the build was successful.

The next step in the tutorial is: mvn jetty:run
This failed with:
[INFO] Error building POM (may not be this project's POM).

Project ID: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin

Reason: Error getting POM for
'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin' from the repository:
Failed to resolve artifact, possibly
due to a repository list that is not appropriately equipped for this
artifact's metadata.

from the specified remote repositories:
 apache.snapshots (, (,
 central (

Which is weird. My local repo directory has
org\apache\maven\plugins\maven-war-plugin, inside there's
maven-metadata-apache.snapshots.xml, which has:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?metadata

I can get past this, too, by editing pom.xml, removing the repository
apache.snapshots. The build starts after downloading a bunch more of
stuff, including some from This is probably only
strange to me, who has never used maven and has not read the docs.
Unfortunately, after the promising start, if fails when building:
[INFO] [compiler:compile]
[INFO] Compiling 2 source files to D:\TEMP\myapp\target\classes
[INFO] Compilation failure

cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Contribute
location: package org.apache.tapestry.ioc.annotations

cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Id
location: package org.apache.tapestry.ioc.annotations

cannot find symbol
symbol: class Id

cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Contribute
location: class

cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Contribute
location: class

This is weird, as it did download Tapestry 5:

I'm at the end of my wit - could someone please point me in the right direction?


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Re: Catch 22 - Tapestry5 vs Maven (vs me)

2007-03-14 Thread Davor Hrg

you should try
mvn archetype:create ↵
-DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.tapestry ↵
-DarchetypeArtifactId=tapestry-simple ↵
-DgroupId=org.example ↵
-DartifactId=hilo ↵
-DpackageName=org.example.hilo ↵

it works fine,

5.0.3-SNAPSHOT is curently being changed rapidly

after you have little fun with it you can try 5.0.3-SNAPSHOT
I did that by changing tapestry version in bottom of pom.xml

regarding the errors in hilo app:

@id and @Contribute are being removed from ioc so naturaly
it doesn't compile
however you can just remove those lines and the hilo app should work just

Davor Hrg

On 3/14/07, Kovács István [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I've tried the hilo example given in the Tapestry5 tutorial (which
is also the first time I used Maven). The build failed:
mvn.bat archetype:create
-DarchetypeArtifactId=quickstart -DarchetypeVersion=5.0.3-SNAPSHOT
-DgroupId=org.example -DartifactId=myapp
-DpackageName=org.example.myapp -Dversion=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

Error message:


[INFO] Error creating from archetype

Embedded error: Archetype does not exist: Unable to download the
artifact from any repository

Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

Then, install it using the command:
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.apache.tapestry
-DartifactId=quickstart \
-Dversion=5.0.3-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file


from the specified remote repositories:
  central (

I got around that by adding
to the command-line. This time the build was successful.

The next step in the tutorial is: mvn jetty:run
This failed with:

[INFO] Error building POM (may not be this project's POM).

Project ID: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin

Reason: Error getting POM for
'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-war-plugin' from the repository:
Failed to resolve artifact, possibly
due to a repository list that is not appropriately equipped for this
artifact's metadata.

from the specified remote repositories:
  apache.snapshots (
), (,
  central (

Which is weird. My local repo directory has
org\apache\maven\plugins\maven-war-plugin, inside there's
maven-metadata-apache.snapshots.xml, which has:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?metadata

I can get past this, too, by editing pom.xml, removing the repository
apache.snapshots. The build starts after downloading a bunch more of
stuff, including some from This is probably only
strange to me, who has never used maven and has not read the docs.
Unfortunately, after the promising start, if fails when building:
[INFO] [compiler:compile]
[INFO] Compiling 2 source files to D:\TEMP\myapp\target\classes


[INFO] Compilation failure

cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Contribute
location: package org.apache.tapestry.ioc.annotations

cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Id
location: package org.apache.tapestry.ioc.annotations

cannot find symbol
symbol: class Id

cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Contribute
location: class

cannot find symbol
symbol  : class Contribute
location: class 

T4.1.1: Encoding problem with assets

2007-03-14 Thread Inge Solvoll

I recently upgraded from 4.0 to 4.1.1, and have solved most problems except

The inclusion of dojo and tapestry javascript libraries from the classpath
of tapestry-framework.jar doesn't work.
I've narrowed the problem down to encoding. When I try to open the script
file in the browser using http://localhost/myapp/assets/static/dojo/dojo.js,
the file is displayed, but with wrong encoding causing only strange
characters to appear.

My App.application file contains the following:

   meta key=org.apache.tapestry.template-encoding value=UTF-8 /
   meta key=org.apache.tapestry.output-encoding value=UTF-8 /
 meta key=org.apache.tapestry.messages-encoding value=UTF-8 /

When I remove those 3 meta tags, the javascript is rendered as us-ascii in
the browser, but is still filled with bad characters.

I tried to replace the dojo part of the .jar file with the one that I
downloaded myself from, which solved the problem. But
obviously not with the tapestry core js-files.

Does anyone know anything about this?

[OT] [T5] tapestry project structure

2007-03-14 Thread Dan Adams
I noticed in the tapestry sources that while it's a multi-module maven
project, all of the modules are at the same level in the source tree and
each have their own set of branches/tags/trunk folders rather than
having each module contained within it's parent module. What have you
found to be the advantages of this? How does having each in a separate
folder effect doing releases? Do you keep the version numbers in sync?
Thanks. :)

Dan Adams
Senior Software Engineer
Interactive Factory

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Tapestry Wizard Component

2007-03-14 Thread Ken nashua


Does there exist a Wizard component anywhere.

I am hoping tapestry can accomodate a better widget model for this kind of 
component. Struts turned out to be disorderly and sprawled.

The wizard I would like is a wizard that can operate it's states off of a 
database so that in the event of a failure or quit, we can resume according 
to the state the wizard is in maybe 2 weeks later according to the state of 
the database. A modular self contained model. With BACK and NEXT buttons 
and eventually a FINISH button at the end and it accomodates N pages with 
which the pages can be any KIND of custom content do it yourself custom 
content pages whereby they all register at bind time. It can be static for 
now... nothing dynamic.

Not interested in message queues yet.

Am I asking for too much?

Has anyone done it?

Any prototypes available?

Thanks in advance

Best regards
Ken in nashua

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Re: Tapestry Wizard Component

2007-03-14 Thread Andrea Chiumenti

You have just given to me a very nice idea for the next web component I'll
add to jfly as soon as I'll finish the JFlyEditTable.

Thx for the idea,

On 3/14/07, Ken nashua [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Does there exist a Wizard component anywhere.

I am hoping tapestry can accomodate a better widget model for this kind of
component. Struts turned out to be disorderly and sprawled.

The wizard I would like is a wizard that can operate it's states off of a
database so that in the event of a failure or quit, we can resume
to the state the wizard is in maybe 2 weeks later according to the state
the database. A modular self contained model. With BACK and NEXT
and eventually a FINISH button at the end and it accomodates N pages
which the pages can be any KIND of custom content do it yourself custom
content pages whereby they all register at bind time. It can be static
now... nothing dynamic.

