
It works this way.

First I had to extend Grid with some of my functionality, because it needs access to the Grid's data - ExGrid, and then embed that ExGrid with Select into another component - ExExGrid. But there has one parasite component this way - ExGrid.

However, this is a solution (looks like the only possible), although I think it would be much simpler if I could just change parameters inside the components (ExGrid).

Thank you for the help!


On 27.04.2020 22:16, Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo wrote:
On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 1:24 AM Aleksandar Nikolov <m...@anikolov.com>



What if ExGrid uses Grid (and adds the Select you want) instead of
extending it?

I extended Grid component because, among the other things, I want to
integrate a Select component for choosing 'rowsPerPage' parameter of the
Grid - for example by "10 20 50 100" rows per page values. Let's call
ExGrid extends Grid. It is 5.3.8 Tapestry version.

So far so good, but how can I change 'rowsPerPage' parameter of Grid
from inside of its subclass ExGrid?

Making that Select as external component and connect it on every ExGrid
just works (<t:exgrid .... inPlace="true"
rowsPerPage="rowsSelect.rowsNum"...), but I want to integrate it inside
ExGrid. That's became headache because I cannot change the 'rowsPerPage'
parameter from inside of ExGrid...

I believe that there should be a way to do this!

Please help!

Best regards,

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