Re: Is there a searchable mailing list archive ?

2006-12-04 Thread Jason Dyer
Try Nabble.

On Monday 04 December 2006 13:27, Cyrille37 wrote:

 The mailing list at is not searchable.
 Is there a searchable archive somewhere ?


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-- Murphy's Laws on Work n°25
Jason Dyer
BlueTarp Financial, inc.

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Re: call javascript method on button click

2006-08-08 Thread Jason Dyer
You don't have a jwcid=$remove$ somewhere on that page, do you?  That's the 
only way I've gotten that message and it would explain why your simple input 
button wasn't being rendered, as well.

On Tuesday 08 August 2006 12:15, zqzuk wrote:
 Hi, i wonder how can i do this. in my html template, i have a button, on
 click a javascript method will be called, and fill some form components.
 this method should not submit the page. all work fine in plain html.

 then when i do this in tapestry, i got problems.  if i dont give this
 button compoent a jwcid as such,

 input type=button name=calcTotalButton value=Calculate

 as it works in original html template, tapestry wont render the button, so
 i end up with a page without this button.

 well then i added a jwcid to this component and specify it as a Button ( i
 can not be submit), i got this error:

 input type=button name=calcTotalButton value=Calculate
 onClick=calcTotals() jwcid=calcTotalButton/

 Tag input on line 373 is a dynamic component, and may not appear inside
 an ignored block.

 is there anyway i can get around with this? how can i make call to a
 javascript method on button click?


On a scale of 1 to 10 I'd say...  oh, somewhere in there.
Jason Dyer
BlueTarp Financial, inc.

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Re: Tapestry 5 Discussions

2006-07-28 Thread Jason Dyer
Because, a company that has invested a year or more, developing an app is 
probably going to want to use it for a little while.  Over the lifetime of an 
enterprise app, it will undoubtedly need modification (both bug fixes and 
added features.)

When Tapestry 5 arrives, we can safely assume that Tapestry 4 development will 
stop fairly shortly thereafter (new features immediately, maybe bug fixing 
will go on for a year or two, but that's nothing compared to the lifetime of 
a large app.)  Then there's the fact that, right now it's difficult enough to 
find people with skill in T4, but in a couple of years it'll be impossible, 
because most people will have moved on to T5...

If the migration to T5 requires what basically amounts to a rewrite and T4 is 
no longer maintainable, then the 'powers that be' at said company are going 
to be a little irate that they've invested so much time/money into something 
that ultimately didn't last very long.  In fact, they'll probably be looking 
for heads to roll...

On Friday 28 July 2006 18:48, adasal wrote:
 Seems I am wrong in my earlier post.
 Emm, but there is a lot of discussion around the need for compatibility.
 Why is it so desirable, it seems to posit a large ongoing project that
 spans both 4 and 5. Why would such a project need to hook up to 5?


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Re: Binding Exception

2006-07-26 Thread Jason Dyer
If it is a boolean, try:


or if that doesn't work

user.isActive() == false

On Wednesday 26 July 2006 12:36, adasal wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]: pt.te.universal.model.User.isActive.
 Isn't that a string being returned? Can you do ! with a string here?
 isActive should be boolean.

 On 26/07/06, Rui Pacheco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  No luck.
  Has anyone done this before?
  On 7/26/06, Shing Hing Man [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Please try :
   --- Rui Pacheco [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all
I am trying to make my ASO available to an @If
component on my templates,
but I can't get past the following error:
Unable to read OGNL expression 'parsed OGNL
expression' of
The ASO is being properly instanciated and I can
access it from my
I'm doing the evaluation on the template this way:
span jwcid=@If condition=ognl:! user.isActive
span jwcid=@RedMenuRed Menu/span
User is my ASO and isActive is a public NON abstract
How do I negatively test that condition?
Rui Pacheco
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  Rui Pacheco

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as seatcovers in July, her hair as dark as new tires, her eyes flashing like
bright hubcaps, and her lips as dewy as the beads of fresh rain on the hood;
she was a woman driven -- fueled by a single accelerant -- and she needed a
man, a man who wouldn't shift from his views, a man to steer her along the
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Jason Dyer
BlueTarp Financial, inc.

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Re: strange problem losing session variables

2006-06-07 Thread Jason Dyer
Just a wild guess, but are all of the object you're storing Serializable?  I 
think that some (clustering) containers require that...

On Wednesday 07 June 2006 15:06, Phillip Rhodes wrote:
 Sounds like your container is not able to tie the session to the client.

 Are cookies turned off for clients?

 Have a multi-domain site and the cookies are not going across domains?

  Maybe synchronization glitches can be the cause? nothing prevents a user
  from firing two concurrent requests that would both modify your session
  objects at the same time.
  On 6/7/06, John Menke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Peter it's definitely storing them... This problem is sporadic... we
  reproduce - only we see the errors in the log
  On 6/5/06, Peter Dawn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   perhaps your variable is not being stored in the first place. i used
   to get the same errors and then i realised that my original code was
   not storing the variables in the first place. make sure that your code
   is storing session variables in the first place.
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Windows and DOS -- a turtle and it's shell.
Jason Dyer
BlueTarp Financial, inc.

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Re: Avoid template parsing

2006-05-24 Thread Jason Dyer
On Wednesday 24 May 2006 06:42, James Carman wrote:
 Can you give an example of the things it shouldn't?

Here's one:

script type=text/javascript
  var unappliedAmount = 0;
//  alert(startingUnapplied = +unappliedAmount);

  function updateTotal(val) {
alert(updateTotal:  + val);
unappliedAmount = (+val);
var o = document.getElementById('toApplyAmount');
o.innerHTML = val;
if (unappliedAmount  0) { = '#CC';
} else { = '#00';
  function setAmount(o, val) {
var iobj = o.parentNode.nextSibling.nextSibling.firstChild;
iobj.value = Math.min(val, unappliedAmount);
var echange = document.createEvent(HTMLEvents);
echange.initEvent('change', true, false);

If the '' in 'if (unappliedAmount  0) {' is removed/replaced, no problem, 
but as is, tapestry throws a parsing error because it apparently thinks that 
the '' is the start of a tag...

My solution, btw, was to move the script to an external .js file.


 -Original Message-
 From: Mário Lopes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 6:35 AM
 To: Tapestry users
 Subject: Avoid template parsing

 Is there any tag to avoid a certain block of code from being parsed on a

 I have some javascript on that file and it complains about things it


 -- Mário

Any given program costs more and takes longer. 
-- Murphy's Laws of Computer Programming n°8
Jason Dyer
BlueTarp Financial, inc.

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Re: ServletRequestServicerFilter not getting exceptions?

2006-05-10 Thread Jason Dyer
On Wednesday 10 May 2006 11:04, Schulte Marcus wrote:
  I'm curious if you've encountered any reason to override the
  other services,
  besides direct?  For example, we use ExternalLink quite a
  bit, although
  AFAIK, no data actually gets updated from those pages, they
  are still wrapped
  in a transaction.

 No, not yet. But I also felt a tiny bit uneasy about picking just that one
 service ;-). But just as you said, I convinced myself successfully that
 all uses of other services would be read-only. Of course, especially
 with legacy migration, there may well be reasons to update things in the
 external service...

Ah, well then.  :)  Guess I'll keep that in the back of my head.  

(I actually saw another possible method, using MonitorFactory, but I think 
I'll spawn a separate thread for that discussion--why it's deprecated and 

Thanks again,

I wouldn't be so paranoid if you weren't all out to get me!!
Jason Dyer
BlueTarp Financial, inc.

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