Not interested in message queues yet.

Am I asking for too much?

Has anyone done it?

Any prototypes available?

Thanks in advance

Best regards
Ken in nashua

Find a local pizza place, movie theater, and more….then map the best

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[OT] Problem switching from jboss to jetty - Need help!

2007-03-14 Thread jake123

Hi, I having a problem when I switching my development environment from
running on JBoss 4.0.4.GA to jetty-5.1.12. I am using Eclipse 3.2.2 and the
jetty launcher plugin. when I try to run my application with jetty launcher
everything goes well until the end when jetty is starting up the servlet...

I got this strange exception and I cant figure out the way to solve this.

 11:00:48.593 INFO   [main]
12 Initialized application servlet 'MyCompany': 750 millis to create
HiveMind Registry, 1,657 millis overall.
at org.mortbay.http.HttpServer.doStart(
at org.mortbay.util.Container.start(
at com.iw.plugins.jettyrunner.PluginRunner.launch(
at com.iw.plugins.jettyrunner.PluginRunner.launch(
at com.iw.plugins.jettyrunner.PluginRunner.main(
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet
at$ Source)
at Method)
at Source)
at org.mortbay.http.ContextLoader.loadClass(
at org.mortbay.http.ContextLoader.loadClass(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.loadClass(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.Holder.start(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.start(
at org.mortbay.util.Container.start(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpServer.doStart(
at org.mortbay.util.Container.start(
at com.iw.plugins.jettyrunner.PluginRunner.launch(
at com.iw.plugins.jettyrunner.PluginRunner.launch(
at com.iw.plugins.jettyrunner.PluginRunner.main(
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet
at$ Source)
at Method)
at Source)
at org.mortbay.http.ContextLoader.loadClass(
at org.mortbay.http.ContextLoader.loadClass(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.loadClass(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.Holder.start(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.start(
at org.mortbay.util.Container.start(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpServer.doStart(
at org.mortbay.util.Container.start(
at com.iw.plugins.jettyrunner.PluginRunner.launch(
at com.iw.plugins.jettyrunner.PluginRunner.launch(
at com.iw.plugins.jettyrunner.PluginRunner.main(

I guess (hope) that the only thing is a missing jar file... 
Thanks in advance,
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Re: [OT] Problem switching from jboss to jetty - Need help!

2007-03-14 Thread Andrea Chiumenti

I think you have to check you project dependency libraries under eclipse.

On 3/14/07, jake123 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi, I having a problem when I switching my development environment from
running on JBoss 4.0.4.GA to jetty-5.1.12. I am using Eclipse 3.2.2 and
jetty launcher plugin. when I try to run my application with jetty
everything goes well until the end when jetty is starting up the

I got this strange exception and I cant figure out the way to solve this.

11:00:48.593 INFO   [main]
12 Initialized application servlet 'MyCompany': 750 millis to create
HiveMind Registry, 1,657 millis overall.
at org.mortbay.http.HttpServer.doStart(
at org.mortbay.util.Container.start(
at com.iw.plugins.jettyrunner.PluginRunner.launch(
at com.iw.plugins.jettyrunner.PluginRunner.launch(
at com.iw.plugins.jettyrunner.PluginRunner.main(
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet
at$ Source)
at Method)
at Source)
at org.mortbay.http.ContextLoader.loadClass(
at org.mortbay.http.ContextLoader.loadClass(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.loadClass(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.Holder.start(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.start(
at org.mortbay.util.Container.start(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpServer.doStart(
at org.mortbay.util.Container.start(
at com.iw.plugins.jettyrunner.PluginRunner.launch(
at com.iw.plugins.jettyrunner.PluginRunner.launch(
at com.iw.plugins.jettyrunner.PluginRunner.main(
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet
at$ Source)
at Method)
at Source)
at org.mortbay.http.ContextLoader.loadClass(
at org.mortbay.http.ContextLoader.loadClass(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.loadClass(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.Holder.start(
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.start(
at org.mortbay.util.Container.start(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpServer.doStart(
at org.mortbay.util.Container.start(
at com.iw.plugins.jettyrunner.PluginRunner.launch(
at com.iw.plugins.jettyrunner.PluginRunner.launch(
at com.iw.plugins.jettyrunner.PluginRunner.main(

I guess (hope) that the only thing is a missing jar file...
Thanks in advance,
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Sent from the Tapestry - User mailing list archive at

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Re: Tapestry Wizard Component

2007-03-14 Thread Ken nashua


Additionally... to make this thing commercial grade...

It would be nice to have a 100% width header bar at the top of the wizard 
with the contigious linear layout of all states connected to each other by 
arrows -- across the top whereby the current state is highlighted in bright 
green. OnNext, this bar would update to reflect the current state again.

STATE 1 --- STATE 2 --- STATE 3 --- STATE N

|  |
|  |
| user-defined-extensible-custom-content  |
|  |
|  |


Ok, Dude...

Best regards
Ken in nashua

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Re: How to include DOCTYPE?

2007-03-14 Thread Kovács István

Thanks for the reply. As it turns out, the problem was with my CSS.

On 14/03/07, Robert Zeigler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Pretty sure this isn't supported yet.
Under Dom Classes, Document, there's a todo that includes doctype


On Mar 14, 2007, at 3/1410:46 AM , Kovács István wrote:


 I'm playing with Tapestry 5 (thanks Davor for getting me started!). I
 need to include a DOCTYPE in my HTML. The t5-tutorial says it's
 possible (Templates may even have a DOCTYPE or an XML schema to
 validate the structure of the template.); however, if I include a
 DOCTYPE in my template, it's removed in rendered output.
 That is, if my template is:
 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN;
 html xmlns:t=;
 , rendered output is
 htmlheadlink href=/myapp/assets/tapestry/default.css
 rel=stylesheet type=text/csstitle...
 Without the DOCTYPE being there, I get a weird layout (I'm a beginner
 at CSS, too, so I may have broken something).

 BTW, the W3C validator says the link element is not closed properly,
 which is a requirement for XHTML.

 Please let me know how to include the DOCTYPE.


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Re: How to include DOCTYPE?

2007-03-14 Thread Robert Zeigler

Pretty sure this isn't supported yet.
Under Dom Classes, Document, there's a todo that includes doctype  


On Mar 14, 2007, at 3/1410:46 AM , Kovács István wrote:


I'm playing with Tapestry 5 (thanks Davor for getting me started!). I
need to include a DOCTYPE in my HTML. The t5-tutorial says it's
possible (Templates may even have a DOCTYPE or an XML schema to
validate the structure of the template.); however, if I include a
DOCTYPE in my template, it's removed in rendered output.
That is, if my template is:
!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN;
html xmlns:t=;
, rendered output is
htmlheadlink href=/myapp/assets/tapestry/default.css
rel=stylesheet type=text/csstitle...
Without the DOCTYPE being there, I get a weird layout (I'm a beginner
at CSS, too, so I may have broken something).

