T5 tapestry-hibernate error?

2007-12-18 Thread Michael Bernagou
Something wired when tapestry try to get the HibernateSession :

Error invoking service builder method
ThreadCleanupHub) (at HibernateModule.java:62) (for service
'HibernateSessionManager'): Exception constructing service
'HibernateSessionSource': Error invoking constructor
Collection, ClassNameLocator) (at HibernateSessionSourceImpl.java:35) (for
service 'HibernateSessionSource'): No service implements the interface

java.lang.RuntimeException No service implements the interface
Stack trace

   - org.apache.tapestry.ioc.internal.RegistryImpl.getService(
   - org.apache.tapestry.ioc.internal.RegistryImpl.getObject(
   - org.apache.tapestry.ioc.internal.RegistryImpl.getObject(
   - org.apache.tapestry.ioc.internal.ObjectLocatorImpl.getObject(
   - org.apache.tapestry.internal.hibernate.HibernateSessionManagerImpl
   - org.apache.tapestry.hibernate.HibernateModule.build(
   - sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
   - sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
   - sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
   - java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
   - java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap.getAfterMiss(ThreadLocal.java
   - java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap.get(ThreadLocal.java:347)
   - java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap.access$000(ThreadLocal.java
   - java.lang.ThreadLocal.get(ThreadLocal.java:127)
   - papo.dao.impl.UserDaoImpl.getUser(UserDaoImpl.java:35)

The origin of the problem is when trying to getSession() :

public class UserDaoImpl implements UserDao {
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(UserDaoImpl.class);

private Session session;
public Session getSession() { return session; }
public void setSession(Session session) { this.session = session; }

public UserDaoImpl(Session session) {

 * Récupére un User pour un login et password donné
 * @param login
 * @param password
 * @return Operateur
public User getUser(String login, String password) {
log.debug(Recherche du User login :  + login);
try {
Query q = getSession().createQuery(from User u where u.login =
:login and u.password = :pwd);

Tapestry-ioc is responsible to get the constructor call :

   public static void bind(ServiceBinder binder) {
 binder.bind(UserDao.class, UserDaoImpl.class);

No idea, still investigating. I tried to clear tomcat cache, check the
libraries... maybe something missing somewhere.

T5.0.6 for core/annotation and ioc and T5.0.5 for tapestry-hibernate, maybe
it is that the problem.
Michael Bernagou
Java Developper

Re: T5 tapestry-hibernate error?

2007-12-18 Thread Michael Bernagou
Ok, the problem is the lib version.

So, synchronized all the libraries versions :D

2007/12/18, Michael Bernagou [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Something wired when tapestry try to get the HibernateSession :

 Error invoking service builder method
 ThreadCleanupHub) (at HibernateModule.java:62) (for service
 'HibernateSessionManager'): Exception constructing service
 'HibernateSessionSource': Error invoking constructor
 Collection, ClassNameLocator) (at HibernateSessionSourceImpl.java:35) (for
 service 'HibernateSessionSource'): No service implements the interface

 java.lang.RuntimeException No service implements the interface
 Stack trace

- org.apache.tapestry.ioc.internal.RegistryImpl.getService(
(MasterObjectProviderImpl.java :46)
- org.apache.tapestry.ioc.internal.RegistryImpl.getObject(
- org.apache.tapestry.ioc.internal.RegistryImpl.getObject(
- org.apache.tapestry.ioc.internal.ObjectLocatorImpl.getObject (
(InternalUtils.java :248)

(ConstructorServiceCreator.java :46)

(LifecycleWrappedServiceCreator.java :54)

(RecursiveServiceCreationCheckWrapper.java :61)

- org.apache.tapestry.internal.hibernate.HibernateSessionManagerImpl
.init(HibernateSessionManagerImpl.java :31)
- org.apache.tapestry.hibernate.HibernateModule.build(
- sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
- sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java :39)
- sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
- java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)

- java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap.getAfterMiss(ThreadLocal.java:374)
- java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap.get(ThreadLocal.java:347)
- java.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap.access$000(ThreadLocal.java
- java.lang.ThreadLocal.get(ThreadLocal.java:127)

- papo.dao.impl.UserDaoImpl.getUser(UserDaoImpl.java:35)

 The origin of the problem is when trying to getSession() :

 public class UserDaoImpl implements UserDao {
 private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(UserDaoImpl.class);

 private Session session;
 public Session getSession() { return session; }
 public void setSession(Session session) { this.session = session; }

 public UserDaoImpl(Session session) {

  * Récupére un User pour un login et password donné
  * @param login
  * @param password
  * @return Operateur
 public User getUser(String login, String password) {
 log.debug(Recherche du User login :  + login);
 try {
 Query q = getSession().createQuery(from User u where u.login= 
 :login and
 u.password = :pwd);

 Tapestry-ioc is responsible to get the constructor call :

public static void bind(ServiceBinder binder) {
  binder.bind(UserDao.class, UserDaoImpl.class);

 No idea, still investigating. I tried to clear tomcat cache, check the
 libraries... maybe something missing somewhere.

