[T4] - Tapestry.bind basic Ajax example

2007-10-19 Thread Loïc Talbot
Hi there,

I'm trying to do an XHR request using the same method as @DirectLink

Here is the code:

script type=text/javascript
var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject(Microsoft.XMLDOM);
var content;
function SendAjaxRequest() {
content = xmlDoc.responseXML;
 a href=# onclick=SendAjaxRequest()click here/a

The server-side component does work when called when using DirectLink, but
when clicking the link as coded above it doesn't.
1./ in IE7 it simply doesn't work but the page is displayed
2./ in Firefox it doesn't display the whole page and Firebug sends an error
message:uncaught exception: [Exception...' Component returned failure
code: 0x80070057 (NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE) [

I know, I know there must be something I have misunderstood but I am a bit

I don't want to use DirectLink because the result of the XHR must be used in
another javascript function.

Any help/remarks ?

Re: T4: creating search form and search result on one page

2007-10-19 Thread Andreas Andreou
public Collection list;

inside search(), just do
setList( getService().search(getClient()) );

On 10/19/07, Joshua Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here is the html template of search form and search result underneath it:

 span jwcid=@Layout
 form jwcid=[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 table width=100%
 td width=35%span jwcid=@Insert
 value=message:app.number //td
 tdinput jwcid=[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 value=ognl:client.appNumber //td
 tdspan jwcid=@Insert value=message:
 payor.name //td
 tdinput jwcid=[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 value=ognl:client.payorName //td
 input type=submit jwcid=[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 action=listener:search value=message:search/

 table jwcid=@contrib:Table source=ognl:list

 td colspan=4 class=tablePages
   span jwcid=[EMAIL PROTECTED]:TablePages/


 Here is the search listener:
 public Collection list;

 public abstract Collection getList();
 public abstract void setList(Collection list);

 public abstract Client getClient();
 public abstract void setClient(Client client);

 private Service service;

 public void search()
 list = getService().search(getClient());

 public Service getService() {
 return service;

 And here is the page definition:
 page-specification class=pages.Panel
 inject property=service object=spring:service/

 On 10/19/07, Jonathan Barker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Post your code.  I've never had a problem.

 What you want today, may not exist tommorrow

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Andreas Andreou - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://blog.andyhot.gr
Tapestry / Tacos developer
Open Source / JEE Consulting

Re: how to have persistent data in querystring?

2007-10-19 Thread Britske

Well i guess the onPassivate-method isn't entirely out of the question since
it gives a central place to handle this on the page-level as well. The
tagging-variant seems nicer though. I thought i read somewhere in the
documentation that a 'client-side persistence strategy' was on the horizon,
which would include 'automagically' inserting persistent fields into the
url. I can't find anymore where i've read it though. 

Since we're talking about updating / changing the url, in a somehwat related
post i asked about possibilities for rewriting the url. (I havn't found time
to try to resolve this) 

from that post: 

For example I want a Venue bean with name venueX and id=123 to show up as:

Notice the countryname and cityname, which aren't fields of the Venue-page
but are derived from the association venue-page-- venue-- city --

I think adapting the onPassivate-method for inserting these values into the
url and onActivate() for only parsing the necessary fields from this url is
all that is needed to get this to work, is this correct? 
btw: a Url-rwrite filtr for this won't work because i also want to have the
translation the other way around.: not only from nice -- tapestry internal
but also from tapestry internal -- nice. Url-rewrite only gives me the

Later on i would like to strip the first /venue/  --
http://test.com/venue/countryname/cityname/venux/123 would become

This becomes harder, because tapestry now doesn't know anymore to which page
to redirect. out-of-the-box it starts searching for a page with
countryname. I guess for this I have to dig a little deeper. 

Hmm, in hindsight i believe this isn't at all a coherent post, with almost
no question or conclusion to be found... consider this a kind of braindump



Josh Canfield-2 wrote:
 Ok, and you want to do this without implementing a passivate method on
 That doesn't seem like a trivial problem to solve, especially in a safe
 general way. I'm pretty sure nothing like that exists now, but I believe
 the hooks are available to create your own annotations so you could do the
 implementation. If I were going to attempt this I'd start by looking at
 adding new activate/passivate methods via the class transform worker...
 There are a lot of issues to deal with... but you could start by taking a
 look at
 and the source for the @Environmental annotation might help
 Good luck,
 On 10/18/07, Britske [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 that would require a lot of manual labor for each and every link.

 btw: my question relates to T5.

 Say i had page B injected into page A.
 I could then initialize page B and return page B from some eventhandler
 page A.
 What I would want to accomplish is that this automatically results in
 redirecting to page B (as normal) with the difference that the url of
 shows my predefined fields of page B in the url (I know I mentioned
 querystring in the subjectheader, i mean the path-part of the url)

 The mechanism could know this because at designtime I could have tagged
 fields of page B that I wanted to include in the url. This would enable
 to once define these fields at design-time and not having to worry about
 later on.

 is anything like this out there, or planned at all?

 Thanks in advance,

 Josh Canfield-2 wrote:
  If you want to parameters to the query string then you can create a
  add parameters to it from within your page.
  On 10/18/07, Britske [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  okay, I like peristent data very much. On the other hand I want to
  in which several persistent properties are encoded into the
  better bookmarking and other requirements from a user-perspective).
  so my question is:
  is there a way to encode / decode certain persistent properties into
  querystring? The best would be a way without having to change the
  and onPassivate-methods of course...
  Thanks in advance,
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Re: t5 form submit not fired

2007-10-19 Thread Britske

ok that explains a few things ;-)
thanks for clearing that up. 

Nick Westgate wrote:
 Hugo defined myAction as returning a StreamResponse - no redirect.
 Geert-Jan says myAction returns void - a redirect occurs.
 Hugo Palma wrote:
 If your getting a page redirect then your doing something wrong in your 
 If you post it i can try and find the problem.
 Britske wrote:
 after the onchange occurs, this is what happens in my app:
 1. onMyAction is executed()  (this is an actionlink which returns
 (void) which results in a client-side redirect to the same page (as 
 per documentation:
 http://tapestry.apache.org/tapestry5/tapestry-core/guide/pagenav.html )

 2. onActivate() is executed on the server, which I think proofs that 
 was indeed a redirect.
 please don't get me wrong, I still think it's an elegant solution...


 HugoPalma wrote:
 Why do you say a redirect happens ? Does your page refresh when you 
 change the selectbox value ?
 It won't refresh because all your doing is call a javascript 
 function. There's no redirect.

 Britske wrote:

 since your example effectively calls a ActionLink through AJAX, a
 DOES happen. It's the result of the ActionLink. If I'm seeing this
 what then is the advantage of doing a call through AJAX or a
 for the discussed purpose, since both result in a redirect?


 HugoPalma wrote:

 The method i suggested is implemented so that you don't have to 
 submit the form. That's what AJAX is all about, you make a request 
 to the server and then update a portion of your page based on the 
 response from the server using javascript. There's no page reload 
 of for submission.

 Britske wrote:

 yeah indeed it is only called once when the template is rendered, I
 discovered now. However i don't need to return a dynamic url or 
 whatever based on the
 what I need is a way to reliably catch a event at the server/java 
 this case onChange) every time that event occurs. I don't want to
 form when that happens (otherwise I could use the method you 
 I want to update some information on the current page and stay
 This means that i have to redirect to my currentpage with a couple
 queryparameters in the url which depend on the selected fields in
 hmm, the more i think about it, I don't think i really need to catch
 event server-side. I just redirect to the current page on onChange
 javascript:window.location=... and parse the querystrings 
 correctly in
 hope this makes sense, thanks!

 HugoPalma wrote:
 That's the way it's supposed to be.
 You only see the getTheLink method executed once because that 
 what it need to replace ${theLink} in your template with the 
 correct link that is returned from your method. This is done once 
 when the page renders. If you look at the rendered page source 
 you won't see ${theLink}
 there, instead you will the the generated link to your listener.

 Anyway, does it really matter how many times the getTheLink 
 method is invoked ? I think not.  What really matters is that the 
 method to which your getTheLink method should be returning the 
 URL to is
 called whenever you call the sendRequest function.

 Britske wrote:

 thanks that works partially.
 However, the event is only catched twice: 1. on pageload (??m 
 the sendRequest isn't called, but somehow the
 getTheLink()-method is executed.)
 2. the first time i send a onchange.
 However after the first onchange all other onchange-event don't
 getTheLink() executed, although sendRequest() is called on the
 each time.
 This is my relevant code:
 in  html: script
 function sendRequest() {
 alert(sendRequest reached);
 new Ajax.Request('${theLink}',
 } /script
 select t:type=select t:model=themaList t:value=thema
 onchange=sendRequest() name=thema id=thema tabindex=4 

 in the page-class: public String getTheLink() {
 return catched!;
 Do you 've got any idea what causes this behavior?