BTW, the W3C validator says the link element is not closed properly,
which is a requirement for XHTML.

Please let me know how to include the DOCTYPE.


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How to include DOCTYPE?

2007-03-14 Thread Kovács István


I'm playing with Tapestry 5 (thanks Davor for getting me started!). I
need to include a DOCTYPE in my HTML. The t5-tutorial says it's
possible (Templates may even have a DOCTYPE or an XML schema to
validate the structure of the template.); however, if I include a
DOCTYPE in my template, it's removed in rendered output.
That is, if my template is:
!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN;
html xmlns:t=;
, rendered output is
htmlheadlink href=/myapp/assets/tapestry/default.css
rel=stylesheet type=text/csstitle...
Without the DOCTYPE being there, I get a weird layout (I'm a beginner
at CSS, too, so I may have broken something).

BTW, the W3C validator says the link element is not closed properly,
which is a requirement for XHTML.

Please let me know how to include the DOCTYPE.


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Select/Option not working with Ajax in IE6

2007-03-14 Thread Diego

I want to have a list where I can select muliple values and then update some
overview of the selected items by means of Ajax.
This works in firefox, but it doesn't work in IE6.
I use the EventListener to bind the dojo event and its with Tapestry 4.1.1.

Anybody know how this could work in IE6 too?
See example below.


** TestPage2.html

span jwcid=$content$
   span jwcid=@Shell  title=Test consoleEnabled=true
   span jwcid=@Body
   DIV class=CenterColumn jwcid=[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

   form jwcid=[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   div jwcid=[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  span jwcid=@Insert


label jwcid=@FieldLabel field=component:colorChooser
displayName=Choose a colorColor/label
DIV class=TreeContentI jwcid=[EMAIL PROTECTED]

select jwcid=[EMAIL PROTECTED]  multiple=true
 span jwcid=@For source=ognl:colors
value=ognl:currentColor index=ognl:currentColorIndex renderTag=false 
  option jwcid=@Option
id=ognl:'ddd'+currentColorIndex  label=ognl:currentColor/



import org.apache.tapestry.IRequestCycle;
import org.apache.tapestry.annotations.EventListener;
import org.apache.tapestry.annotations.InitialValue;
import org.apache.tapestry.html.BasePage;

public abstract class TestPage2 extends BasePage {

   private String[] colors = { blue, red, green, yellow };

   public abstract int getCurrentColorIndex();

   public abstract String getCurrentColor();

   @InitialValue(new boolean[colors.length])
   public abstract boolean[] getSelection();

   public abstract void setSelection(boolean[] selection);

   public String[] getColors() {
   return colors;

* Listen for when an item from a list is selected
* @param cycle
   @EventListener(events = { onmouseup }, targets = colorSelection,
submitForm = f1, async = true)
   public void selectFromList2(IRequestCycle cycle) {


   public String getSelectedColors() {
   String out = ;
   for (int i = 0; i  colors.length; i++) {
   if (getSelection()[i]) {
   out += colors[i] +  - ;

   return out;


Re: [OT] [T5] tapestry project structure

2007-03-14 Thread Howard Lewis Ship

Yes, mostly.  Eclipse just has the one .classpath/.project file to
identify all the source paths and libraries for a module; it doesn't
have a concept of a nested project with its own .classpath/.project.
It'll fight you on this!

Meanwhile, the pom.xml for the project doesn't have all the
depenencies needed by sub-projects.

On 3/14/07, DJ Gredler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've wondered about this, too.

I think there are benefits to the modular design even if the version numbers
are kept in sync -- in fact, I think keeping the version numbers in sync
makes it easier for users to decide what bits they need, since the decision
is based only on required functionality, and not on transitive dependency

When you say that Eclipse can't handle the nested structure, do you mean the
maven2 plugin?

On 3/14/07, Howard Lewis Ship [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is more compatible with Eclipse; Eclipse can't handle a nested
 project structure.

 In addition, I expect that the release numbers of some of the
 sub-projects will decouple.

 That is, tapestry-spring may become stable at, say, 5.0.4 and we'll
 leave it alone as we rev tapestry-core up to, say, 5.0.9.

 Anyway, that's the theory.  The practice is looking a little
 different, because of JIRA.  Having just TAPESTRY as the issue tracker
 key limits the ability to meaningfully track version numbers across
 the components (such as tapestry-core).

 One option would be to start creating sub-projects within the Tapestry
 category (currently, there's just the TAPESTRY project), so that each
 could track its bugs itself.

 Another option would be to re-organize it, as you mentioned, with
 tapestry5/trunk/tapestry-xxx  and tapestry/tags/tapestry-xxx ... that
 would certainly make things easier when creating a new release (much
 less tagging!).

 SVN does let us change our mind after the fact, to a large degree.

 On 3/14/07, Dan Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I noticed in the tapestry sources that while it's a multi-module maven
  project, all of the modules are at the same level in the source tree and
  each have their own set of branches/tags/trunk folders rather than
  having each module contained within it's parent module. What have you
  found to be the advantages of this? How does having each in a separate
  folder effect doing releases? Do you keep the version numbers in sync?
  Thanks. :)
  Dan Adams
  Senior Software Engineer
  Interactive Factory
  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Howard M. Lewis Ship
 TWD Consulting, Inc.
 Independent J2EE / Open-Source Java Consultant
 Creator and PMC Chair, Apache Tapestry
 Creator, Apache HiveMind

 Professional Tapestry training, mentoring, support
 and project work.

 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Howard M. Lewis Ship
TWD Consulting, Inc.
Independent J2EE / Open-Source Java Consultant
Creator and PMC Chair, Apache Tapestry
Creator, Apache HiveMind

Professional Tapestry training, mentoring, support
and project work.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Eclipse + Maven2 + Tapestry 4.0.2

2007-03-14 Thread Bruno Mignoni

Does Anybody have a Tutorial to start a developing with Eclipse + Maven2 +
Tapestr 4.0.2?

I am beginer in Tapestry +  Java and I use Eclipse + WTP and is very slow.


Bruno Mignoni

Re: [OT] Problem switching from jboss to jetty - Need help!

2007-03-14 Thread jake123

I have tried to figure this one out, but so far no luck...

I have deleted the only jboss specific jar file I had in my project and now
I am s close to have my application work in jetty... but this last
error... I cant find anything about it in google that makes sens...