 T5.0.6 for core/annotation and ioc and T5.0.5 for tapestry-hibernate,
 maybe it is that the problem.
 Michael Bernagou
 Java Developper

Re: IoC global question

2007-12-17 Thread Michael Bernagou
Hi Hugo,

It is exactly that and I didn't understand how to do that. Whatever I test,
it works but it is intrusive.
I re-read the documentation about tapestry-ioc and I still not understand
how to do that. I need an example of webapp with 3 layers around the ioc to
see how tapestry-ioc gives the services instance to the layers.

@Thiago, I read this part but I don't know enought Spring to decide if
tapestry-ioc is really better than Spring. I'm not sure better is the
word. I would prefer more adapt for Tapestry webapp but it's just my
feelling. Just to argue a little more, if it is really better, why the way
to use service injection is different between ioc - MVC and ioc - DAO or ioc
- WS (example, declare a Logger in these all 3 layers and compare the
howto)? Learning a way to do the same thing for each layer is not something
I'm quite sure it can be better than Spring but for some developper, XML
is better than Pojo... just a point of view ;o)
For now, I want to try to use Tapestry-ioc because I think again it is more
adapt to my needs

2007/12/14, Hugo Palma [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 m, i think there's something missing here
 If i'm understanding correctly you want tapestry-ioc to manage all your
 services (either presentation stuf, db stuff, etc) and you don't want it
 to be intrusive. You don't want to reference any tapestry-ioc API inside
 you service classes. Does that describe the problem ?
 If so, tapestry-ioc can solve your problem really easily.

 Michael Bernagou wrote:
  So I have to call the current Registry (or to manage it myself) and call
  Hum, I think it's not ioc anymore if I have to setup my containers
  Hibernate) to call the tapestry-ioc or I have to create a sort of
  layer between the layer and the tapestry-ioc, and then my classes have
  call this middleLayer... hum...
  How do you do yourself? Webapp have usually more than just a MVC layer.
  you using the tapestry-ioc only for the MVC layer?
  Its seems to me strange for one class having to use @Inject Logger log;
  for another class Logger log = Logger.getLogger(
  2 ways to get the logger in the same application for the same target log
  file... Maybe tapestry-ioc should be extended to take care also to the
  Maybe I'm totally wrong ;o) so, how should it be coded to respect ioc
  pattern between tapestr-ioc and other layers such as Axis2 and
  (for T5 we know ;o) )
  2007/12/14, Michael Bernagou [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Ok I'm going to investigate about that Registry.
  So, what's the interrest to use tapestry-ioc instead of Spring ioc? If
  need my ioc to provide all the services I need, I cannot use
  unless I need my other layers to call explicitely the ioc which is not
  recommended when you want independant layers working together.
  @Hugo, ok I'm going to reread again this part.
  2007/12/14, Kristian Marinkovic [EMAIL PROTECTED] :
  hi michael,
  @Inject only works in Tapestry pages and components (and mixins).
  By default Tapestry will use the field type as an id and lookup the
  corresponding ioc service.
  I assume your Web Service Container was not started by the ioc
  container so it runs outside its control. Therefore you have to first
  obtain an ioc Registry first and then ask it explicitly for the
  you want to call. The builder methods are not meant to be called
  except by the container :)
  Michael Bernagou  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  14.12.2007 10:51
  Bitte antworten an
  Tapestry users users@tapestry.apache.org 
  Tapestry users users@tapestry.apache.org
  IoC global question
  I have a sort of general question about tapestry-ioc. In fact, I would
  it to manage all the services of my webapp. In theory it should be the
  shouldn't be?
  So to provides services to my MVC, no problem the syntax @Inject
  _myService; work perfectly. But, to provide services the same way for
  it's different. The same syntax doesn't provide any instance.
  I used the tapestry-hibernate and declare my dao as services :
import org.hibernate.Session;
public static UserDao buildUserDao(@InjectService(Session) Session
  session) {
return new UserDaoImpl(session);
public static UserService buildUserService(@InjectService(UserDao)
  UserDao dao) {
  return new UserServiceImpl(dao);
  So my implementation can work. But to use the service, all the callers
  to know a session object!
  Ok, if my caller is a web service, and this web service want to call
  UserService, @Inject UserService _userService; DOES NOT work and
  _userService is null! So I have to call explicitely the builder of my
  service FROM the web service... If I do that, I bypass the IoC purpose

Re: IoC global question

2007-12-17 Thread Michael Bernagou
Sorry, I'm trying to understand enough well to develop my application
So, imagine I have 2 classes ClassA and ClassB from 2 differents layers.
With the IoC in ClassA I should have just a member named ServiceClassB sab
with its getter and setter. ServiceClassB is the interface ClassB

Then the IoC should have the role to create the ClassB instance and call
classA.setServiceClassB(classBInstance). But, today in my MVC I have to do
that in ClassA :

public class ClassA {
  ServiceClassB scb;

  String onSuccess() {
 User user = scb.getAuthenticatedUser(...);

is THE way to use the IoC? This is an example for pages. I think it's ok but
what about this second example, out of pages.