 HugoPalma wrote:

 I would suggest that you use AJAX instead of doing the form 
 submit. Although the AJAX integration in T5 is still not 
 implemented it's
 very easy to do using the provided prototype and json 
 javascripts. I did
 this successfully for some simple events also.
 Shortly, here's how i did it:

 In my page i have these two javascript functions:

 function handleResponse(xhrResponse) {
 var json = xhrResponse.responseText.evalJSON(true);

 //Do whatever you want with the server response
 // --

 function sendRequest() {

Re: Tapestry 5 Roadmap

2007-10-19 Thread kranga
That is an incredible statement! There have been numerous discussions on 
this mailing list on the way T4 was made completely incompatible since it 
was going to incorporate the very best and then T5 was made even more 
incompatible to incorporate the latest. This has been a vexing issue with 
quite a few people and organizations who invested in T3/T4 based projects.

By way of example, tell me how these products are not compatible within 
major releases:

Websphere 4, 5, 6
WebLogic:  8, 9, 10
MySQL: 4, 5
Hibernate: 2, 3

There are some pieces that change and new features are introduced. But your 
don't have to do a major rewrite to use the newer version. As an example, if 
T5 were T4 + annotations, that would be a compatible release. But Howard has 
chosen to rewrite it from the ground up with no compatiblity concern. Well, 
thats his prerogative as this is open-source community driven development. 
If I want, I can take the T3 code base and establish my own framework. 
However, it also reflects on the popularly or lack of for Tapestry. This 
topic has been beaten to death and I don't wish to bring it up again. 
However, your point regarding versions was egregious.

- Original Message - 
From: Christian Gruber [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Tapestry users users@tapestry.apache.org
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: Tapestry 5 Roadmap

I'm not sure where incompatible releases comes in.  No one releases 
 1.0 - 2.0 compatible releases except O/S vendors.  That's typically 
what the large version number change means - these are incompatible. 
That's not a strike against Tapestry, that's an industry expectation.


On 18-Oct-07, at 6:45 AM, kranga wrote:

The question is very relevant. The concern of the project should be  to 
build out the business functionality using existing tools. If the  tools 
in question are not yet released and in production, there is a  very 
legitimate concern that the maintenance of the tool will become  a 
partial focus. Tapestry may be a compelling offering  technologically, 
but it has many other factors going against it -  lack of a developer 
mindshare, incompatible releases in the past,  etc. We have used Tapestry 
for big projects - but we are still using  T3 since T4 and T5 are 
completely incompatible. You cannot push beta  software past project 
stakeholders unless that beta software is also  providing you with 
competitive advantage. T5 has some able  competitors in Wicket and 
JSF/Stripes, etc while still lacking an  ajax foundation for instance. So 
the competitive advantage is not  clear cut.

- Original Message - From: Alex Shneyderman 

To: Tapestry users users@tapestry.apache.org
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 3:22 AM
Subject: Re: Tapestry 5 Roadmap

The one question I could not answer without looking ridiculous was 

happens to our multi-million dollar project if Howard is hit by a  bus

I think the question is irrelevant. The question you should be 

Is the current base usable enough to push through on the project?. A
relevant after-question (if answer to the above is not exactly) to 

how easy it is to add the features you are missing if you have to.  And
how easy it is to poke through the tapestry's source-base to fix  bugs 

might exist and you will find during the project's development.

If you can cross off HLS as your dependency then t5 is probably the 

choice to make from what's available out there :-)


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Tapestry 4.1.3 Archetype

2007-10-19 Thread Daniel Ruiz
is there anything like ' this ' for tapestry 4.1.3 snapshot?
Daniel Ruiz

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RE: T5: A Form without a Session

2007-10-19 Thread Kristian Marinkovic
hi josh,you can pass your own ValidationTrackerwith a persistence strategyof your choiceto the form component using the tracker parameter. And the default tracker with session persistence will not be created.or you can create your own form component:http://www.nabble.com/T5%3A-refreshing-page-when-there-is-an-error-tf4627982.htmlg,kris[EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb: -An: "Tapestry users" users@tapestry.apache.orgVon: "Josh Canfield" [EMAIL PROTECTED]Gesendet von: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Datum: 19.10.2007 07:32PMThema: T5: A Form without a SessionI'd like to add a form component to my page, I haven't found a way to do itwithout causing a session to be created when the page is first accessed. I'mfine if a session is created when the user actually submits the form, tohandle validation etc. but some forms are rarely used and session overheadis just unwelcome.It looks like in the form component the default validator is @Persist'dwhich is causing the session to be created. I don't want to use clientpersistence if it's going to stuff the ugly base 64 encoded object in theurl, although I haven't seen a way to change the persistence withoutchanging the default persistence for everything...So, I've gone with a standard html form for the simple search box for nowwhich is fine, but I'd like to use the t:form on other pages withoutforcing a session to be created when the form may not be submitted.Any thoughts?Thanks,Josh-- --TheDailyTube.com. Sign up and get the best new videos on the internetdelivered fresh to your inbox.
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Re: multiple select dropdown

2007-10-19 Thread Tapestry240

For multiple select box you do a multiple and define size. Seems like there
is no way you can do a multiple select on a dropdown though.

Daniel Jue wrote:
 Look at the Palette or Enhanced Palette code.
 On 10/17/07, Daniel Jue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think you define a size variable that tells the html control how
 many items to show.

 On 10/17/07, Jean-Philippe Steinmetz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  How do you do a regular multiple selection box (as a list)? I can't
 seem to
  find anything in the component reference.
   -Original Message-
   From: Daniel Jue [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 8:31 AM
   To: Tapestry users
   Subject: Re: multiple select dropdown
   No I do not think you can do that. Maybe in Flash.
   As a user, I wouldn't expect that to be possible.
   On 10/16/07, Tapestry240 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi everyone,
Is there a way to do a multiple select from a drop down. I am not
asking about the list box but a drop down(one row) where I
   can do multiple select.
Thanks in advance,
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Re: Tap 4.0.2 to 4.1.2 migration loop / ognl issue

2007-10-19 Thread andyhot
But i 1would point out that this is a good opportunity to clean up your 

Jesse Kuhnert wrote:

Sounds like it's just an OGNL bug.   If you file it here I should be
able to fix it fairly quickly as it looks like something that'll be
easy to do:


(the fix will come in the form of a new 2.7.2-SNAPSHOT build off of
http://opencomponentry.com/repository/ )

On 10/19/07, Dom Couldwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm migrating an existing project which uses 4.0.2 to use 4.1.2 and I'm having
and ognl / loop related issue.

Here's the snippet that works on 4.0.2

  td jwcid=@For
div jwcid=@If
 condition=ognl:tab.searchCriteria[currentFilterGroupIndex] !=
 class=ognl:'filter' +
select jwcid=@Select
ognl:'searchSubmit(\''[EMAIL PROTECTED]@FILTER+'\',

  div jwcid=@For

  option jwcid=@Option

But under 4.1.2 it's giving me the error:

2007-10-19 16:31:13,878, ERROR,
[org.apache.tapestry.services.impl.HiveMindExpressionCompiler], line 179,
Error generating OGNL getter for expression
tab.searchCriteriaSelections[currentFilterGroupIndex][currentFilterIndex] with
root [EMAIL PROTECTED]/$Search] and body:
{ return  ($w)
org.apache.hivemind.ApplicationRuntimeException: Unable to add method
java.lang.Object get(ognl.OgnlContext, java.lang.Object) to class
$ASTChain_115b9f4b263: [source error] get(java.util.List) not found in
Caused by: javassist.CannotCompileException: [source error]
get(java.util.List) not found in java.lang.Object
  at javassist.CtBehavior.setBody(CtBehavior.java:347)
  at javassist.CtBehavior.setBody(CtBehavior.java:316)
  ... 161 more
Caused by: compile error: get(java.util.List) not found in java.lang.Object

Should we be using different ognl syntax for the new version of Tapestry?

I've tried updating the problem line to

which works when the page serves but does not write the values back to the

2007-10-19 17:01:08,272, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
line 22, org.apache.tapestry.BindingException
2007-10-19 17:01:08,272, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
line 23, Unable to update OGNL expression 'parsed OGNL expression' of
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/$Search] to true: Inappropriate OGNL expression:
2007-10-19 17:01:08,272, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
line 32,
2007-10-19 17:01:08,272, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
line 44,
location|context:/WEB-INF/Search.html, line 106
2007-10-19 17:01:08,272, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
line 22, org.apache.hivemind.ApplicationRuntimeException
2007-10-19 17:01:08,287, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
line 23, Unable to update OGNL expression 'parsed OGNL expression' of
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/$Search] to true: Inappropriate OGNL expression:
2007-10-19 17:01:08,287, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
line 32,
2007-10-19 17:01:08,287, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
line 44,
component|[EMAIL PROTECTED]/$Search]
location|context:/WEB-INF/Home.html, line 51
2007-10-19 17:01:08,287, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
line 22, ognl.InappropriateExpressionException

Any ideas?


Dom Couldwell
Global Markets Research


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Tap 4.0.2 to 4.1.2 migration loop / ognl issue

2007-10-19 Thread Dom Couldwell


I'm migrating an existing project which uses 4.0.2 to use 4.1.2 and I'm having
and ognl / loop related issue.