Here is the entire log from my start up:

launching Jetty webapp: / on address: using dir:
11:46:49.500 INFO   [main] org.mortbay.log.LogImpl.add(
11:46:49.468 INFO   [main] org.mortbay.log.LogImpl.reset(
11 reset
11:46:49.500 INFO   [main] org.mortbay.log.LogImpl.add(
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
11:46:49.906 INFO   [main]
09 Root WebApplicationContext: initialization started
11:46:49.968 INFO   [main]
20 JDK 1.4+ collections available
11:46:49.968 INFO   [main]
20 Commons Collections 3.x available
11:46:50.015 INFO   [main]
19 Loading XML bean definitions from ServletContext resource
11:46:50.484 INFO   [main]
19 Loading XML bean definitions from ServletContext resource
11:46:50.562 INFO   [main]
13 Bean factory for application context [Root WebApplicationContext]:
defining beans
root of BeanFactory hierarchy
11:46:50.562 INFO   [main]
12 48 beans defined in application context [Root WebApplicationContext]
11:46:50.671 INFO   [main]
34 CGLIB2 available: proxyTargetClass feature enabled
11:46:50.734 INFO   [main]$BeanPostProcessorChecker.postProcessAfterInitialization(
23 Bean 'org.springframework.aop.config.internalAutoProxyCreator' is not
eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not
eligible for auto-proxying)
11:46:50.734 INFO   [main]$BeanPostProcessorChecker.postProcessAfterInitialization(
23 Bean
is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for
example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
11:46:50.750 INFO   [main]
13 Unable to locate MessageSource with name 'messageSource': using default
11:46:50.750 INFO   [main]
13 Unable to locate ApplicationEventMulticaster with name
'applicationEventMulticaster': using default
11:46:50.750 INFO   [main]
14 Unable to locate ThemeSource with name 'themeSource': using default
11:46:50.765 INFO   [main]

Re: Eclipse + Maven2 + Tapestry 4.0.2

2007-03-14 Thread Hugo Palma
For the Eclipse + Tapestry part i recommend Kent's 
book(, it's not free not in 
my opinion very worth the money.
As for Maven, you should download this free book

With this you should be up and running very quickly

Bruno Mignoni wrote:
Does Anybody have a Tutorial to start a developing with Eclipse + 
Maven2 +

Tapestr 4.0.2?

I am beginer in Tapestry +  Java and I use Eclipse + WTP and is very 


Re: Eclipse + Maven2 + Tapestry 4.0.2

2007-03-14 Thread Bruno Mignoni

I would like a pom.xml exemplo to start a Tapestry Developing, do you have?

On 3/14/07, Hugo Palma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

For the Eclipse + Tapestry part i recommend Kent's
book(, it's not free not in
my opinion very worth the money.
As for Maven, you should download this free book

With this you should be up and running very quickly

Bruno Mignoni wrote:
 Does Anybody have a Tutorial to start a developing with Eclipse +
 Maven2 +
 Tapestr 4.0.2?

 I am beginer in Tapestry +  Java and I use Eclipse + WTP and is very


Bruno Mignoni


2007-03-14 Thread Robert J. Walker
Another hiccup with 4.1 - 4.1.1: We have a VXML application that stopped 
working after the conversion. Turned out the reason was that components like 
If, For, etc. by default used to not render their tags (renderTag=false) but 
now the default is true, In HTML this often isn't a big deal, but it really 
screwed up our VXML stuff. So I found out how to change the default via a 
global parameter, but now exception rendering looks awful, probably because the 
exception renderer is expecting the default value of renderTag to be true. Is 
there any way to set the default just for our pages and components, while 
leaving it alone for components from the Tapestry framework?

Robert J. Walker

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Eclipse + Maven2 + Tapestry 4.0.2

2007-03-14 Thread Hugo Palma
An easier option would be for you to use the Tapestry 4 archetype found 
and explained here

I'm not sure but i think this archetype configures your pom for Tapestry 
4.1, but if you want to use 4.0.2 you just have to change the version 
number in the pom.xml file and your ready to go.

Bruno Mignoni wrote:
I would like a pom.xml exemplo to start a Tapestry Developing, do you 

On 3/14/07, Hugo Palma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

For the Eclipse + Tapestry part i recommend Kent's
book(, it's not free not in
my opinion very worth the money.
As for Maven, you should download this free book

With this you should be up and running very quickly

Bruno Mignoni wrote:
 Does Anybody have a Tutorial to start a developing with Eclipse +
 Maven2 +
 Tapestr 4.0.2?

 I am beginer in Tapestry +  Java and I use Eclipse + WTP and is very


RE: [OT] [T5] tapestry project structure

2007-03-14 Thread Greg.L.Cormier
I definately agree that keeping version numbers in sync would make things 

For some reason Tap takes a lot of flack on the versioning of it. Could be a 
compliment if that's the only gripe :P But I agree, the versioning is chaotic.

Why not adapt a linux-esque system... even numbers stable and a release, odd 
are bleeding/test.


-Original Message-
From: DJ Gredler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:17 PM
To: Tapestry users
Subject: Re: [OT] [T5] tapestry project structure

I've wondered about this, too.

I think there are benefits to the modular design even if the version numbers
are kept in sync -- in fact, I think keeping the version numbers in sync
makes it easier for users to decide what bits they need, since the decision
is based only on required functionality, and not on transitive dependency

When you say that Eclipse can't handle the nested structure, do you mean the
maven2 plugin?

On 3/14/07, Howard Lewis Ship [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is more compatible with Eclipse; Eclipse can't handle a nested
 project structure.

 In addition, I expect that the release numbers of some of the
 sub-projects will decouple.

 That is, tapestry-spring may become stable at, say, 5.0.4 and we'll
 leave it alone as we rev tapestry-core up to, say, 5.0.9.

 Anyway, that's the theory.  The practice is looking a little
 different, because of JIRA.  Having just TAPESTRY as the issue tracker
 key limits the ability to meaningfully track version numbers across
 the components (such as tapestry-core).

 One option would be to start creating sub-projects within the Tapestry
 category (currently, there's just the TAPESTRY project), so that each
 could track its bugs itself.

 Another option would be to re-organize it, as you mentioned, with
 tapestry5/trunk/tapestry-xxx  and tapestry/tags/tapestry-xxx ... that
 would certainly make things easier when creating a new release (much
 less tagging!).

 SVN does let us change our mind after the fact, to a large degree.

 On 3/14/07, Dan Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I noticed in the tapestry sources that while it's a multi-module maven
  project, all of the modules are at the same level in the source tree and
  each have their own set of branches/tags/trunk folders rather than
  having each module contained within it's parent module. What have you
  found to be the advantages of this? How does having each in a separate
  folder effect doing releases? Do you keep the version numbers in sync?
  Thanks. :)
  Dan Adams
  Senior Software Engineer
  Interactive Factory
  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Howard M. Lewis Ship
 TWD Consulting, Inc.
 Independent J2EE / Open-Source Java Consultant
 Creator and PMC Chair, Apache Tapestry
 Creator, Apache HiveMind

 Professional Tapestry training, mentoring, support
 and project work.

 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] [T5] tapestry project structure

2007-03-14 Thread Dan Adams
Hmm. I currently designing a project that will have several sub-projects
so I may just move over to this. One of the things I did notice is that
you can't check out a sub-project just by itself or else maven will
puke. You have to check out the parent project, install it locally, and
then build the sub-project. A minor concern though.