So I need to create a ServiceFactory class.

public class ServiceFactory {
private ServiceClassB scb;
private static ServiceFactory instance;

static {
instance = new ServiceFactory();

public static ServiceFactory getInstance() {
return instance;

private ServiceFactory() {
scb = new ClassB();


public ServiceClassB getSab() {
return scb;


In a ClassA (not anymore a Tapestry page) I have to do that :

public class ClassA {
  private ServiceClassB sab;
  public ServiceClassB getSab() { return sab; }
  public void setSab(ServiceClassB sab) { this.sab = sab; }

  public String aMethod() {
sab = ServiceFactory.getInstance().getUserService();
User user = sab.getAuthenticatedUser(...);

I think this is not IoC. It's just management of services. So my goal is to
make that IoC and something have to call setSab for me, or maybe it's
should be the role of the ServiceFactory?

Regarding what Hugo explained to me, (thanks a lot for your time!)  one of
the way is this :

public class UserModule {
  public static ServiceClassB build(ServiceUserDao userDao){
ClassB cb = new ClassB(userDao);
return cb;

  public static ServiceUserDao build() {
UserDao dao = new UserDao();
return dao;

But I still don't know how to implement ClassA to get my ServiceClassB
instance provided by the IoC. I cannot call the Module without creating a
strong link between ClassA and the IoC, or maybe I have to create this
link?? In my mind, nothing have to call the IoC since it's the IoC who
should call the classes. So I have to say to the IoC which class need it and
for now I just know how to tell the IoC which Services I have and the
dependencies they have.

Or maybe, I'm completely wrong, lol, and in fact the role of IoC is just to
expose services to make them available to the all application and I have in
ClassA to call explicitely the services via their builder in the module and
use them via their interface!

2007/12/17, Hugo Palma [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Ok, as you can see in the tapestry-ioc documentation there are three
 ways of injecting dependencies into services. Only one of them is
 actually intrusive, the As parameters to the service implementation
 class' constructor (for autobuilt services) one. If you use this way
 then you will need to use the Inject annotation in your service
 implementation class which will create the dependency you don't want.

 So, this leaves you with the other two choices. The As parameters to
 the service builder method way has an example right in the beginning of
 the Injecting Dependencies sections of the docs. This way your service
 class can be completely independent of your IoC container. All the
 injection stuff is done in the module builder class. All you have to do
 is declare the dependencies in your service build method in the module
 builder and use the service class setters to set it's dependencies.

 Finally, you can use the As parameters passed to the constructor of the
 service's module builder (cached inside instance variables) way. This
 in not intrusive also because, again, all the injection stuff is done in
 the module builder. Only this time instead of the dependencies being
 injected as parameters in the build method they are injected in you
 module builder class constructor.

 Hope this helps...

 Michael Bernagou wrote:
  Hi Hugo,
  It is exactly that and I didn't understand how to do that. Whatever I
  it works but it is intrusive.
  I re-read the documentation about tapestry-ioc and I still not
  how to do that. I need an example of webapp with 3 layers around the ioc
  see how tapestry-ioc gives the services instance to the layers.
  @Thiago, I read this part but I don't know enought Spring to decide if
  tapestry-ioc is really better than Spring. I'm not sure better is the
  word. I would prefer more adapt for Tapestry webapp but it's just my
  feelling. Just to argue a little more, if it is really better, why the
  to use service injection is different between ioc - MVC and ioc - DAO or
  - WS (example, declare a Logger in these all 3 layers and compare the
  howto)? Learning a way to do

Re: IoC global question

2007-12-17 Thread Michael Bernagou
Thanks for the TYPO Thiago. Also thanks for the project examples, I'll need
to wait beeing at home to test since the security system here at the office
block them to be download.

Making my ClassA a service? I'm going to try but it means ClassA will be
instanciate only by Tapestry-ioc else I will not have my ServiceClassB
instance (imagine a ClassC needs an instance of ClassA and doesn't care
about services, will I have to make ClassC also a service??).

And what about a custom ServiceFactory singleton class that call the
Registry to get instances and/or be a sort of Global Service referenced in

Again, to create a Service is not a problem, my problem is to call them from
layers without the @Inject which work only from tapestry-core but without
making a link between the layer and tapestry-ioc. The only link I wish is
between tapestry-ioc and layers in this order. ioc knows the layers, but the
layers don't know the ioc, only the service.

Still reading the documentation...

2007/12/17, Thiago H de Paula Figueiredo [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 08:33:52 -0200, Michael Bernagou

  public class UserModule {
public static ServiceClassB build(ServiceUserDao userDao){
  ClassB cb = new ClassB(userDao);
  return cb;
public static ServiceUserDao build() {
  UserDao dao = new UserDao();
  return dao;
  But I still don't know how to implement ClassA to get my ServiceClassB
  instance provided by the IoC.

 1) Rename your build() method to buildServiceUserDao.

 2) Your ClassA builder method would be something like that:

 public static ClassA buildClassA(ServiceClassB serviceClassB) {
   ServiceClassB object = new ServiceClassBImplementation();
   return object;

 Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
 Desenvolvedor, Instrutor e Consultor de Tecnologia
 Eteg Tecnologia da Informação Ltda.

 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Michael Bernagou
Java Developper

IoC global question

2007-12-14 Thread Michael Bernagou

I have a sort of general question about tapestry-ioc. In fact, I would like
it to manage all the services of my webapp. In theory it should be the case,
shouldn't be?