Here's the snippet that works on 4.0.2

  td jwcid=@For
div jwcid=@If
 condition=ognl:tab.searchCriteria[currentFilterGroupIndex] !=
 class=ognl:'filter' +
select jwcid=@Select
ognl:'searchSubmit(\''[EMAIL PROTECTED]@FILTER+'\',

  div jwcid=@For
  option jwcid=@Option

But under 4.1.2 it's giving me the error:

2007-10-19 16:31:13,878, ERROR,
[org.apache.tapestry.services.impl.HiveMindExpressionCompiler], line 179,
Error generating OGNL getter for expression
tab.searchCriteriaSelections[currentFilterGroupIndex][currentFilterIndex] with
root [EMAIL PROTECTED]/$Search] and body:
{ return  ($w)
org.apache.hivemind.ApplicationRuntimeException: Unable to add method
java.lang.Object get(ognl.OgnlContext, java.lang.Object) to class
$ASTChain_115b9f4b263: [source error] get(java.util.List) not found in
Caused by: javassist.CannotCompileException: [source error]
get(java.util.List) not found in java.lang.Object
  at javassist.CtBehavior.setBody(CtBehavior.java:347)
  at javassist.CtBehavior.setBody(CtBehavior.java:316)
  ... 161 more
Caused by: compile error: get(java.util.List) not found in java.lang.Object

Should we be using different ognl syntax for the new version of Tapestry?

I've tried updating the problem line to

which works when the page serves but does not write the values back to the

2007-10-19 17:01:08,272, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
line 22, org.apache.tapestry.BindingException
2007-10-19 17:01:08,272, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
line 23, Unable to update OGNL expression 'parsed OGNL expression' of
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/$Search] to true: Inappropriate OGNL expression:
2007-10-19 17:01:08,272, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
line 32,
2007-10-19 17:01:08,272, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
line 44,
location|context:/WEB-INF/Search.html, line 106
2007-10-19 17:01:08,272, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
line 22, org.apache.hivemind.ApplicationRuntimeException
2007-10-19 17:01:08,287, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
line 23, Unable to update OGNL expression 'parsed OGNL expression' of
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/$Search] to true: Inappropriate OGNL expression:
2007-10-19 17:01:08,287, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
line 32,
2007-10-19 17:01:08,287, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
line 44,
component|[EMAIL PROTECTED]/$Search]
location|context:/WEB-INF/Home.html, line 51
2007-10-19 17:01:08,287, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
line 22, ognl.InappropriateExpressionException

Any ideas?


Dom Couldwell
Global Markets Research


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Re: t5 form submit not fired

2007-10-19 Thread Britske

thanks for mentioning the difference. In my case a dropdown-change causes a
result-set to reload based on a new query which is shown as the main result
on the page. Since this almost means rendering the entire page again, there
isn't much difference between streaming the diference as Json or whatever or
doing a complete reload. However ,i'm the first to admit that to do things
as populating dropdown boxes (autocomplete or whatever) or changing a
fraction of the page, AJAX is the way to go. 

Thanks again,

Josh Canfield-2 wrote:
 The whole point of AJAX is not having to return the whole page. You just
 want to return the part of the page that needs updating. If selecting a
 field in a drop down is supposed to add a dependant drop down (choose a
 country changes possible address fields for instance), then you only
 enough information for that field to be updated and use Javascript to
 populate the field.
 Your stream response can be XML, JSON, or HTML depending on what your
 On 10/18/07, Britske [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A changes your method somehwat to return void -- redirect to current
 (Thanks Nick for mentioning the difference)

 Could you eleborate what exactly you stream to the client in the
 StreamReponse you give back?
 This must be the entire page right? You can't just stream changes back to
 the client at least to my knowledge.

 I'm curious if in your opinion streaming the response gives a noticable
 performance difference than doing a redirect to the same page.

 HugoPalma wrote:
  If your getting a page redirect then your doing something wrong in your
  If you post it i can try and find the problem.
  Britske wrote:
  after the onchange occurs, this is what happens in my app:
  1. onMyAction is executed()  (this is an actionlink which returns
  (void) which results in a client-side redirect to the same page
  (as per documentation:
  2. onActivate() is executed on the server, which I think proofs that
  was indeed a redirect.
  please don't get me wrong, I still think it's an elegant solution...
  HugoPalma wrote:
  Why do you say a redirect happens ? Does your page refresh when you
  change the selectbox value ?
  It won't refresh because all your doing is call a javascript
  There's no redirect.
  Britske wrote:
  since your example effectively calls a ActionLink through AJAX, a
  DOES happen. It's the result of the ActionLink. If I'm seeing this
  what then is the advantage of doing a call through AJAX or a
  for the discussed purpose, since both result in a redirect?
  HugoPalma wrote:
  The method i suggested is implemented so that you don't have to
  the form. That's what AJAX is all about, you make a request to the
  server and then update a portion of your page based on the response
  the server using javascript. There's no page reload of for
  Britske wrote:
  yeah indeed it is only called once when the template is rendered,
  discovered now.
  However i don't need to return a dynamic url or whatever based on
  what I need is a way to reliably catch a event at the server/java
  this case onChange) every time that event occurs. I don't want to
  form when that happens (otherwise I could use the method you
  I want to update some information on the current page and stay
  This means that i have to redirect to my currentpage with a couple
  queryparameters in the url which depend on the selected fields in
  hmm, the more i think about it, I don't think i really need to
  event server-side. I just redirect to the current page on onChange
  javascript:window.location=... and parse the querystrings
  hope this makes sense,
  HugoPalma wrote:
  That's the way it's supposed to be.
  You only see the getTheLink method executed once because that
  need to replace ${theLink} in your template with the correct link
  is returned from your method. This is done once when the page
  If you look at the rendered page source you won't see ${theLink}
  instead you will the the generated link to your listener.
  Anyway, does it really matter how many times the getTheLink
  invoked ? I think not.  What really matters is that the listener
  to which your getTheLink method should be returning the URL to is
  whenever you call the sendRequest function.
  Britske wrote:
  thanks that works partially.
  However, the event is only catched twice:
  1. on pageload (??m the sendRequest isn't called, but somehow

Re: how to have persistent data in querystring?

2007-10-19 Thread Britske

your welcome;-)
i have a look it myself.

Josh Canfield-2 wrote:
 I haven't played with the client persistence strategy, but the
 says The field is persisted onto the client; you will see an additional
 query parameter in each URL (or an extra hidden field in each form).
 The nightly builds implementation is adding the client persisted fields
 the url as a query parameter using a Base 64 encoded object stream... (
 If you want attractive URLs then I'd say this isn't what you are looking
 for... Although I got to learn a bit about it so thanks for asking the
 question :)
 On 10/19/07, Britske [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well i guess the onPassivate-method isn't entirely out of the question
 it gives a central place to handle this on the page-level as well. The
 tagging-variant seems nicer though. I thought i read somewhere in the
 documentation that a 'client-side persistence strategy' was on the
 which would include 'automagically' inserting persistent fields into the
 url. I can't find anymore where i've read it though.

 Since we're talking about updating / changing the url, in a somehwat
 post i asked about possibilities for rewriting the url. (I havn't found
 to try to resolve this)

 from that post:

 For example I want a Venue bean with name venueX and id=123 to show up

 Notice the countryname and cityname, which aren't fields of the
 but are derived from the association venue-page-- venue-- city --

 I think adapting the onPassivate-method for inserting these values into
 url and onActivate() for only parsing the necessary fields from this url
 all that is needed to get this to work, is this correct?
 btw: a Url-rwrite filtr for this won't work because i also want to have
 translation the other way around.: not only from nice -- tapestry
 but also from tapestry internal -- nice. Url-rewrite only gives me the

 Later on i would like to strip the first /venue/  --
 http://test.com/venue/countryname/cityname/venux/123 would become

 This becomes harder, because tapestry now doesn't know anymore to which
 to redirect. out-of-the-box it starts searching for a page with
 countryname. I guess for this I have to dig a little deeper.

 Hmm, in hindsight i believe this isn't at all a coherent post, with
 no question or conclusion to be found... consider this a kind of


 Josh Canfield-2 wrote:
  Ok, and you want to do this without implementing a passivate method on
  That doesn't seem like a trivial problem to solve, especially in a safe
  general way. I'm pretty sure nothing like that exists now, but I
  the hooks are available to create your own annotations so you could do
  implementation. If I were going to attempt this I'd start by looking at
  adding new activate/passivate methods via the class transform worker...
  There are a lot of issues to deal with... but you could start by taking
  look at
  and the source for the @Environmental annotation might help
  Good luck,
  On 10/18/07, Britske [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  that would require a lot of manual labor for each and every link.
  btw: my question relates to T5.
  Say i had page B injected into page A.
  I could then initialize page B and return page B from some
  page A.
  What I would want to accomplish is that this automatically results in
  redirecting to page B (as normal) with the difference that the url of
  shows my predefined fields of page B in the url (I know I mentioned
  querystring in the subjectheader, i mean the path-part of the url)
  The mechanism could know this because at designtime I could have
  fields of page B that I wanted to include in the url. This would
  to once define these fields at design-time and not having to worry
  later on.
  is anything like this out there, or planned at all?
  Thanks in advance,
  Josh Canfield-2 wrote:
   If you want to parameters to the query string then you can create a
   add parameters to it from within your page.