One option for developers that the mylar project uses would be to create
a team project set (file  export  java  team project set). Then you
make this downloaded in the tapestry docs and in order to set up the
workspace you just import that one file which then checks out all of the
eclipse projects necessary to work on it. It's pretty cool.

On Wed, 2007-03-14 at 09:39 -0700, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
 Yes, mostly.  Eclipse just has the one .classpath/.project file to
 identify all the source paths and libraries for a module; it doesn't
 have a concept of a nested project with its own .classpath/.project.
  It'll fight you on this!
 Meanwhile, the pom.xml for the project doesn't have all the
 depenencies needed by sub-projects.
 On 3/14/07, DJ Gredler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've wondered about this, too.
  I think there are benefits to the modular design even if the version numbers
  are kept in sync -- in fact, I think keeping the version numbers in sync
  makes it easier for users to decide what bits they need, since the decision
  is based only on required functionality, and not on transitive dependency
  When you say that Eclipse can't handle the nested structure, do you mean the
  maven2 plugin?
  On 3/14/07, Howard Lewis Ship [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   This is more compatible with Eclipse; Eclipse can't handle a nested
   project structure.
   In addition, I expect that the release numbers of some of the
   sub-projects will decouple.
   That is, tapestry-spring may become stable at, say, 5.0.4 and we'll
   leave it alone as we rev tapestry-core up to, say, 5.0.9.
   Anyway, that's the theory.  The practice is looking a little
   different, because of JIRA.  Having just TAPESTRY as the issue tracker
   key limits the ability to meaningfully track version numbers across
   the components (such as tapestry-core).
   One option would be to start creating sub-projects within the Tapestry
   category (currently, there's just the TAPESTRY project), so that each
   could track its bugs itself.
   Another option would be to re-organize it, as you mentioned, with
   tapestry5/trunk/tapestry-xxx  and tapestry/tags/tapestry-xxx ... that
   would certainly make things easier when creating a new release (much
   less tagging!).
   SVN does let us change our mind after the fact, to a large degree.
   On 3/14/07, Dan Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I noticed in the tapestry sources that while it's a multi-module maven
project, all of the modules are at the same level in the source tree and
each have their own set of branches/tags/trunk folders rather than
having each module contained within it's parent module. What have you
found to be the advantages of this? How does having each in a separate
folder effect doing releases? Do you keep the version numbers in sync?
Thanks. :)
Dan Adams
Senior Software Engineer
Interactive Factory
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Howard M. Lewis Ship
   TWD Consulting, Inc.
   Independent J2EE / Open-Source Java Consultant
   Creator and PMC Chair, Apache Tapestry
   Creator, Apache HiveMind
   Professional Tapestry training, mentoring, support
   and project work.
   To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dan Adams
Senior Software Engineer
Interactive Factory

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [OT] [T5] tapestry project structure

2007-03-14 Thread DJ Gredler

Yeah, I've run into this at work as well. The main problem I ran into was
that the project depended on the maven-installed versions of the different
modules, even if the modules in question were a part of the overall
project... so for example tapestry-core's dependency on tapestry-ioc would
trigger a build path dependency on the tapestry-ioc jar in the m2 repo,
rather than just ignoring it in favor of the actual code in the project. It
seems like this should be solvable by the maven people, even without nested
project support in eclipse...

And speaking of nested project support, I just added my vote here...

On 3/14/07, Howard Lewis Ship [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yes, mostly.  Eclipse just has the one .classpath/.project file to
identify all the source paths and libraries for a module; it doesn't
have a concept of a nested project with its own .classpath/.project.
It'll fight you on this!

Meanwhile, the pom.xml for the project doesn't have all the
depenencies needed by sub-projects.

On 3/14/07, DJ Gredler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've wondered about this, too.

 I think there are benefits to the modular design even if the version
 are kept in sync -- in fact, I think keeping the version numbers in sync
 makes it easier for users to decide what bits they need, since the
 is based only on required functionality, and not on transitive

 When you say that Eclipse can't handle the nested structure, do you mean
 maven2 plugin?

 On 3/14/07, Howard Lewis Ship [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  This is more compatible with Eclipse; Eclipse can't handle a nested
  project structure.
  In addition, I expect that the release numbers of some of the
  sub-projects will decouple.
  That is, tapestry-spring may become stable at, say, 5.0.4 and we'll
  leave it alone as we rev tapestry-core up to, say, 5.0.9.
  Anyway, that's the theory.  The practice is looking a little
  different, because of JIRA.  Having just TAPESTRY as the issue tracker
  key limits the ability to meaningfully track version numbers across
  the components (such as tapestry-core).
  One option would be to start creating sub-projects within the Tapestry
  category (currently, there's just the TAPESTRY project), so that each
  could track its bugs itself.
  Another option would be to re-organize it, as you mentioned, with
  tapestry5/trunk/tapestry-xxx  and tapestry/tags/tapestry-xxx ... that
  would certainly make things easier when creating a new release (much
  less tagging!).
  SVN does let us change our mind after the fact, to a large degree.
  On 3/14/07, Dan Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I noticed in the tapestry sources that while it's a multi-module
   project, all of the modules are at the same level in the source tree
   each have their own set of branches/tags/trunk folders rather than
   having each module contained within it's parent module. What have
   found to be the advantages of this? How does having each in a
   folder effect doing releases? Do you keep the version numbers in
   Thanks. :)
   Dan Adams
   Senior Software Engineer
   Interactive Factory
   To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Howard M. Lewis Ship
  TWD Consulting, Inc.
  Independent J2EE / Open-Source Java Consultant
  Creator and PMC Chair, Apache Tapestry
  Creator, Apache HiveMind
  Professional Tapestry training, mentoring, support
  and project work.
  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Howard M. Lewis Ship
TWD Consulting, Inc.
Independent J2EE / Open-Source Java Consultant
Creator and PMC Chair, Apache Tapestry
Creator, Apache HiveMind

Professional Tapestry training, mentoring, support
and project work.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Injecting hivemind properties into spring beans

2007-03-14 Thread Miguel Angel Hernández


Its been some time but I'm curious, why a Singleton?



On 12/14/06, Ben Gidley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is quite easy to do you create Spring factory bean that provides the

To make this work I cheated an chucked the registry onto a Singleton. I
suspect other strategies are possible.

public class HivemindFactoryBean implements FactoryBean {

private String serviceId;

private Class serviceInterface;

public Object getObject() throws Exception {
return RegistryManager.getInstance().getRegistry().getService(
serviceId, serviceInterface);

public Class getObjectType() {
return serviceInterface;

public boolean isSingleton() {
return true;

public String getServiceId() {
return serviceId;

public void setServiceId(String serviceId) {
this.serviceId = serviceId;

public Class getServiceInterface() {
return serviceInterface;

public void setServiceInterface(Class serviceInterface) {
this.serviceInterface = serviceInterface;


On 12/13/06, Miguel Angel Hernández [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 How did this turned out?
 I ran into a similar problem, and found this link very usefull:

 Indeed injecting spring services in hivemind's is fairly easy, though
 backwards is'nt...