So to provides services to my MVC, no problem the syntax @Inject MyService
_myService; work perfectly. But, to provide services the same way for my Dao
it's different. The same syntax doesn't provide any instance.
I used the tapestry-hibernate and declare my dao as services :

  import org.hibernate.Session;

  public static UserDao buildUserDao(@InjectService(Session) Session
session) {
  return new UserDaoImpl(session);

  public static UserService buildUserService(@InjectService(UserDao)
UserDao dao) {
return new UserServiceImpl(dao);

So my implementation can work. But to use the service, all the callers have
to know a session object!
Ok, if my caller is a web service, and this web service want to call the
UserService, @Inject UserService _userService; DOES NOT work and
_userService is null! So I have to call explicitely the builder of my
service FROM the web service... If I do that, I bypass the IoC purpose
because I link it directly :

UserService us = AppModule.buildUserService( ... and then I have a problem!
buildUserService need a UserDao, but my web service doesn't care about
knowing any kind of dao!

So, I should be able to use @Inject MyService _myService; anywhere in my
project and the tapestry-ioc should be able to give instance to all the

Did I (probably) missed something?

Michael Bernagou
Java Developper

Re: IoC global question

2007-12-14 Thread Michael Bernagou
So I have to call the current Registry (or to manage it myself) and call the

Hum, I think it's not ioc anymore if I have to setup my containers (Axis2,
Hibernate) to call the tapestry-ioc or I have to create a sort of middle
layer between the layer and the tapestry-ioc, and then my classes have to
call this middleLayer... hum...

How do you do yourself? Webapp have usually more than just a MVC layer. Are
you using the tapestry-ioc only for the MVC layer?
Its seems to me strange for one class having to use @Inject Logger log; and
for another class Logger log = Logger.getLogger(

2 ways to get the logger in the same application for the same target log
file... Maybe tapestry-ioc should be extended to take care also to the other

Maybe I'm totally wrong ;o) so, how should it be coded to respect ioc
pattern between tapestr-ioc and other layers such as Axis2 and Hibernate3
(for T5 we know ;o) )


2007/12/14, Michael Bernagou [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Ok I'm going to investigate about that Registry.
 So, what's the interrest to use tapestry-ioc instead of Spring ioc? If I
 need my ioc to provide all the services I need, I cannot use tapestry-ioc
 unless I need my other layers to call explicitely the ioc which is not
 recommended when you want independant layers working together.

 @Hugo, ok I'm going to reread again this part.

 2007/12/14, Kristian Marinkovic [EMAIL PROTECTED] :
  hi michael,
  @Inject only works in Tapestry pages and components (and mixins).
  By default Tapestry will use the field type as an id and lookup the
  corresponding ioc service.
  I assume your Web Service Container was not started by the ioc
  container so it runs outside its control. Therefore you have to first
  obtain an ioc Registry first and then ask it explicitly for the service
  you want to call. The builder methods are not meant to be called
  except by the container :)
  Michael Bernagou  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  14.12.2007 10:51
  Bitte antworten an
  Tapestry users users@tapestry.apache.org 
  Tapestry users users@tapestry.apache.org
  IoC global question
  I have a sort of general question about tapestry-ioc. In fact, I would
  it to manage all the services of my webapp. In theory it should be the
  shouldn't be?
  So to provides services to my MVC, no problem the syntax @Inject
  _myService; work perfectly. But, to provide services the same way for my
  it's different. The same syntax doesn't provide any instance.
  I used the tapestry-hibernate and declare my dao as services :
import org.hibernate.Session;
public static UserDao buildUserDao(@InjectService(Session) Session
  session) {
return new UserDaoImpl(session);
public static UserService buildUserService(@InjectService(UserDao)
  UserDao dao) {
  return new UserServiceImpl(dao);
  So my implementation can work. But to use the service, all the callers
  to know a session object!
  Ok, if my caller is a web service, and this web service want to call the
  UserService, @Inject UserService _userService; DOES NOT work and
  _userService is null! So I have to call explicitely the builder of my
  service FROM the web service... If I do that, I bypass the IoC purpose
  because I link it directly :
  UserService us = AppModule.buildUserService ( ... and then I have a
  buildUserService need a UserDao, but my web service doesn't care about
  knowing any kind of dao!
  So, I should be able to use @Inject MyService _myService; anywhere in my
  project and the tapestry-ioc should be able to give instance to all the
  Did I (probably) missed something?
  Michael Bernagou
  Java Developper

 Michael Bernagou
 Java Developper

Michael Bernagou
Java Developper

Re: IoC global question

2007-12-14 Thread Michael Bernagou
Ok I'm going to investigate about that Registry.
So, what's the interrest to use tapestry-ioc instead of Spring ioc? If I
need my ioc to provide all the services I need, I cannot use tapestry-ioc
unless I need my other layers to call explicitely the ioc which is not
recommended when you want independant layers working together.

@Hugo, ok I'm going to reread again this part.

2007/12/14, Kristian Marinkovic [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 hi michael,

 @Inject only works in Tapestry pages and components (and mixins).
 By default Tapestry will use the field type as an id and lookup the
 corresponding ioc service.