T5: page with form re-rendering

2007-10-19 Thread Angelo Chen

I have a form like following, it sets a persisted variable(country) in the
page class, initially it includes addressHK component in the page, when
user choose 'US' and click submit, the page is supposed to be refreshed
withh addressUS component included, but it never happen, it seems page was
never got re-rendered, any way to force the re-rendering

 t:form t:id=editProfile

input t:type=select  t:id=country t:model=CountryList/ 
t:if test=${isUS}t:addressUS //t:if  
t:if test=${isHK}t:addressHK //t:if
input type=submit name=Submit id=Submit value=Submit / 

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Tapestry - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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RE: Templates and t:body

2007-10-19 Thread Heck, Bob
Ok, still have a problem.  No error, just no header rendered.

Here is my Header.java file:

package try.tapestry.components;

public class Header {

public Header()


Here is my Header.tml file:

html xmlns:t=http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd;
h1This is a header/h1

Here is my Start.tml

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN 
html xmlns:t=http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd;
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1/
titleHello World Title/title
t:Header /
Hello world. Start.

Here is my Start.java

package try.tapestry.pages;

public class Start {

public Start ()


Here is the output when rendered (no header was inserted, just ignored.  No 

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN 
href=/assets/tapestry/default.css rel=stylesheet type=text/cssmeta 
content=text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 http-equiv=Content-TypetitleHello 
World Title/title/headbody

Hello world. Start.

Any help is appreciated.  I MUST be missing something so simple.


-Original Message-
From: Howard Lewis Ship [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 18:20
To: Tapestry users
Subject: Re: Templates and t:body

Tapestry mandates a certain organization to your classes.

If you page class is org.example.pages.MyPage then your component class (here, 
Header) must be  org.example.components.Header.  The .pages. and .components. 
part is very specific to Tapestry, hard-wired into the framework.  Those are 
packages that Tapestry scans at startup to locate page and component classes, 
and such classes must exist there (for Tapestry to perform runtime code 
transformation and hot class reloading).

On 10/19/07, Heck, Bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I created the Header.java and I am getting the same error:
 Unable to resolve 'Header' to a component class name

 Here is my Header.java

 public class Header {

 public Header()


 and my Header.tml

 html xmlns:t=http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd;
 h1This is a header/h1

 Just to make sure, I dug into my classes files that were deployed and 
 the Header.class is there.

 Josh, what version of Tapestry are you using?  I am using 

 Angelo, what version are you using?

 Thanks in advance.

 -Original Message-
 Of Josh Canfield
 Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 12:36
 To: Tapestry users
 Subject: Re: Templates and t:body

 Did you create the Header.java?

 On 10/18/07, Angelo Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Jonathan,
  I tried your approach, but does not work, here is my steps:
  1. create a Header.html in component directory, it has only one 
  line:h2hi my heading/h2 2. I use it in my start.html:
 titleStart Page/title
  h1Start Page/h1
 t:Header /
  It complains:Unable to resolve component type 'Header' to a 
  component class name.
  Anything I'm missing here? Thanks,
  Jonathan Barker wrote:
   Sorry, I only answered half of your question.
   Including your standard header into hello.tml would be something like:
   html xmlns:t=http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd;
   titleMy Tapestry Application/title
   t:header /
   My Page Specific Content
   -Original Message-
   From: Heck, Bob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 12:27 PM
   To: Tapestry users
   Subject: RE: Templates and t:body
   Or, maybe I should just start at the top.
   I have a header that I want to display on every page.  That 
   header html
   (tml) markup is stored in the file header.tml
   How do I include this in another file, say hello.tml?  What is 
   and component usage?
   -Original Message-
   From: Thiago H de Paula Figueiredo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 12:17
   To: Tapestry users
   Subject: Re: Templates and t:body
   On Thu, 18 Oct 2007 13:05:48 -0300, Heck, Bob [EMAIL PROTECTED]
So, how does layout.tml know to use specific.tml to fill in the 
t:body/ tag?  Does it have to be injected somehow?  Where 
does it get a reference? How is 

Re: T5: page with form re-rendering

2007-10-19 Thread Angelo Chen

problem solved, test should be:


Angelo Chen wrote:
 t:if test=${isUS}t:addressUS //t:if  
 t:if test=${isHK}t:addressHK //t:if
 input type=submit name=Submit id=Submit value=Submit / 

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Tapestry - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Templates and t:body

2007-10-19 Thread Howard Lewis Ship
Tapestry mandates a certain organization to your classes.

If you page class is org.example.pages.MyPage then your component class
(here, Header) must be  org.example.components.Header.  The .pages. and
.components. part is very specific to Tapestry, hard-wired into the
framework.  Those are packages that Tapestry scans at startup to locate page
and component classes, and such classes must exist there (for Tapestry to
perform runtime code transformation and hot class reloading).

On 10/19/07, Heck, Bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I created the Header.java and I am getting the same error:
 Unable to resolve 'Header' to a component class name

 Here is my Header.java

 public class Header {

 public Header()


 and my Header.tml

 html xmlns:t=http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd;
 h1This is a header/h1

 Just to make sure, I dug into my classes files that were deployed and the
 Header.class is there.

 Josh, what version of Tapestry are you using?  I am using 5.0.6-SNAPSHOT

 Angelo, what version are you using?

 Thanks in advance.

 -Original Message-
 Josh Canfield
 Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 12:36
 To: Tapestry users
 Subject: Re: Templates and t:body

 Did you create the Header.java?

 On 10/18/07, Angelo Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Jonathan,
  I tried your approach, but does not work, here is my steps:
  1. create a Header.html in component directory, it has only one
  line:h2hi my heading/h2 2. I use it in my start.html:
  html xmlns:t=http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd;
 titleStart Page/title
  h1Start Page/h1
 t:Header /
  It complains:Unable to resolve component type 'Header' to a component
  class name.
  Anything I'm missing here? Thanks,
  Jonathan Barker wrote:
   Sorry, I only answered half of your question.
   Including your standard header into hello.tml would be something like:
   html xmlns:t=http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd;
   titleMy Tapestry Application/title
   t:header /
   My Page Specific Content
   -Original Message-
   From: Heck, Bob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 12:27 PM
   To: Tapestry users
   Subject: RE: Templates and t:body
   Or, maybe I should just start at the top.
   I have a header that I want to display on every page.  That header
   (tml) markup is stored in the file header.tml
   How do I include this in another file, say hello.tml?  What is the
   and component usage?
   -Original Message-
   From: Thiago H de Paula Figueiredo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 12:17
   To: Tapestry users
   Subject: Re: Templates and t:body
   On Thu, 18 Oct 2007 13:05:48 -0300, Heck, Bob [EMAIL PROTECTED]
So, how does layout.tml know to use specific.tml to fill in the
t:body/ tag?  Does it have to be injected somehow?  Where does
it get a reference? How is this done?
   t:body just renders whatever was put inside your t:layout tag.
   specific page uses the layout, not the inverse.
   Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
   Desenvolvedor, Instrutor e Consultor de Tecnologia Eteg Tecnologia
   da Informação Ltda.
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  View this message in context:
  Sent from the Tapestry - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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Howard M. Lewis Ship
Partner and Senior Architect at Feature50

Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

Re: Tap 4.0.2 to 4.1.2 migration loop / ognl issue

2007-10-19 Thread Dom Couldwell




Dom Couldwell
Global Markets Research

 Jesse Kuhnert  
Tapestry users  
 10/19/2007 05:23   users@tapestry.apache.org   
 Please respond to  Re: Tap 4.0.2 to 4.1.2 migration loop 
  Tapestry users  / ognl issue  

Sounds like it's just an OGNL bug.   If you file it here I should be
able to fix it fairly quickly as it looks like something that'll be
easy to do:


(the fix will come in the form of a new 2.7.2-SNAPSHOT build off of
http://opencomponentry.com/repository/ )

On 10/19/07, Dom Couldwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I'm migrating an existing project which uses 4.0.2 to use 4.1.2 and I'm
 and ognl / loop related issue.

 Here's the snippet that works on 4.0.2

   td jwcid=@For
 div jwcid=@If
  condition=ognl:tab.searchCriteria[currentFilterGroupIndex] !=
  class=ognl:'filter' +
 select jwcid=@Select

ognl:'searchSubmit(\''[EMAIL PROTECTED]@FILTER+'\',

   div jwcid=@For
   option jwcid=@Option



 But under 4.1.2 it's giving me the error:

 2007-10-19 16:31:13,878, ERROR,
 [org.apache.tapestry.services.impl.HiveMindExpressionCompiler], line 179,
 Error generating OGNL getter for expression
 root [EMAIL PROTECTED]/$Search] and body:
 { return  ($w)


 org.apache.hivemind.ApplicationRuntimeException: Unable to add method
 java.lang.Object get(ognl.OgnlContext, java.lang.Object) to class
 $ASTChain_115b9f4b263: [source error] get(java.util.List) not found in
 Caused by: javassist.CannotCompileException: [source error]
 get(java.util.List) not found in java.lang.Object
   at javassist.CtBehavior.setBody(CtBehavior.java:347)
   at javassist.CtBehavior.setBody(CtBehavior.java:316)
   ... 161 more
 Caused by: compile error: get(java.util.List) not found in java.lang.Object

 Should we be using different ognl syntax for the new version of Tapestry?

