Re: new submitType parameter

2006-08-11 Thread Bernard Lange
Jesse Kuhnert wrote:
 It is required with a default value, so no one actually ever needs to
 specify it if they don't want to.

I wonder how I couldn't have noticed this... it must be from
tiredness... sorry about that.


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Tacos4 Live Demo is down?

2006-08-04 Thread Bernard Lange

My colleague is doing Tapestry/JSF evaluation in terms of their
suitability for his project. To support my argument, that Tapestry would
be a great choice I wanted to show him some cool features, he asked
about, that can be obtained in Tap 4 / 4.1 using Tacos.

Unfortunately it seems that Tacos4 demo app is down for some reasons :/

Is it temporary? When the demo will be up? Or where can I find the
up-to-date demo of Tacos?


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Re: Tacos4 Live Demo is down?

2006-08-04 Thread Bernard Lange
I forgot to add that I'm talking about live demo referenced from Tacos
home page

Demo link


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Re: Tacos4 Live Demo is down?

2006-08-04 Thread Bernard Lange
Josh Long wrote:
 download tacos and the war for the demo is available ont he sam page
 from sourceforge as the tacos lib itself. plop it in a container and
 you're all set. ;-)

Thanks. I've just noticed what is wrong. The links in tacos component
reference are wrong.

I.e. Dialog component page references Tacos Live demo, link points to:

It *DOES NOT* work.

However, the main site refrences live demo, as well but placed at address:

Only after pasting the link into mail client I've noticed that it is
different from what I've tried on Dialog page.

And it *DOES* work.

Whoever is responsible for Tacos site, please take care of it. It took 4
posts to resolve this ;-)

Best regards,

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Re: Tacos4 Live Demo is down?

2006-08-04 Thread Bernard Lange
Bernard Lange wrote:
 I forgot to add that I'm talking about live demo referenced from Tacos
 home page
 Demo link

Yeah right. As I wrote in other post. Above link is OK. But

link referenced from Dialog component reference page is broken.


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Re: recursive rendering

2006-08-02 Thread Bernard Lange
Dan Adams wrote:
 Every once in a while I'll need to do some recursive rendering. Does
 anyone know of a simple example of this using @Block?

We do it that way. This renders tree-like, no folding though, recursive
structure of report groups containing other report groups (which are
compound nodes) and reports (leafs). Root group is given as a parameter,
but it may be as well page property with initial value set to sth. You
also need some exit condition, which in this case is size of
reportGroups property.

Note that the group property is updated in the second loop so that the
recursive call to groupBlock could render its children properly.

Some styling has been removed for a sake of readability:

*HTML template*
span jwcid=@RenderBlock block=ognl:components.groupBlock/

block jwcid=[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  !-- current group name --
  span jwcid=@Insert /

  !-- list of children reports) --
  loop jwcid=@Foreach source=ognl:group.reports
value=ognl:report element=ul

lispan jwcid=@Insert //li

  !-- render recursively child groups --  
  condition jwcid=@Conditional
condition=ognl:group.reportGroups.size()  0
loop jwcid=@Foreach source=ognl:group.reportGroups
span jwcid=@RenderBlock block=ognl:components.groupBlock/


component-specification class=org.apache.tapestry.BaseComponent
allow-body=no allow-informal-parameters=no

parameter name=group type=YYY

property-specification name=report type=XXX/


best regards,

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Basic HTTP Authentication in Tap 3 = Acegi + Spring ?

2006-07-18 Thread Bernard Lange
Hello all,

My production system still runs on Tapestry 3.0.4/Hibernate/Spring.
I would like to setup Basic HTTP Authentication scheme for some
non-critical, but administrator-only pages (ie. usage stats etc.).

For normal user pages we currently use authentication mechanism, but
what I need is fast, non db authentication.

My first thought is to use old-rusty HTTP Basic Authentication scheme.
What is the easiest suggested way to do it in Tapestry?

Can this be achieved with Acegi with Tapestry 3? How do I set up Acegi
using just Spring?