 I assume your Web Service Container was not started by the ioc
 container so it runs outside its control. Therefore you have to first
 obtain an ioc Registry first and then ask it explicitly for the service
 you want to call. The builder methods are not meant to be called
 except by the container :)


 Michael Bernagou [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 14.12.2007 10:51
 Bitte antworten an
 Tapestry users users@tapestry.apache.org

 Tapestry users users@tapestry.apache.org

 IoC global question


 I have a sort of general question about tapestry-ioc. In fact, I would
 it to manage all the services of my webapp. In theory it should be the
 shouldn't be?

 So to provides services to my MVC, no problem the syntax @Inject MyService
 _myService; work perfectly. But, to provide services the same way for my
 it's different. The same syntax doesn't provide any instance.
 I used the tapestry-hibernate and declare my dao as services :

   import org.hibernate.Session;

   public static UserDao buildUserDao(@InjectService(Session) Session
 session) {
   return new UserDaoImpl(session);

   public static UserService buildUserService(@InjectService(UserDao)
 UserDao dao) {
 return new UserServiceImpl(dao);

 So my implementation can work. But to use the service, all the callers
 to know a session object!
 Ok, if my caller is a web service, and this web service want to call the
 UserService, @Inject UserService _userService; DOES NOT work and
 _userService is null! So I have to call explicitely the builder of my
 service FROM the web service... If I do that, I bypass the IoC purpose
 because I link it directly :

 UserService us = AppModule.buildUserService( ... and then I have a
 buildUserService need a UserDao, but my web service doesn't care about
 knowing any kind of dao!

 So, I should be able to use @Inject MyService _myService; anywhere in my
 project and the tapestry-ioc should be able to give instance to all the

 Did I (probably) missed something?

 Michael Bernagou
 Java Developper

Michael Bernagou
Java Developper

Re: CustomFilter

2007-12-13 Thread Michael Bernagou
Yes exactly. I want to put the management of session lifecycle and
transaction and commit in a filter.
I don't want to use the Tapestry-hibernate right now since I'm new in
Hibernate and want to integrate it by myself first but ok, I'm going to
follow your clue and take a look at the source of RequestFilter ;)

2007/12/13, Kristian Marinkovic [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 hi michael,

 are you trying to implement OpenSessionInView by yourself?
 tapestry-hibernate integration does it by default... you can take
 a look at the source to see where you can apply filter the tapestry
 way :) (see RequestFilter interface in Tapestry for example)


 Michael Bernagou [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 12.12.2007 13:59
 Bitte antworten an
 Tapestry users users@tapestry.apache.org

 Tapestry users users@tapestry.apache.org

 Re: CustomFilter

 In fact, I just noticed when I added the tapestry-core-5.0.6.jar in
 [tomcat]/common/lib I still have an error but NOT on the same class.
 So before it was on :

 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tapestry/TapestryFilter

 After put the tapestry-core jar in the lib of Tomcat :


 So I added the tapestry-ioc jar and now I have this one :

 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/LoggerFactory

 I imagine I could put all the lib at the server side, BUT, it's not how it
 should work!!

 It seems the ClassLoader didn't load all the libs when apply the filter,
 how to force the loading? Why TapestryFilter doesn't have the same problem
 than my CustomFilter??

 2007/12/12, Michael Bernagou [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Hum, any idea?
  2007/12/11, Michael Bernagou [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   The error is generated by this line offcourse :
   private TapestryFilter tapestryFilter = new TapestryFilter();
   Still doesn't know why...
   2007/12/11, Michael Bernagou  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
I tried to creat emy own filter, a Hibernate filter in fact, like
// here the imports... compilation ok
public class HibernateFilter implements Filter {
private TapestryFilter tapestryFilter = new TapestryFilter();
private static Log log =
public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws
ServletException {
log.info(Servlet filter init, now opening/closing a Session
for each request.);
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse
response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
try {
chain.doFilter(request, response);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
HibernateUtil.rollbackTransaction ();
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ServletException(e);
} finally {
HibernateUtil.closeSession ();
tapestryFilter.doFilter(request, response, chain);
public void destroy() {
then I adapt my web.xml like that :
But I get that ERROR at runtime :
11-Dec-2007 16:48:12
SEVERE: Exception starting filter app
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tapestry/TapestryFilter
TapestryFilter is not loaded by the ClassLoader. Why and how can I
that? I tried to test by put the tapestry-core.jar directly in [
tomcat5.5]/common/lib without success.
Any idea?
Michael Bernagou
Java Developper
   Michael Bernagou
   Java Developper
  Michael Bernagou
  Java Developper

 Michael Bernagou
 Java Developper

Michael Bernagou
Java Developper

Re: CustomFilter

2007-12-12 Thread Michael Bernagou
Hum, any idea?

2007/12/11, Michael Bernagou [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 The error is generated by this line offcourse :
 private TapestryFilter tapestryFilter = new TapestryFilter();

 Still doesn't know why...