 I've tried updating the problem line to


 which works when the page serves but does not write the values back to the

 2007-10-19 17:01:08,272, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
 line 22, org.apache.tapestry.BindingException
 2007-10-19 17:01:08,272, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
 line 23, Unable to update OGNL expression 'parsed OGNL expression' of
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]/$Search] to true: Inappropriate OGNL expression:
 2007-10-19 17:01:08,272, ERROR, 

Re: Tapestry 4.1.3 Archetype

2007-10-19 Thread Kevin Menard

I haven't tried it, though.

In case you need to find it again, it's on the T4.1 page, left-hand nav,
under Modules.


On 10/19/07 3:01 PM, in article

 is there anything like ' this ' for tapestry 4.1.3 snapshot?
 Daniel Ruiz
 Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.
 Checked by AVG Free Edition.
 Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database: 269.7.7/816 - Release Date: 5/23/2007
 3:59 PM

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Templates and t:body

2007-10-19 Thread Heck, Bob
Ok Found the answer as to why this was not working. 

This may be trivial to seasoned users, but a hard catch for a newbie.

For components, such as the Header we have been talking about, the .java file 
AND the .tml file need to both reside in the components package.  I had been 
putting the .tml file in the webroot and the .java for the component in 
components.   Moved the .tml to components package and it works now.



-Original Message-
From: Heck, Bob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 19:33
To: Tapestry users
Subject: RE: Templates and t:body

Ok, still have a problem.  No error, just no header rendered.

Here is my Header.java file:

package try.tapestry.components;

public class Header {

public Header()


Here is my Header.tml file:

html xmlns:t=http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd;
h1This is a header/h1

Here is my Start.tml

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN 
html xmlns:t=http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd;
meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1/ 
titleHello World Title/title /head body t:Header / Hello world. Start.

Here is my Start.java

package try.tapestry.pages;

public class Start {

public Start ()


Here is the output when rendered (no header was inserted, just ignored.  No 

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN 
href=/assets/tapestry/default.css rel=stylesheet type=text/cssmeta 
content=text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 http-equiv=Content-TypetitleHello 
World Title/title/headbody

Hello world. Start.

Any help is appreciated.  I MUST be missing something so simple.


-Original Message-
From: Howard Lewis Ship [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 18:20
To: Tapestry users
Subject: Re: Templates and t:body

Tapestry mandates a certain organization to your classes.

If you page class is org.example.pages.MyPage then your component class (here, 
Header) must be  org.example.components.Header.  The .pages. and .components. 
part is very specific to Tapestry, hard-wired into the framework.  Those are 
packages that Tapestry scans at startup to locate page and component classes, 
and such classes must exist there (for Tapestry to perform runtime code 
transformation and hot class reloading).

On 10/19/07, Heck, Bob [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I created the Header.java and I am getting the same error:
 Unable to resolve 'Header' to a component class name

 Here is my Header.java

 public class Header {

 public Header()


 and my Header.tml

 html xmlns:t=http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd;
 h1This is a header/h1

 Just to make sure, I dug into my classes files that were deployed and 
 the Header.class is there.

 Josh, what version of Tapestry are you using?  I am using 

 Angelo, what version are you using?

 Thanks in advance.

 -Original Message-
 Of Josh Canfield
 Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 12:36
 To: Tapestry users
 Subject: Re: Templates and t:body

 Did you create the Header.java?

 On 10/18/07, Angelo Chen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Jonathan,
  I tried your approach, but does not work, here is my steps:
  1. create a Header.html in component directory, it has only one 
  line:h2hi my heading/h2 2. I use it in my start.html:
 titleStart Page/title
  h1Start Page/h1
 t:Header /
  It complains:Unable to resolve component type 'Header' to a 
  component class name.
  Anything I'm missing here? Thanks,
  Jonathan Barker wrote:
   Sorry, I only answered half of your question.
   Including your standard header into hello.tml would be something like:
   html xmlns:t=http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd;
   titleMy Tapestry Application/title
   t:header /
   My Page Specific Content
   -Original Message-
   From: Heck, Bob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 12:27 PM
   To: Tapestry users
   Subject: RE: Templates and t:body
   Or, maybe I should just start at the top.
   I have a header that I want to display on every page.  That 
   header html
   (tml) markup is 

Re: Tap 4.0.2 to 4.1.2 migration loop / ognl issue

2007-10-19 Thread Jesse Kuhnert
Sounds like it's just an OGNL bug.   If you file it here I should be
able to fix it fairly quickly as it looks like something that'll be
easy to do:


(the fix will come in the form of a new 2.7.2-SNAPSHOT build off of
http://opencomponentry.com/repository/ )

On 10/19/07, Dom Couldwell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I'm migrating an existing project which uses 4.0.2 to use 4.1.2 and I'm having
 and ognl / loop related issue.

 Here's the snippet that works on 4.0.2

   td jwcid=@For
 div jwcid=@If
  condition=ognl:tab.searchCriteria[currentFilterGroupIndex] !=
  class=ognl:'filter' +
 select jwcid=@Select
 ognl:'searchSubmit(\''[EMAIL PROTECTED]@FILTER+'\',
   div jwcid=@For
   option jwcid=@Option

 But under 4.1.2 it's giving me the error:

 2007-10-19 16:31:13,878, ERROR,
 [org.apache.tapestry.services.impl.HiveMindExpressionCompiler], line 179,
 Error generating OGNL getter for expression
 tab.searchCriteriaSelections[currentFilterGroupIndex][currentFilterIndex] with
 root [EMAIL PROTECTED]/$Search] and body:
 { return  ($w)
 org.apache.hivemind.ApplicationRuntimeException: Unable to add method
 java.lang.Object get(ognl.OgnlContext, java.lang.Object) to class
 $ASTChain_115b9f4b263: [source error] get(java.util.List) not found in
 Caused by: javassist.CannotCompileException: [source error]
 get(java.util.List) not found in java.lang.Object
   at javassist.CtBehavior.setBody(CtBehavior.java:347)
   at javassist.CtBehavior.setBody(CtBehavior.java:316)
   ... 161 more
 Caused by: compile error: get(java.util.List) not found in java.lang.Object

 Should we be using different ognl syntax for the new version of Tapestry?

 I've tried updating the problem line to

 which works when the page serves but does not write the values back to the

 2007-10-19 17:01:08,272, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
 line 22, org.apache.tapestry.BindingException
 2007-10-19 17:01:08,272, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
 line 23, Unable to update OGNL expression 'parsed OGNL expression' of
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]/$Search] to true: Inappropriate OGNL expression:
 2007-10-19 17:01:08,272, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
 line 32,
 2007-10-19 17:01:08,272, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
 line 44,
 location|context:/WEB-INF/Search.html, line 106
 2007-10-19 17:01:08,272, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
 line 22, org.apache.hivemind.ApplicationRuntimeException
 2007-10-19 17:01:08,287, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
 line 23, Unable to update OGNL expression 'parsed OGNL expression' of
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]/$Search] to true: Inappropriate OGNL expression:
 2007-10-19 17:01:08,287, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
 line 32,
 2007-10-19 17:01:08,287, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
 line 44,
 component|[EMAIL PROTECTED]/$Search]
 location|context:/WEB-INF/Home.html, line 51
 2007-10-19 17:01:08,287, ERROR, [com.db.rdq.web.tapestry.html.RDQException],
 line 22, ognl.InappropriateExpressionException

 Any ideas?


 Dom Couldwell
 Global Markets Research


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RE: Tapestry 4.1.3 Archetype

2007-10-19 Thread Daniel Ruiz
Thanks Kalle, 

I will take a look on Trails too, and sorry about the 'snapshot'. :D

Daniel Andrade Ruiz

-Original Message-
From: Kalle Korhonen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 3:46 PM
To: Tapestry users
Subject: Re: Tapestry 4.1.3 Archetype

Well, there's the Trails archetype that uses T4.1.3:
http://trailsframework.org/Quick+Start. And btw, 4.1.3 is released, not a


On 10/19/07, Daniel Ruiz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 is there anything like ' this ' for tapestry 4.1.3 snapshot?




 Daniel Ruiz

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T5: A Form without a Session

2007-10-19 Thread Josh Canfield
I'd like to add a form component to my page, I haven't found a way to do it
without causing a session to be created when the page is first accessed. I'm
fine if a session is created when the user actually submits the form, to
handle validation etc. but some forms are rarely used and session overhead
is just unwelcome.

It looks like in the form component the default validator is @Persist'd
which is causing the session to be created. I don't want to use client
persistence if it's going to stuff the ugly base 64 encoded object in the
url, although I haven't seen a way to change the persistence without
changing the default persistence for everything...