Hivemind Registry and Spring

2007-03-14 Thread Miguel Angel Hernández

Hi all,

How can I expose the Hivemind Registry in a spring bean?



Re: [OT] [T5] tapestry project structure

2007-03-14 Thread Dan Adams
hmm. i've been quite happy with it, barring a couple small bugs. in any
case, team projects sets are a normal eclipse thing and don't have
anything to do with mylar.

On Wed, 2007-03-14 at 11:49 -0700, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
 I tried using Mylar for a week, but it slowed Eclipse down to a crawl
 and added a bunch of instability.
 On 3/14/07, Dan Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hmm. I currently designing a project that will have several sub-projects
  so I may just move over to this. One of the things I did notice is that
  you can't check out a sub-project just by itself or else maven will
  puke. You have to check out the parent project, install it locally, and
  then build the sub-project. A minor concern though.
  One option for developers that the mylar project uses would be to create
  a team project set (file  export  java  team project set). Then you
  make this downloaded in the tapestry docs and in order to set up the
  workspace you just import that one file which then checks out all of the
  eclipse projects necessary to work on it. It's pretty cool.
  On Wed, 2007-03-14 at 09:39 -0700, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
   Yes, mostly.  Eclipse just has the one .classpath/.project file to
   identify all the source paths and libraries for a module; it doesn't
   have a concept of a nested project with its own .classpath/.project.
It'll fight you on this!
   Meanwhile, the pom.xml for the project doesn't have all the
   depenencies needed by sub-projects.
   On 3/14/07, DJ Gredler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I've wondered about this, too.
I think there are benefits to the modular design even if the version 
are kept in sync -- in fact, I think keeping the version numbers in sync
makes it easier for users to decide what bits they need, since the 
is based only on required functionality, and not on transitive 
When you say that Eclipse can't handle the nested structure, do you 
mean the
maven2 plugin?
On 3/14/07, Howard Lewis Ship [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is more compatible with Eclipse; Eclipse can't handle a nested
 project structure.

 In addition, I expect that the release numbers of some of the
 sub-projects will decouple.

 That is, tapestry-spring may become stable at, say, 5.0.4 and we'll
 leave it alone as we rev tapestry-core up to, say, 5.0.9.

 Anyway, that's the theory.  The practice is looking a little
 different, because of JIRA.  Having just TAPESTRY as the issue tracker
 key limits the ability to meaningfully track version numbers across
 the components (such as tapestry-core).

 One option would be to start creating sub-projects within the Tapestry
 category (currently, there's just the TAPESTRY project), so that each
 could track its bugs itself.

 Another option would be to re-organize it, as you mentioned, with
 tapestry5/trunk/tapestry-xxx  and tapestry/tags/tapestry-xxx ... that
 would certainly make things easier when creating a new release (much
 less tagging!).

 SVN does let us change our mind after the fact, to a large degree.

 On 3/14/07, Dan Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I noticed in the tapestry sources that while it's a multi-module 
  project, all of the modules are at the same level in the source 
  tree and
  each have their own set of branches/tags/trunk folders rather than
  having each module contained within it's parent module. What have 
  found to be the advantages of this? How does having each in a 
  folder effect doing releases? Do you keep the version numbers in 
  Thanks. :)
  Dan Adams
  Senior Software Engineer
  Interactive Factory
  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Howard M. Lewis Ship
 TWD Consulting, Inc.
 Independent J2EE / Open-Source Java Consultant
 Creator and PMC Chair, Apache Tapestry
 Creator, Apache HiveMind

 Professional Tapestry training, mentoring, support
 and project work.

 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Dan Adams
  Senior Software Engineer
  Interactive Factory
  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dan Adams
Senior Software Engineer
Interactive Factory

Re: T5 Upload component?

2007-03-14 Thread Pablo Ruggia

I have a problem building the upload component.
Form doesn't have support for setting the enctype, so i have to pass
enctype='multipart/form-data' as an informal parameter.
Then the forms just blows up whenever i submit it.
In Tap4, there was a filter that creates a fake request with the values. How
should I implement this logic in tap5 ?

On 3/12/07, DJ Gredler  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm going to need it soon as well, but haven't looked into it at all. Go

On 3/12/07, Pablo Ruggia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anyone implemented this Upload component ?
 I need it, so if nobody has gone there yet, i'll give it a try.

 On 3/9/07, Howard Lewis Ship [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Yep, not yet implemented.
  On 3/9/07, Hugo Palma  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I can't see any upload component here
   so i guess that means it's still not implemented.
   Peter Beshai wrote:
How do we use input type=file in T5? Is this functionality
  Howard M. Lewis Ship
  TWD Consulting, Inc.
  Independent J2EE / Open-Source Java Consultant
  Creator and PMC Chair, Apache Tapestry
  Creator, Apache HiveMind
  Professional Tapestry training, mentoring, support
  and project work.
  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: T5 Upload component?

2007-03-14 Thread Pablo Ruggia

Sorry, i forgot to wrote that the forms blows because it doesn't get the
parameter values, because it's not prepared to recieve a multipart request.
To prepare the multipar request so it seems like a regular one, in tap4
has MultipartDecoderFilter. I just want to know what is the best way to
reproduce this behaviour in tap5.

On 3/14/07, Pablo Ruggia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a problem building the upload component.
Form doesn't have support for setting the enctype, so i have to pass
enctype='multipart/form-data' as an informal parameter.
Then the forms just blows up whenever i submit it.
In Tap4, there was a filter that creates a fake request with the values.
How should I implement this logic in tap5 ?

On 3/12/07, DJ Gredler  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm going to need it soon as well, but haven't looked into it at all. Go

 On 3/12/07, Pablo Ruggia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Does anyone implemented this Upload component ?
  I need it, so if nobody has gone there yet, i'll give it a try.
  On 3/9/07, Howard Lewis Ship [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Yep, not yet implemented.
   On 3/9/07, Hugo Palma  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I can't see any upload component here

so i guess that means it's still not implemented.
Peter Beshai wrote:
 How do we use input type=file in T5? Is this functionality

   Howard M. Lewis Ship
   TWD Consulting, Inc.
   Independent J2EE / Open-Source Java Consultant
   Creator and PMC Chair, Apache Tapestry
   Creator, Apache HiveMind
   Professional Tapestry training, mentoring, support
   and project work.
   To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: T5 - Context parameters and style sheets links

2007-03-14 Thread Todd Orr

Realistically, the context is not always known during development.
Business folk could easily come back after the entire QA cycle and say
that it needs to be changed for marketing reasons. This would require
a code change that may force an entire round of QA again. There should
be some way to refer to resources without hard coding the context.

On 3/12/07, Howard Lewis Ship [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is a conscious decision, that you will know early on what the
context path will be.

The effort to avoid this in T4, using a base tag, caused far more
problems than it solved.

A solution using query parameters is likewise: it makes your site
off-limits to any kind of search engine, and it tends to create longer
and less pretty URLs.