 2007/12/11, Michael Bernagou [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I tried to creat emy own filter, a Hibernate filter in fact, like that :
  // here the imports... compilation ok
  public class HibernateFilter implements Filter {
  private TapestryFilter tapestryFilter = new TapestryFilter();
  private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HibernateFilter.class);
  public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException
  log.info(Servlet filter init, now opening/closing a Session for
  each request.);
  public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse
  response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
  try {
  chain.doFilter(request, response);
  } catch (RuntimeException e) {
  HibernateUtil.rollbackTransaction ();
  throw e;
  } catch (Exception e) {
  throw new ServletException(e);
  } finally {
  HibernateUtil.closeSession ();
  tapestryFilter.doFilter(request, response, chain);
  public void destroy() {
  then I adapt my web.xml like that :
  But I get that ERROR at runtime :
  11-Dec-2007 16:48:12 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextfilterStart
  SEVERE: Exception starting filter app
  java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tapestry/TapestryFilter
  TapestryFilter is not loaded by the ClassLoader. Why and how can I do
  that? I tried to test by put the tapestry-core.jar directly in [
  tomcat5.5]/common/lib without success.
  Any idea?
  Michael Bernagou
  Java Developper

 Michael Bernagou
 Java Developper

Michael Bernagou
Java Developper

Re: CustomFilter

2007-12-12 Thread Michael Bernagou
In fact, I just noticed when I added the tapestry-core-5.0.6.jar in
[tomcat]/common/lib I still have an error but NOT on the same class.
So before it was on :

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tapestry/TapestryFilter

After put the tapestry-core jar in the lib of Tomcat :


So I added the tapestry-ioc jar and now I have this one :

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/LoggerFactory

I imagine I could put all the lib at the server side, BUT, it's not how it
should work!!

It seems the ClassLoader didn't load all the libs when apply the filter, so
how to force the loading? Why TapestryFilter doesn't have the same problem
than my CustomFilter??

2007/12/12, Michael Bernagou [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hum, any idea?

 2007/12/11, Michael Bernagou [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  The error is generated by this line offcourse :
  private TapestryFilter tapestryFilter = new TapestryFilter();
  Still doesn't know why...
  2007/12/11, Michael Bernagou  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   I tried to creat emy own filter, a Hibernate filter in fact, like that
   // here the imports... compilation ok
   public class HibernateFilter implements Filter {
   private TapestryFilter tapestryFilter = new TapestryFilter();
   private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HibernateFilter.class);
   public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws
   ServletException {
   log.info(Servlet filter init, now opening/closing a Session
   for each request.);
   public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse
   response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
   try {
   chain.doFilter(request, response);
   } catch (RuntimeException e) {
   HibernateUtil.rollbackTransaction ();
   throw e;
   } catch (Exception e) {
   throw new ServletException(e);
   } finally {
   HibernateUtil.closeSession ();
   tapestryFilter.doFilter(request, response, chain);
   public void destroy() {
   then I adapt my web.xml like that :
   But I get that ERROR at runtime :
   11-Dec-2007 16:48:12 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextfilterStart
   SEVERE: Exception starting filter app
   java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tapestry/TapestryFilter
   TapestryFilter is not loaded by the ClassLoader. Why and how can I do
   that? I tried to test by put the tapestry-core.jar directly in [
   tomcat5.5]/common/lib without success.
   Any idea?
   Michael Bernagou
   Java Developper
  Michael Bernagou
  Java Developper

 Michael Bernagou
 Java Developper

Michael Bernagou
Java Developper


2007-12-11 Thread Michael Bernagou

I tried to creat emy own filter, a Hibernate filter in fact, like that :

// here the imports... compilation ok
public class HibernateFilter implements Filter {
private TapestryFilter tapestryFilter = new TapestryFilter();

private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HibernateFilter.class);

public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
log.info(Servlet filter init, now opening/closing a Session for
each request.);

public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {

try {
chain.doFilter(request, response);

} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ServletException(e);
} finally {

tapestryFilter.doFilter(request, response, chain);

public void destroy() {

then I adapt my web.xml like that :


But I get that ERROR at runtime :

11-Dec-2007 16:48:12 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext filterStart
SEVERE: Exception starting filter app
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tapestry/TapestryFilter

TapestryFilter is not loaded by the ClassLoader. Why and how can I do that?
I tried to test by put the tapestry-core.jar directly in [tomcat5.5]/common/lib
without success.

Any idea?


Michael Bernagou
Java Developper

Re: CustomFilter

2007-12-11 Thread Michael Bernagou
The error is generated by this line offcourse :
private TapestryFilter tapestryFilter = new TapestryFilter();

Still doesn't know why...

2007/12/11, Michael Bernagou [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 I tried to creat emy own filter, a Hibernate filter in fact, like that :

 // here the imports... compilation ok
 public class HibernateFilter implements Filter {
 private TapestryFilter tapestryFilter = new TapestryFilter();

 private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(HibernateFilter.class);

 public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
 log.info(Servlet filter init, now opening/closing a Session for
 each request.);

 public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
 FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {

 try {
 chain.doFilter(request, response);

 } catch (RuntimeException e) {
 HibernateUtil.rollbackTransaction ();
 throw e;
 } catch (Exception e) {
 throw new ServletException(e);
 } finally {
 HibernateUtil.closeSession ();

 tapestryFilter.doFilter(request, response, chain);

 public void destroy() {

 then I adapt my web.xml like that :


 But I get that ERROR at runtime :

 11-Dec-2007 16:48:12 org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext filterStart
 SEVERE: Exception starting filter app
 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tapestry/TapestryFilter

 TapestryFilter is not loaded by the ClassLoader. Why and how can I do
 that? I tried to test by put the tapestry-core.jar directly in 
 without success.