So, I've gone with a standard html form for the simple search box for now
which is fine, but I'd like to use the t:form on other pages without
forcing a session to be created when the form may not be submitted.

Any thoughts?


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Re: how to have persistent data in querystring?

2007-10-19 Thread Josh Canfield
I haven't played with the client persistence strategy, but the documentation
says The field is persisted onto the client; you will see an additional
query parameter in each URL (or an extra hidden field in each form).

The nightly builds implementation is adding the client persisted fields into
the url as a query parameter using a Base 64 encoded object stream... (

If you want attractive URLs then I'd say this isn't what you are looking
for... Although I got to learn a bit about it so thanks for asking the
question :)


On 10/19/07, Britske [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well i guess the onPassivate-method isn't entirely out of the question
 it gives a central place to handle this on the page-level as well. The
 tagging-variant seems nicer though. I thought i read somewhere in the
 documentation that a 'client-side persistence strategy' was on the
 which would include 'automagically' inserting persistent fields into the
 url. I can't find anymore where i've read it though.

 Since we're talking about updating / changing the url, in a somehwat
 post i asked about possibilities for rewriting the url. (I havn't found
 to try to resolve this)

 from that post:

 For example I want a Venue bean with name venueX and id=123 to show up as:

 Notice the countryname and cityname, which aren't fields of the Venue-page
 but are derived from the association venue-page-- venue-- city --

 I think adapting the onPassivate-method for inserting these values into
 url and onActivate() for only parsing the necessary fields from this url
 all that is needed to get this to work, is this correct?
 btw: a Url-rwrite filtr for this won't work because i also want to have
 translation the other way around.: not only from nice -- tapestry
 but also from tapestry internal -- nice. Url-rewrite only gives me the

 Later on i would like to strip the first /venue/  --
 http://test.com/venue/countryname/cityname/venux/123 would become

 This becomes harder, because tapestry now doesn't know anymore to which
 to redirect. out-of-the-box it starts searching for a page with
 countryname. I guess for this I have to dig a little deeper.

 Hmm, in hindsight i believe this isn't at all a coherent post, with almost
 no question or conclusion to be found... consider this a kind of braindump


 Josh Canfield-2 wrote:
  Ok, and you want to do this without implementing a passivate method on
  That doesn't seem like a trivial problem to solve, especially in a safe
  general way. I'm pretty sure nothing like that exists now, but I believe
  the hooks are available to create your own annotations so you could do
  implementation. If I were going to attempt this I'd start by looking at
  adding new activate/passivate methods via the class transform worker...
  There are a lot of issues to deal with... but you could start by taking
  look at
  and the source for the @Environmental annotation might help
  Good luck,
  On 10/18/07, Britske [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  that would require a lot of manual labor for each and every link.
  btw: my question relates to T5.
  Say i had page B injected into page A.
  I could then initialize page B and return page B from some eventhandler
  page A.
  What I would want to accomplish is that this automatically results in
  redirecting to page B (as normal) with the difference that the url of
  shows my predefined fields of page B in the url (I know I mentioned
  querystring in the subjectheader, i mean the path-part of the url)
  The mechanism could know this because at designtime I could have tagged
  fields of page B that I wanted to include in the url. This would enable
  to once define these fields at design-time and not having to worry
  later on.
  is anything like this out there, or planned at all?
  Thanks in advance,
  Josh Canfield-2 wrote:
   If you want to parameters to the query string then you can create a
   add parameters to it from within your page.
   On 10/18/07, Britske [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   okay, I like 

Re: t5 form submit not fired

2007-10-19 Thread Josh Canfield
The whole point of AJAX is not having to return the whole page. You just
want to return the part of the page that needs updating. If selecting a
field in a drop down is supposed to add a dependant drop down (choose a
country changes possible address fields for instance), then you only return
enough information for that field to be updated and use Javascript to
populate the field.

Your stream response can be XML, JSON, or HTML depending on what your needs


On 10/18/07, Britske [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A changes your method somehwat to return void -- redirect to current page
 (Thanks Nick for mentioning the difference)

 Could you eleborate what exactly you stream to the client in the
 StreamReponse you give back?
 This must be the entire page right? You can't just stream changes back to
 the client at least to my knowledge.

 I'm curious if in your opinion streaming the response gives a noticable
 performance difference than doing a redirect to the same page.

 HugoPalma wrote:
  If your getting a page redirect then your doing something wrong in your
  If you post it i can try and find the problem.
  Britske wrote:
  after the onchange occurs, this is what happens in my app:
  1. onMyAction is executed()  (this is an actionlink which returns
  (void) which results in a client-side redirect to the same page
  (as per documentation:
  http://tapestry.apache.org/tapestry5/tapestry-core/guide/pagenav.html )
  2. onActivate() is executed on the server, which I think proofs that
  was indeed a redirect.
  please don't get me wrong, I still think it's an elegant solution...
  HugoPalma wrote:
  Why do you say a redirect happens ? Does your page refresh when you
  change the selectbox value ?
  It won't refresh because all your doing is call a javascript function.
  There's no redirect.
  Britske wrote:
  since your example effectively calls a ActionLink through AJAX, a
  DOES happen. It's the result of the ActionLink. If I'm seeing this
  what then is the advantage of doing a call through AJAX or a
  for the discussed purpose, since both result in a redirect?
  HugoPalma wrote:
  The method i suggested is implemented so that you don't have to
  the form. That's what AJAX is all about, you make a request to the
  server and then update a portion of your page based on the response
  the server using javascript. There's no page reload of for
  Britske wrote:
  yeah indeed it is only called once when the template is rendered, I
  discovered now.
  However i don't need to return a dynamic url or whatever based on
  what I need is a way to reliably catch a event at the server/java
  this case onChange) every time that event occurs. I don't want to
  form when that happens (otherwise I could use the method you
  I want to update some information on the current page and stay
  This means that i have to redirect to my currentpage with a couple
  queryparameters in the url which depend on the selected fields in
  hmm, the more i think about it, I don't think i really need to
  event server-side. I just redirect to the current page on onChange
  javascript:window.location=... and parse the querystrings correctly
  hope this makes sense,
  HugoPalma wrote:
  That's the way it's supposed to be.
  You only see the getTheLink method executed once because that what
  need to replace ${theLink} in your template with the correct link
  is returned from your method. This is done once when the page
  If you look at the rendered page source you won't see ${theLink}
  instead you will the the generated link to your listener.
  Anyway, does it really matter how many times the getTheLink method
  invoked ? I think not.  What really matters is that the listener
  to which your getTheLink method should be returning the URL to is
  whenever you call the sendRequest function.
  Britske wrote:
  thanks that works partially.
  However, the event is only catched twice:
  1. on pageload (??m the sendRequest isn't called, but somehow the
  getTheLink()-method is executed.)
  2. the first time i send a onchange.
  However after the first onchange all other onchange-event don't
  getTheLink() executed, although sendRequest() is called on the
  each time.
  This is my relevant code:
  in  html:
  function sendRequest()
 alert(sendRequest reached);
 new Ajax.Request('${theLink}',
  select t:type=select t:model=themaList t:value=thema
  onchange=sendRequest() name=thema id=thema tabindex=4

Re: Tapestry 5 Roadmap

2007-10-19 Thread Christian Gruber

Egregious?  That demands and answer and perhaps an apology.

Firstly, try porting and app from Weblogic Portal 8 to Weblogic Portal  
9.  It has conversion tools, but it's not compatible without up- 
conversion.  Upconversion doesn't count.

Then think of eclipse and the plugins geared for such.

As to appservers themselves, core platforms have a higher bar for  
backwards compatibility and always have than component frameworks.   
Databases are also externally compatible only because they conform to  
an API they didn't write themselves (SQL92, etc.).  I'm not sure about  
MySQL, but many SQL databases that have native APIs are not API  
compatible between releases when using that native API.  And try to  
move the files over between databases, and you have to do an export  
and an import, because you can't just install an upgrade and have  
everything work.  As I said, upconversion doesn't count.

We're talking about a component framework, which is highly finicky.   
If you update the major versions, it's not unreasonable that existing  
components won't work.  I mean Howard could have spent a lot of effort  
making a bridge or translation system to maintain compatibility (which  
is often how total rewrites gain their backwards compatibility... see  
windows), but he didn't (clearly) think that was worth his time.  Of  
course, it's open-source, so you could do it, if you wanted it badly  

Oh, and blah blah blah fork blah blah.  You know that part.

Regardless of all of this, at least one major apache project has this  
policy too, and that's from 2 minutes on google.http://apr.apache.org/versioning.html 
.  Major versions mean incompatible releases.  That's (in my  
experience, except for platforms themselves) often the (non-marketing)  
meaning of major versions. A few other examples:

... oh, and most unix libraries.

While not absolutely true in all cases, it is most certainly true in  
many cases, and is not unreasonable.

Now apologize for your imputation, sir, for you are substantially,  
demonstrably incorrect.


P.S.  Ok, I'm not really that offended, just irritated with how  
personal you just made it.  I don't like being called out for simple  
observations from 15 years in software development.