All of previous discussions on Acegi were in context of Tapestry 4,
unfortunately (for me :) )

Any suggestions, help, guidance, links to threads I may have missed will
be appreciated,

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Basic HTTP Authentication in Tap 3 = Acegi + Spring ?

2006-07-18 Thread Bernard Lange
Hugo Palma wrote:
 I think the fastest way to achieve what you need would be to use
 security(in the web.xml) together with friendly URLs.

Ok. I've done it differently. As I don't want to rely on page urls
(whether friendly or not) I've implemented simple authentication page

It is registered on particular pages and does the following:

1) If user sent 'Authorization' header, decode auth details and check if
they're OK. If yes go to 4. If not go to 3.
2) If no 'Authorization' header found - go to 3;
3) Sent 401 server challenge with 'WWW-Authentication' header; Redirect
to authentication required page.

Fast and simple :-) Not super secure, but that is not what I needed.
This could be improved with failed login counter to break the loop :-)


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Re: Order by which events and listeners are called

2006-07-18 Thread Bernard Lange
Rui Pacheco wrote:
 Hi all


 My problem is, pageValidate, the natural place to check whether the user
 permissions to load that page or not, is being called before doLogin and
 this makes it impossible for the user to login. 

You mean that the form does not start rewinding cause listener in
pageValidate redirected the user to login page?

This is how we do it. Application pages have registered pageValidate
authentication listener. If user is not authenticated, listener
redirects him to Login page. Login page does have pageValidate
authentication listener :-)


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Re: Order by which events and listeners are called

2006-07-18 Thread Bernard Lange
Bernard Lange wrote:
 redirects him to Login page. Login page does have pageValidate

Correction: Login page *DOES NOT* have such pageValidate authentication
listener. Forgive me this important typo :)


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Re: Order by which events and listeners are called

2006-07-18 Thread Bernard Lange
Rui Pacheco wrote:
 I implement a class called AbstractWebPage that extends BasePage and I
 all functionality common to webpages there.
 I guess, as Geoff sugested, I'll created another abstract web page that
 deals uniquely with pages that need authentication.

This is what I suggested too. If you've put your authentication listener
in AbstractWebPage then your Login page cannot extend it any more.

If you want authenticated pages and Login page share common
functionality you have to move the authentication listener down in the
class hierarchy i.e. to AbstractAuthenticatedWebPage.

This would look like this:

public class AbstractWebPage
extends BasePage
  common functionality hoes here

public class AbstractAuthenticatedWebPage
extends AbstractWebPage
.. pageValidate authentication check listener goes here

public class LoginPage
extends AbstractWebPage
.. some login listener goes logic here - no auth check done

public class SomeAppPage
extends AbstractAuthenticatedWebPage
... application page that check whether user has logged in


Another approach is to create simple non-html component, lets call it
AuthenticationRequired and place it in pages which does require
authentication. This may be better than page hierarchy approach if only
some of your pages require authentication.

Such component can look like this:

public abstract class AuthenticationRequired
extends AbstractComponent
implements PageValidateListener
public void pageValidate(PageEvent event)
do some authentication check
and redirect conditionally to login page


protected void renderComponent(IMarkupWriter writer, IRequestCycle
// Nothing to render


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Re: Order by which events and listeners are called

2006-07-18 Thread Bernard Lange
Rui Pacheco wrote:
 And this is another very good idea. But if I stick with the abstract
 authenticated class, I'll have to update code in one single place, while
 the component will force me to copy/paste it accross all the templates.

Yes indeed. Decision is up to you, what's more convienient and
maintainable in your app. If number of authenticated pages will grow,
the inheritance approach may be better choice.


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Re: ValidationDelegate doesn't decorate

2006-07-06 Thread Bernard Lange
Christian Dutaret wrote:

 What I do is create a new instance of the delegate only if there isn't
 one yet, and make it available to the form component through a page

You can make a delegate a page bean which would free you from managing
delegate instance.

bean name=delegate class=xx.xx.xx.StyledValidationDelegate /


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Re: Tapestry 3.0.4 and Friendly URLs patch problem

2006-05-31 Thread Bernard Lange

Bernard Lange wrote:


Correction. The link goes of course as:

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