 Any idea?


 Michael Bernagou
 Java Developper

Michael Bernagou
Java Developper

Re: Tapestry 5: running tutoriel

2007-11-15 Thread Michael Bernagou
Just to say her problem is fixed since she's my collegue.

The Eclipse we use here is a custom (crap) Eclipse and jetty and maven
plugins do not work normally. She used a normal Eclipse 3.2 WTP with the
regular plugins (plus some proxy configuration) and it now it works.

2007/11/14, Jeffrey ai [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 Your mvn command should run without any manual download or settings.

 I have seen the similar error message before. My problem is caused by a
 broken maven plugin in my local repository, which is gotten from our
 incorrectly-configured repository server.  I would suggest you to try
 the following things:

 * Remove your
 or move it somewhere else

 * If you have $HOME/.m2/settings.xml setup, move it somewhere else

 * Try to run the command again. This will make you redownload the plugin
 from maven central repository, which should work.

 Good luck!
 Jeffrey Ai

 GUERARD Elisabeth wrote:
  Dear all,
  I try to run the tutoriel for Tapestry 5 at the following address:
  I have problem with the first step: create an empty application by using
  feature of Maven, archetype.
  It 's the first time, i use Maven, I install it correctly, create an
  empty folder and run the following command:
  mvn archetype:create
  I had the following error: [ERROR] BUILD ERROR
  [INFO] The plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin' does
  not exist or no valid version could be found
  By looking at Maven 's website, about archetype, I found configuration
  of pom.xml and archetype.xml.
  I need to do the same in this case, isn't it?
  Thanks in advance for your help.

 Jeffrey Ai
 Software Developer Analyst
 MemberDirect(R) Product Development
 phone: 604 737 5957
 website: www.memberdirect.ca

 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Michael Bernagou
Java Developper

Re: T5.06 Project tree

2007-11-14 Thread Michael Bernagou
No I didn't because I don't understand why the webroot should be in the src

About that :

It is what I have but I wrote in my message
instead, just to show it is packages in the point of view of eclipse and

The debug mode show me the Start.java is normally compiled and Tapestry
describe what it did with at runtime :
replacing method, etc...

2007/11/14, Joachim Van der Auwera [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Have you started using the project archetype? This is the easiest way to
 have a correct directory srtucture.

 Anyway, I think the paths should be


 Kind regards,

 Michael Bernagou wrote:
  I have something strange and it made me asking this question :
  What are the mandatory project tree elements? (sorry for my english I
  now how to write it differently).
  So, my project is :
  MyProject/src/papo.pages/[all pages such as Start.java and
  MyProject/src/papo.services/[ioc stuff]
  MyProject/webroot/[all template such as Start.tml and Start_fr.tml]
  But I have this error :
  java.lang.RuntimeException Page Start did not generate any markup when
  rendered. This could be because its template file could not be located,
  because a render phase method in the page prevented rendering.
  !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN
  html xmlns:t=http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd;
  titlePaper and Pen Online/title
  form t:type=BeanEditForm object=login
t:parameter name=password
  label t:type=Label for=password/label
  input t:type=PasswordField t:id=password t:validate=required
  t:value=login.password /
  pSi vous n'avez pas encore de compte, t:pagelink
  p color=red${message}/p
  package papo.pages;
  import org.apache.tapestry.annotations.ApplicationState;
  import org.apache.tapestry.annotations.InjectPage;
  import org.apache.tapestry.annotations.Persist;
  import org.apache.tapestry.ioc.annotations.Inject;
  import papo.data.Login;
  import papo.data.UserLite;
  import papo.exception.PapoException;
  import papo.model.User;
  import papo.services.ApplicationService;
  import papo.services.UserService;
   * Start page of application papo.
  public class Start {
private static final String SUCCESS = Home;
private static final String FAILURE = Start;
private Login login;
public Login getLogin() { return login; }
public void setLogin(Login login) { this.login = login; }
private String message;
public String getMessage() { return message; }
public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; }
private User user;
private Home home;
private UserService userService;
private ApplicationService applicationService;
String onSuccess() {
  try {
user = userService.getAuthenticatedUser(login.getLogin(),
if (user != null) {
  UserLite userLite = new UserLite(user.getLogin());
else {
  message = Login ou Password inconnue. L'identification a
  return FAILURE;
  catch (PapoException pe) {
message = La procedure d'identification a rencontré un probleme
return null;
  return SUCCESS;
  It didn't enter in Start.java (I put a debug point) because it was not
  to compile or find the Start.tml. Usually, when it found a
  problem, the error message explicitely explain where is the line in the
  template, but in my case, I have only a stack trace.
  When I see the Snapshot for the typicall project, there is something
 else as
  Project tree, and I don't want to follow the architecture. Having the
  webroot folder in the src/main and the java in the src/main/java is not
  logic for me.
  A web application is not defined like that usually, why to change the
  But this is another subject...