On 3/12/07, DJ Gredler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've never had to operate out of a context other than root, so I've just
 hardcoded it to /mystyle.css or whatever...

 On 3/12/07, Bogdan Calmac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Consider a UserDetail page that has an URL like
  http://server/context/UserDetail/jdoe;. Here I'm using the tapestry
  style of passing parameters, as part of the context. The problem here
  is that if you have a styleset link to mystyle.css, it will try to
  look for http://server/context/userdetail/mystyle.css which of
  course does not exit. The alternative to use the full path to the css,
  /context/mystyle.css is also bad because you don't want to hardcode
  the name of the context.
  There are 2 correct solutions to this problem which would be nice to
  be part of the framework:
  1. Allow context information to (optionally) be passed to a page as
  query parameters, so the above URL would be
  http://server/context/UserDetail?userid=jdoe;. The relative link to
  the stylesheet would be fine now, but I don't know if this fits with
  the design of the framework.
  2. Create something like an AssetLink component that takes care to
  prepend so context, so that:
link t:type=AssetLink href=/mystyle.css rel=stylesheet
  would generate;
  link href=/context/mystyle.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css/
  I would expect there were others who encountered the same quirk. How
  did you address it?
  Thank you,
  Bogdan Calmac.
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Howard M. Lewis Ship
TWD Consulting, Inc.
Independent J2EE / Open-Source Java Consultant
Creator and PMC Chair, Apache Tapestry
Creator, Apache HiveMind

Professional Tapestry training, mentoring, support
and project work.

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Re: T5 - Context parameters and style sheets links

2007-03-14 Thread Pablo Ruggia

Will be a Shell component that makes possible to add css as assets ?

On 3/14/07, Todd Orr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Realistically, the context is not always known during development.
Business folk could easily come back after the entire QA cycle and say
that it needs to be changed for marketing reasons. This would require
a code change that may force an entire round of QA again. There should
be some way to refer to resources without hard coding the context.

On 3/12/07, Howard Lewis Ship [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is a conscious decision, that you will know early on what the
 context path will be.

 The effort to avoid this in T4, using a base tag, caused far more
 problems than it solved.

 A solution using query parameters is likewise: it makes your site
 off-limits to any kind of search engine, and it tends to create longer
 and less pretty URLs.

 On 3/12/07, DJ Gredler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've never had to operate out of a context other than root, so I've
  hardcoded it to /mystyle.css or whatever...
  On 3/12/07, Bogdan Calmac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Consider a UserDetail page that has an URL like
   http://server/context/UserDetail/jdoe;. Here I'm using the tapestry
   style of passing parameters, as part of the context. The problem
   is that if you have a styleset link to mystyle.css, it will try to
   look for http://server/context/userdetail/mystyle.css which of
   course does not exit. The alternative to use the full path to the
   /context/mystyle.css is also bad because you don't want to
   the name of the context.
   There are 2 correct solutions to this problem which would be nice to
   be part of the framework:
   1. Allow context information to (optionally) be passed to a page as
   query parameters, so the above URL would be
   http://server/context/UserDetail?userid=jdoe;. The relative link to
   the stylesheet would be fine now, but I don't know if this fits with
   the design of the framework.
   2. Create something like an AssetLink component that takes care to
   prepend so context, so that:
 link t:type=AssetLink href=/mystyle.css rel=stylesheet
   would generate;
   link href=/context/mystyle.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css/
   I would expect there were others who encountered the same quirk. How
   did you address it?
   Thank you,
   Bogdan Calmac.
   To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Howard M. Lewis Ship
 TWD Consulting, Inc.
 Independent J2EE / Open-Source Java Consultant
 Creator and PMC Chair, Apache Tapestry
 Creator, Apache HiveMind

 Professional Tapestry training, mentoring, support
 and project work.

 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: T5 - Context parameters and style sheets links

2007-03-14 Thread Robert Zeigler
Maybe I'm not fully grasping the problem... what's wrong with using a  
context asset?

Instead of saying link href=/context/default.css..., why not do:
link t:type=Any href=prop:stylsheet /


private Asset _stylesheet;

//note: tapestry will coerce the stylesheet appropriately into the  
client url string

public Asset getStylesheet() {
  return _stylesheet;

Then you just need to know the path relative to the context, without  
needing to know the context...


On Mar 14, 2007, at 3/143:55 PM , Todd Orr wrote:

Realistically, the context is not always known during development.
Business folk could easily come back after the entire QA cycle and say
that it needs to be changed for marketing reasons. This would require
a code change that may force an entire round of QA again. There should
be some way to refer to resources without hard coding the context.

On 3/12/07, Howard Lewis Ship [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is a conscious decision, that you will know early on what the
context path will be.

The effort to avoid this in T4, using a base tag, caused far more
problems than it solved.

A solution using query parameters is likewise: it makes your site
off-limits to any kind of search engine, and it tends to create  

and less pretty URLs.

On 3/12/07, DJ Gredler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've never had to operate out of a context other than root, so  
I've just

 hardcoded it to /mystyle.css or whatever...

 On 3/12/07, Bogdan Calmac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Consider a UserDetail page that has an URL like
  http://server/context/UserDetail/jdoe;. Here I'm using the  
  style of passing parameters, as part of the context. The  
problem here
  is that if you have a styleset link to mystyle.css, it will  
try to

  look for http://server/context/userdetail/mystyle.css which of
  course does not exit. The alternative to use the full path to  
the css,
  /context/mystyle.css is also bad because you don't want to  

  the name of the context.
  There are 2 correct solutions to this problem which would be  
nice to

  be part of the framework:
  1. Allow context information to (optionally) be passed to a  
page as

  query parameters, so the above URL would be
  http://server/context/UserDetail?userid=jdoe;. The relative  
link to
  the stylesheet would be fine now, but I don't know if this  
fits with

  the design of the framework.
  2. Create something like an AssetLink component that takes  
care to

  prepend so context, so that:
link t:type=AssetLink href=/mystyle.css rel=stylesheet
  would generate;
  link href=/context/mystyle.css rel=stylesheet type=text/ 

  I would expect there were others who encountered the same  
quirk. How

  did you address it?
  Thank you,
  Bogdan Calmac.

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Howard M. Lewis Ship
TWD Consulting, Inc.
Independent J2EE / Open-Source Java Consultant
Creator and PMC Chair, Apache Tapestry
Creator, Apache HiveMind

Professional Tapestry training, mentoring, support
and project work.

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T4.1.1 - Getting client Remote Address IP?

2007-03-14 Thread Daniel Anguita O.

Hi all,

well, that's my problem.. i'm trying to get the client IP that is 
connected to my tapestry app.
I have read a lot, but all the help i could find is about tap4.0, and 
there are a lot of changes since that version.

So, anyone knows how to get the client remote addres, the IP? thanks!