On 19-Oct-07, at 7:00 AM, kranga wrote:

That is an incredible statement! There have been numerous  
discussions on this mailing list on the way T4 was made completely  
incompatible since it was going to incorporate the very best and  
then T5 was made even more incompatible to incorporate the latest.  
This has been a vexing issue with quite a few people and  
organizations who invested in T3/T4 based projects.

By way of example, tell me how these products are not compatible  
within major releases:

Websphere 4, 5, 6
WebLogic:  8, 9, 10
MySQL: 4, 5
Hibernate: 2, 3

There are some pieces that change and new features are introduced.  
But your don't have to do a major rewrite to use the newer version.  
As an example, if T5 were T4 + annotations, that would be a  
compatible release. But Howard has chosen to rewrite it from the  
ground up with no compatiblity concern. Well, thats his prerogative  
as this is open-source community driven development. If I want, I  
can take the T3 code base and establish my own framework. However,  
it also reflects on the popularly or lack of for Tapestry. This  
topic has been beaten to death and I don't wish to bring it up  
again. However, your point regarding versions was egregious.

- Original Message - From: Christian Gruber [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

To: Tapestry users users@tapestry.apache.org
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: Tapestry 5 Roadmap

I'm not sure where incompatible releases comes in.  No one  
releases  1.0 - 2.0 compatible releases except O/S vendors.   
That's typically what the large version number change means - these  
are incompatible. That's not a strike against Tapestry, that's an  
industry expectation.


On 18-Oct-07, at 6:45 AM, kranga wrote:

The question is very relevant. The concern of the project should  
be  to build out the business functionality using existing tools.  
If the  tools in question are not yet released and in production,  
there is a  very legitimate concern that the maintenance of the  
tool will become  a partial focus. Tapestry may be a compelling  
offering  technologically, but it has many other factors going  
against it -  lack of a developer mindshare, incompatible releases  
in the past,  etc. We have used Tapestry for big projects - but we  
are still using  T3 since T4 and T5 are completely incompatible.  
You cannot push beta  software past project stakeholders unless  
that beta software is also  providing you 

Re: [T5] Connection between symbols and messages

2007-10-19 Thread Jesse Kuhnert
I know from a user perspective I'd like to have things be able to
default all the way out to symbol / global properties file definitions
when developing libraries and such if possible

There may be some performance or other internal framework decisions /
reasoning behind it but I started to slowly implement these features
in T4.1.x as well with good results so far.

On 10/19/07, Dan Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So right now I have a situation where I need my library to provided some
 default values for some things it provides. The natural place for this
 seems to be FactoryDefaults. The problem is that certain things are only
 looked up in the component messages when determining defaults and it
 doesn't appear that symbols and included when searching for messages
 (ComponentMessageSourceImpl uses an AssetFactory and the application
 properties file). So the question is:

 Is it appropriate to have the global SymbolSource included when looking
 for component messages? Perhaps after the assets and application
 properties file?

 Some background on the issue:
 I'm adding a validator that takes an optional constraint. Rather than
 changing Validator to support this I just want to include a blank
 default constraint value for the validator in the library that
 contributes it. But I know this issue of looking up defaults is going to
 come up for other components.

 Dan Adams
 Senior Software Engineer
 Interactive Factory

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Jesse Kuhnert
Tapestry/Dojo team member/developer

Open source based consulting work centered around
dojo/tapestry/tacos/hivemind. http://blog.opencomponentry.com

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component list parameters?

2007-10-19 Thread Christian Gruber


   So I'm wondering if this is possible, and if not, has this been  
thought of?  I'm wanting to add a variable list of parameters to a  
component, because it can take an arbitrary number of them and loop  
overthem.  So I'm looking at something like this.

div xmlns:t=blah
   t:b id=${literal:b1}
blah content 1
   t:b id=${literal:b2}
blah content 2

And then in A.java have something like

public class A {

private ListB _bs;


So then all the Bs that are direct children of A are added in as  

It woudl be less convenient, but still cool to do something like:
div xmlns:t=blah
   t:parameter name=bs
  t:b id=${literal:b1}
 blah content 1
  t:b id=${literal:b2}
 blah content 2

But have each B handled seperately and added to the list.  It would  
make it much easier to do complex things like tabviews (with arbitrary  
tabs) or other such things, I think, though there may be other ways to  
skin this cat.


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AW: Tapestry 5 Roadmap

2007-10-19 Thread Maximilian Weißböck
We have a T3 and a T4 Appliaction in production
and hopefully will start a T5 development soon.

I do not see a real big problem in this versions not beeing 

I also think you compare different kind of beasts if you compare
Websphere with Tapestry.

It's more like EJB 2.x to EJB 3 - and nobody cried out its

Compatibility can be the reason for stagnancy - and that is the
one thing you can not balme Tapestry for :-)

If you are happy with T4, just stay with it, it's maintained 
well, we just updated to 4.1.3 with no problem.

just my 2 Cents, Max

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: kranga [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Gesendet: Freitag, 19. Oktober 2007 13:00
 An: Tapestry users
 Betreff: Re: Tapestry 5 Roadmap
 That is an incredible statement! There have been numerous 
 discussions on 
 this mailing list on the way T4 was made completely 
 incompatible since it 
 was going to incorporate the very best and then T5 was made even more 
 incompatible to incorporate the latest. This has been a 
 vexing issue with 
 quite a few people and organizations who invested in T3/T4 
 based projects.
 By way of example, tell me how these products are not 
 compatible within 
 major releases:
 Websphere 4, 5, 6
 WebLogic:  8, 9, 10
 MySQL: 4, 5
 Hibernate: 2, 3
 There are some pieces that change and new features are 
 introduced. But your 
 don't have to do a major rewrite to use the newer version. As 
 an example, if 
 T5 were T4 + annotations, that would be a compatible release. 
 But Howard has 
 chosen to rewrite it from the ground up with no compatiblity 
 concern. Well, 
 thats his prerogative as this is open-source community driven 
 If I want, I can take the T3 code base and establish my own 
 However, it also reflects on the popularly or lack of for 
 Tapestry. This 
 topic has been beaten to death and I don't wish to bring it up again. 
 However, your point regarding versions was egregious.
 - Original Message - 
 From: Christian Gruber [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Tapestry users users@tapestry.apache.org
 Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 10:58 AM
 Subject: Re: Tapestry 5 Roadmap
  I'm not sure where incompatible releases comes in.  No 
 one releases 
   1.0 - 2.0 compatible releases except O/S vendors.  That's 
  what the large version number change means - these are 
  That's not a strike against Tapestry, that's an industry 
  On 18-Oct-07, at 6:45 AM, kranga wrote:
  The question is very relevant. The concern of the project 
 should be  to 
  build out the business functionality using existing tools. 
 If the  tools 
  in question are not yet released and in production, there 
 is a  very 
  legitimate concern that the maintenance of the tool will become  a 
  partial focus. Tapestry may be a compelling offering  
  but it has many other factors going against it -  lack of 
 a developer 
  mindshare, incompatible releases in the past,  etc. We 
 have used Tapestry 
  for big projects - but we are still using  T3 since T4 and T5 are 
  completely incompatible. You cannot push beta  software 
 past project 
  stakeholders unless that beta software is also  providing you with 
  competitive advantage. T5 has some able  competitors in Wicket and 
  JSF/Stripes, etc while still lacking an  ajax foundation 
 for instance. So 
  the competitive advantage is not  clear cut.
  - Original Message - From: Alex Shneyderman 
  To: Tapestry users users@tapestry.apache.org
  Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 3:22 AM
  Subject: Re: Tapestry 5 Roadmap
  The one question I could not answer without looking 
 ridiculous was 
  happens to our multi-million dollar project if Howard is 
 hit by a  bus
  I think the question is irrelevant. The question you should be 
  Is the current base usable enough to push through on the 
 project?. A
  relevant after-question (if answer to the above is not 
 exactly) to 
  how easy it is to add the features you are missing if you 
 have to.  And
  how easy it is to poke through the tapestry's source-base 
 to fix  bugs 
  might exist and you will find during the project's development.
  If you can cross off HLS as your dependency then t5 is 
 probably the 
  choice to make from what's available out there :-)
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Re: T4: creating search form and search result on one page

2007-10-19 Thread Andreas Andreou
Why dont you debug your

method and see what arguments it gets and what it returns ?

It should help you find where and what the problem is...

Joshua Jackson wrote:
 It stilll doesn't work. Does anyone have a complete sample code for this?

 thanks in advance,

 On 10/19/07, Andreas Andreou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 public Collection list;

 inside search(), just do
 setList( getService().search(getClient()) );


Andreas Andreou - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://blog.andyhot.gr
Tapestry / Tacos developer
Open Source / J2EE Consulting

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Re: template-expansion sees hibernate-entity as java.lang.Boolean?

2007-10-19 Thread Britske

Has anyone ever experienced something similar? or has anyone used hibernate
lazy-associations succesfully with expansions in T5? 

I'm still not sure if it's a hibernate or a tapestry thing. 

