download a file

2007-01-09 Thread Edoardo Campagnano
Hi to all,

here's the problem: I have a file in my DB as a byte[] array and i want a
link to permit the user to download the file. First, I'm able to ricreate a
disk-version of the file using FileOutputStream, the file is good (I can
open it on the server) but is generated on request thus i can't use it as an
asset in tapestry, how can I permit the user to obtain it?


Thanks a lot, Edoardo


problem with AjaxForm

2006-11-13 Thread Edoardo Campagnano

I'm trying to compute a value at the moment my formi s submitted, in this



script type=text/javascript

  function getMessage() {





Edoardo Campagnano


Ajax form

2006-11-13 Thread Edoardo Campagnano
Sorry for the other mail, this is the complete one



I'm trying to compute a value at the moment my formi s submitted, in this



script type=text/javascript

  function getMessage() {






form jwcid=[EMAIL PROTECTED]:AjaxForm onSubmit=javascript:getMessage();

  span jwcid=[EMAIL PROTECTED] value=ognl:myHiddenField/

submit jwcid=@tacos:AjaxSubmit




The idea i sto assign at submit time the value myComputedValue to the
hidden field and pass it to the server, but it doesn't work.


Any idea?


Edoardo Campagnano


Tacos and Javascript Function: which comoponent?

2006-10-26 Thread Edoardo Campagnano
Hi to all,

here's my poblem: I've got a javascript function that returns a String, I
need to call a listener sending the result string from the function as
argument for the listener. Which is the best method to do this? I think a
Tacos component but don't know what and how..


Thanks in advice




Accessing HiveMind Registry

2006-10-10 Thread Edoardo Campagnano
Hi to all,

I've got a small prioblem with HiveMind. I wrote a small Service but I must
use from a class taht is outside a Tapestry component and can't be declared
abstract. I need something like in the HiveMind manual:


(from the HiveMind home page)
Registry registry = RegistryBuilder.constructDefaultRegistry();
MyService service = (MyService)
registry.getService(com.mypackage.MyService, MyService.class);



The key is access the Registry but in this way it throws an exception. I'
don't know how but I'm sure it is possible




Problem with tacos:Grid component

2006-09-22 Thread Edoardo Campagnano

I've been able to run the Tacos demos on my tomcat installation, then I try
to copy some elements in my Page components. Alol ok but the Grid. When it
reneders the copy of the demo, instead of renedering the rows as 






(this is rendered in the demo application)


In my application it renders 






As you can see, without the values. Verified that the List is well passed in
the java, I don't know why it doesn't work

Please help me, 