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Re: Eclipse + Maven2 + Tapestry 4.0.2

2007-03-14 Thread Borut Bolčina

Hello, this is what I posted last summer on Maven list:

I configured Eclipse 3.2, WTP 1.5 and Maven 2.0.4 to play in the same band.
Here is how I prepared my environment for developing Tapestry web

  1. Create new Dynamic Web project with Eclipse. Enter src/main/webapp
  for Content Directory. Enter src/main/java for Java Source Directory.
  2. Install Eclipse plugin via Help/Software Updates/Find and Install (
  3. Install Eclipse plugin for synchronizing WTP Web App Libraries with
  Maven dependencies ( also with
  Software Updates. See for more on
  this sync issue.
  4. Enable your project for Maven2 by right clicking on project and
  choosing Maven2/Enable. Enter POM values, don't forget to set war for
  Packaging. The icon indicating that your project is a WTP project will be
  replaced my small red letter m. Also Maven2 Dependencies library will show
  up (empty).
  5. Right click on your project in Package Explorer (I work in Java
  Perspective) and choose Properties. Find  LibCopy properties in the list
  and  check the only checkbox and be sure that Local folder points to
  6. Add dependent library  (say Tapestry) by right clicking the project
  and then Maven2/Add  Dependency. In the dialog type tapestry which will show
  up a list of possible artifacts. Choose   version 4.0.2 and wait for
  all jars to download (there should be 10). Maven2 Dependency library in
  Package Explorer should now contain references to jars in your local maven
  repository. Also  Web App Libraries should contain white jar icons with a
  small arrow in the lower right corner.
  7. Configure Tomcat (or any other container) in
  Preferences/Server/Installed Runtime and then attach your project to this
  server instance.
  8. Specific instructions for Tapestry can be found at

You can now change HTML _and_ Java source files without copying anything
anywhere. This is as rapid as it gets in pro/large web app development as
far as I can tell. Having HTML designer doing page mockups with Dreamweaver
_in parallel_ with Tapestry coder, both using Subversion, is a winning game
but this is already off-topic.

I hope this recipe will get you up to speed. There are issues with this, it
is not perfect. The other option is with Jetty Eclipse plugin or just plain
mvn jetty:run.


2007/3/14, Bruno Mignoni [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Does Anybody have a Tutorial to start a developing with Eclipse + Maven2 +
Tapestr 4.0.2?

I am beginer in Tapestry +  Java and I use Eclipse + WTP and is very slow.


Bruno Mignoni

Re: T4.1.1 - Portlet problem

2007-03-14 Thread Borut Bolčina

Hmmm, now what, we were just looking forward to developing T 4.1.x portlets.


2007/3/14, Jesse Kuhnert [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Looks nasty. I wouldn't be surprised if something had run awful for
portlets. I've yet to find a suitably easy environment to setup a
simple portlet app to test things in but can hopefully get to it umm

On 3/9/07, Martin Petras [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am trying to port my portlet application from tapestry 4.0.2 to
 4.1.1. I have just replaced the libraries and got these exceptions (see
 below). I am using Tomcat 5.5.12, Jetspeed 2.0, Hivemind 1.1.1. Have
 no idea how to resolve the problem. The problem occurs in all my
portlets. I
 attached a sample portlet where I'm getting the error.






    (and more other exceptions)

  Nested Exception is java.lang.NullPointerException: Property
 of OuterProxy for tapestry.globals.RequestGlo
  bals( is










    (and more other exceptions)

  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  !DOCTYPE application PUBLIC
-//Apache Software Foundation//Tapestry Specification 4.0//EN;
  !-- generated by Spindle, --

  application name=myLRUDocs
  descriptionadd a description/description

  page name=myLRUDocsEdit

  library id=contrib


  ?xml version=1.0?
 version=4.1.1 package=org.apache.tapestry.portlet
Add on for Tapestry that adds native Portlet support.
dependency module-id=tapestry version=4.1.1/
dependency module-id=tapestry.portlet version=4.1.1/
dependency module-id=tapestry.contrib version=4.1.1/
dependency module-id=hivemind.lib version=1.1.1/

match portlet-mode=view page=myLRUDocs/
match portlet-mode=edit page=myLRUDocsEdit/


Re: T4.1.1 - Getting client Remote Address IP?

2007-03-14 Thread Andrea Chiumenti

inject the HttpServletRequest into your page
inject property=request object=service:

then use it into your page code:

For more info:


On 3/14/07, Daniel Anguita O. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

well, that's my problem.. i'm trying to get the client IP that is
connected to my tapestry app.
I have read a lot, but all the help i could find is about tap4.0, and
there are a lot of changes since that version.

So, anyone knows how to get the client remote addres, the IP? thanks!


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Re: [T5]Question on ASO configuration

2007-03-14 Thread Weisu

Thanks Howard, it now working.

Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
 Sorry, just a typo; the name of the class should be
 ApplicationStateContribution (not ApplicationStateConfiguration).
 On 3/13/07, Weisu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi, I am following the User Guide on ASO, what is
 ApplicationStateConfiguration? Do I have to create this interface, the
 online example code is:
 public void contributeApplicationStateManager(MappedConfigurationClass,
 ApplicationStateConfiguration configuration)
 ApplicationStateCreatorMyState creator = new
   public MyState create()
 return new MyState(new Date());

 configuration.add(MyState.class, new
 ApplicationStateContribution(session, creator));
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 Howard M. Lewis Ship
 TWD Consulting, Inc.
 Independent J2EE / Open-Source Java Consultant
 Creator and PMC Chair, Apache Tapestry
 Creator, Apache HiveMind
 Professional Tapestry training, mentoring, support
 and project work.
 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Cant Checkout tapestry-spring project

2007-03-14 Thread Miguel Angel Hernández

Hi all,

I cant CO tapestry-spring trunk:

Authentication realm: Subversion Repository
svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/tapestry/tapestry-spring/trunk'
svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/tapestry/tapestry-spring/trunk': authorization failed

does it has anonymous access?



Re: Cant Checkout tapestry-spring project

2007-03-14 Thread James Carman


On 3/14/07, Miguel Angel Hernández [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

I cant CO tapestry-spring trunk:

Authentication realm: Subversion Repository
svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/tapestry/tapestry-spring/trunk'
svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/tapestry/tapestry-spring/trunk': authorization

does it has anonymous access?



T5.0.3-Ioc Service Module ID

2007-03-14 Thread Weisu

Hi, I had just downloaded the 5.0.3, and coz there is no more @Id, so i had
to comment out @Id(app), but it produces this error msg:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Module 'app' does not exist. Please ensure that
the JAR file for the module is on the classpath. 
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Re: T5.0.3-Ioc Service Module ID

2007-03-14 Thread Weisu

Sorry , my fault, I didn't delete 5.0.2 from lib directory.

Weisu wrote:
 Hi, I had just downloaded the 5.0.3, and coz there is no more @Id, so i
 had to comment out @Id(app), but it produces this error msg:
 java.lang.RuntimeException: Module 'app' does not exist. Please ensure
 that the JAR file for the module is on the classpath. 

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