FYI; the error is happening in: 

and states: 
Could not convert 'firstresult.poi.city.name' into a component parameter
binding: Class java.lang.Boolean does not contain a property named 'name'
(within property expression 'firstresult.poi.city.name'). 


Britske wrote:
 first of all, excuse me for the post-flood, but I had some standing
 issues. Perhaps some of these questions can help others as well so here
 this one goes:
 I was on a roll until i wanted to include the name of a City-instance
 through a template expansion, which gave the error: 
 Could not convert 'firstresult.poi.city.name' into a component parameter
 binding: Class java.lang.Boolean does not contain a property named 'name'
 (within property expression 'firstresult.poi.city.name'). 
 However, city is of type City and not op type java.lang.Boolean!
 The traversal goes through a POI and a City-class which are both mapped as
 the traversal poi.getCity() is a lazy association. 
 (for you hibernate gurus: 
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) 
   @JoinColumn(name=cityid, nullable=false)
   @Cache(usage =
   private City city;
 my expansion looks like:: 
 t:compositeBlockList t:id=comp1
   t:parameter name=groupheader
   div style=padding:5px
 What is causing this error? Could the hibernate-entity City look like a
 boolean (when reflection is used) before it is lazily fetched?? I can't
 really imagine that but who knows? anyone?

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Tapestry - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: t5 form submit not fired

2007-10-19 Thread Britske

A changes your method somehwat to return void -- redirect to current page
(Thanks Nick for mentioning the difference)

Could you eleborate what exactly you stream to the client in the
StreamReponse you give back? 
This must be the entire page right? You can't just stream changes back to
the client at least to my knowledge. 

I'm curious if in your opinion streaming the response gives a noticable
performance difference than doing a redirect to the same page. 

HugoPalma wrote:
 If your getting a page redirect then your doing something wrong in your 
 If you post it i can try and find the problem.
 Britske wrote:
 after the onchange occurs, this is what happens in my app: 

 1. onMyAction is executed()  (this is an actionlink which returns nothing
 (void) which results in a client-side redirect to the same page 
 (as per documentation:
 http://tapestry.apache.org/tapestry5/tapestry-core/guide/pagenav.html )

 2. onActivate() is executed on the server, which I think proofs that
 was indeed a redirect. 

 please don't get me wrong, I still think it's an elegant solution...


 HugoPalma wrote:
 Why do you say a redirect happens ? Does your page refresh when you 
 change the selectbox value ?
 It won't refresh because all your doing is call a javascript function. 
 There's no redirect.

 Britske wrote:
 since your example effectively calls a ActionLink through AJAX, a
 DOES happen. It's the result of the ActionLink. If I'm seeing this
 what then is the advantage of doing a call through AJAX or a
 for the discussed purpose, since both result in a redirect?


 HugoPalma wrote:
 The method i suggested is implemented so that you don't have to submit 
 the form. That's what AJAX is all about, you make a request to the 
 server and then update a portion of your page based on the response
 the server using javascript. There's no page reload of for submission.

 Britske wrote:
 yeah indeed it is only called once when the template is rendered, I
 discovered now. 
 However i don't need to return a dynamic url or whatever based on the

 what I need is a way to reliably catch a event at the server/java
 this case onChange) every time that event occurs. I don't want to
 form when that happens (otherwise I could use the method you
 I want to update some information on the current page and stay there. 

 This means that i have to redirect to my currentpage with a couple of
 queryparameters in the url which depend on the selected fields in the

 hmm, the more i think about it, I don't think i really need to catch
 event server-side. I just redirect to the current page on onChange
 javascript:window.location=... and parse the querystrings correctly

 hope this makes sense, 

 HugoPalma wrote:
 That's the way it's supposed to be.
 You only see the getTheLink method executed once because that what
 need to replace ${theLink} in your template with the correct link
 is returned from your method. This is done once when the page
 If you look at the rendered page source you won't see ${theLink}
 instead you will the the generated link to your listener.

 Anyway, does it really matter how many times the getTheLink method
 invoked ? I think not.  What really matters is that the listener
 to which your getTheLink method should be returning the URL to is
 whenever you call the sendRequest function.

 Britske wrote:
 thanks that works partially. 

 However, the event is only catched twice: 
 1. on pageload (??m the sendRequest isn't called, but somehow the
 getTheLink()-method is executed.)
 2. the first time i send a onchange. 

 However after the first onchange all other onchange-event don't get
 getTheLink() executed, although sendRequest() is called on the
 each time. 

 This is my relevant code: 

 in  html: 
 function sendRequest() 
alert(sendRequest reached);
new Ajax.Request('${theLink}',
 select t:type=select t:model=themaList t:value=thema
 onchange=sendRequest() name=thema id=thema tabindex=4 

 in the page-class: 
public String getTheLink() 
return catched!;

 Do you 've got any idea what causes this behavior? 


 HugoPalma wrote:
 I would suggest that you use AJAX instead of doing the form
 Although the AJAX integration in T5 is still not implemented it's
 easy to do using the provided prototype and json javascripts. I
 successfully for some simple events 

Re: T5 Desired complex community components

2007-10-19 Thread Borut Bolčina

here is a good place to start: http://www.jsfmatrix.net/

Click on the demo links to see what other frameworks have. The list of
components is long...


2007/10/17, Daniel Jue [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I was wondering what kind of components people are looking for that
 are not yet available as an open source example.  T5 seems to have the
 simple html components pretty well covered, and we're all waiting
 anxiously for direct AJAX support.  I was thinking simple things, up
 to the complexity of  Pallete, Grid and BeanEditForm.

 I am using the EnhancedPallete (on the wiki) with good success, and I
 created an EnhancedGrid that allows for a component to be stuck in
 it's body (good for rows of totals that you want to align with the
 grid, but not have sorting apply to)

 Some other ideas that I've seen come up in the past:
 A Grid-independant Pager (sounds easy to do, but I haven't needed it yet)
 Fisheye Menu (Was part of Tacos?)
 Date Picker and Color Picker (I think they are available now)
 Progress Bar (would probably require AJAX to be any good)

 What about codified versions of these components?
 PivotTable (kind of like a Grid and Tree I guess)
 Tabs (Examples have been given, but a nice out-of-the-box one with CSS
 would be cool for tutorials)
 Dashboard (Something for dealing with IFrame layouts?)

 How about things that delve into areas normally reserved for web
 designers?  (dynamic generation of Flash buttons would be a great
 starter example, using something like JGenerator)  The Tapestry
 rounded-corners service is in this kind of gray area. I'm kind of
 hooked on the idea, especially if caching works as well as serving
 image files.

 What else is out there (either on the web or in a rich client) that
 you'd rather not reinvent?

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Re: Tapestry 4.1.3 Archetype

2007-10-19 Thread Kalle Korhonen
Well, there's the Trails archetype that uses T4.1.3:
http://trailsframework.org/Quick+Start. And btw, 4.1.3 is released, not a


On 10/19/07, Daniel Ruiz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 is there anything like ' this ' for tapestry 4.1.3 snapshot?




 Daniel Ruiz

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[T5] Connection between symbols and messages

2007-10-19 Thread Dan Adams
So right now I have a situation where I need my library to provided some
default values for some things it provides. The natural place for this
seems to be FactoryDefaults. The problem is that certain things are only
looked up in the component messages when determining defaults and it
doesn't appear that symbols and included when searching for messages
(ComponentMessageSourceImpl uses an AssetFactory and the application
properties file). So the question is:

Is it appropriate to have the global SymbolSource included when looking
for component messages? Perhaps after the assets and application
properties file?

Some background on the issue:
I'm adding a validator that takes an optional constraint. Rather than
changing Validator to support this I just want to include a blank
default constraint value for the validator in the library that
contributes it. But I know this issue of looking up defaults is going to
come up for other components.

Dan Adams
Senior Software Engineer
Interactive Factory

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Re: T4: creating search form and search result on one page

2007-10-19 Thread Joshua Jackson
It stilll doesn't work. Does anyone have a complete sample code for this?

thanks in advance,

On 10/19/07, Andreas Andreou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 public Collection list;

 inside search(), just do
 setList( getService().search(getClient()) );

What you want today, may not exist tommorrow

Blog: http://joshuajava.wordpress.com/

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Re: T4.1: How to filter out exceptions from bots?

2007-10-19 Thread Malin Ljungh
Thanks A LOT!
Exactly what I was looking for - works great!


On 10/18/07, Ulrich Stärk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Malin Ljungh schrieb:
  Hi all,
  I've got some annoying stack traces in my log from bots, primarily a bot
  called LiteFinder but also Googlebot. (the LiteFinder seems to get
  URLs which results in many org.apache.tapestry.PageNotFoundExceptionsince I
  use uppercase first letter of my pages)
  I print stack trace in the exception page setException method - how can
 I at
  this point detect the user-agent and just ignore it?

 Just inject the WebRequest into your page and check for any unwanted
 user agents in your setException() method.

 public abstract WebRequest getRequest();

 public void setException(Throwable t)
  String userAgent = getRequest().getHeader(User-Agent);
  // user agent is valid
  // do your logging stuff or whatever


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