 Joachim Van der Auwera
 PROGS bvba, progs.be, blog.progs.be

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 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Michael Bernagou
Java Developper

Re: T5.06 Project tree

2007-11-14 Thread Michael Bernagou
So is it why my start.tml is not found?? If yes (I'm really not sure), I'm
very surprised about the miss of flexibility T5 have...
For an existing project build in the usual way (Project/src,
Project/webroot), having to change this just for T5 is veru bad...

2007/11/14, Michael Courcy [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Well it's a matter of convention

 When maven build the project, things are in the place they have to be.

 Michael Bernagou a écrit :
  No I didn't because I don't understand why the webroot should be in the
  About that :
  It is what I have but I wrote in my message
  instead, just to show it is packages in the point of view of eclipse and
  The debug mode show me the Start.java is normally compiled and Tapestry
  describe what it did with at runtime :
  replacing method, etc...
  2007/11/14, Joachim Van der Auwera [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Have you started using the project archetype? This is the easiest way
  have a correct directory srtucture.
  Anyway, I think the paths should be
  Kind regards,
  Michael Bernagou wrote:
  I have something strange and it made me asking this question :
  What are the mandatory project tree elements? (sorry for my english I
  now how to write it differently).
  So, my project is :
  MyProject/src/papo.pages/[all pages such as Start.java and
  MyProject/src/papo.services/[ioc stuff]
  MyProject/webroot/[all template such as Start.tml and Start_fr.tml]
  But I have this error :
  java.lang.RuntimeException Page Start did not generate any markup when
  rendered. This could be because its template file could not be
  because a render phase method in the page prevented rendering.
  !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN
  html xmlns:t=http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd;
  titlePaper and Pen Online/title
  form t:type=BeanEditForm object=login
t:parameter name=password
  label t:type=Label for=password/label
  input t:type=PasswordField t:id=password
  t:value=login.password /
  pSi vous n'avez pas encore de compte, t:pagelink
  p color=red${message}/p
  package papo.pages;
  import org.apache.tapestry.annotations.ApplicationState;
  import org.apache.tapestry.annotations.InjectPage;
  import org.apache.tapestry.annotations.Persist;
  import org.apache.tapestry.ioc.annotations.Inject;
  import papo.data.Login;
  import papo.data.UserLite;
  import papo.exception.PapoException;
  import papo.model.User;
  import papo.services.ApplicationService;
  import papo.services.UserService;
   * Start page of application papo.
  public class Start {
private static final String SUCCESS = Home;
private static final String FAILURE = Start;
private Login login;
public Login getLogin() { return login; }
public void setLogin(Login login) { this.login = login; }
private String message;
public String getMessage() { return message; }
public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; }
private User user;
private Home home;
private UserService userService;
private ApplicationService applicationService;
String onSuccess() {
  try {
user = userService.getAuthenticatedUser(login.getLogin(),
if (user != null) {
  UserLite userLite = new UserLite(user.getLogin());
else {
  message = Login ou Password inconnue. L'identification a
  return FAILURE;
  catch (PapoException pe) {
message = La procedure d'identification a rencontré un probleme
return null;
  return SUCCESS;
  It didn't enter in Start.java (I put a debug point) because it was not
  to compile or find the Start.tml. Usually, when it found a
  problem, the error message explicitely explain where is the line in
  template, but in my case, I have only a stack trace.
  When I see the Snapshot for the typicall project, there is something
  else as
  Project tree, and I don't want to follow the architecture. Having the
  webroot folder in the src/main and the java in the src/main/java is
  logic for me

T5 no root element??

2007-11-06 Thread Michael Bernagou
I copied and paste my Eclipse project from my Home computer to my work
computer. And it works at home, not at works and the error is this one :

[ERROR] DefaultRequestExceptionHandler Processing of request failed with
uncaught exception: No root element has been defined.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No root element has been defined.
at org.apache.tapestry.dom.Document.toMarkup(Document.java:89)
at org.apache.tapestry.internal.services.MarkupWriterImpl.toMarkup(

I thought it was a problem of localization since I had only Start_fr.tml but
I added Start.tml (same for my 2 others _fr.tml pages) but I still have the

The code is exactly the same and I don't have any error in my compilation,
neither xml validation error.

Any idea?

Michael Bernagou
Java Developper

Re: 3 new French Tapestry5 tutorials

2007-11-05 Thread Michael Bernagou
Merci :)

Je sais pas pourquoi le firewall de ma boite bloque le site...

Le 05/11/07, Michael Courcy [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

 Bravo et merci.

 #Cyrille37# a écrit :
  Hello, Bonjour,
  There are 3 new tutorials for Tapestry5 in French.
  Il y a 3 nouveaux tutoriels en français pour Tapestry5.
  Thanks to Baptiste Meurant !
  Merci à Baptiste Meurant !
  Premier projet avec Tapestry5, Spring et Hibernate :
  Intégration simple et élégante d'AJAX avec DWR:
  Sécurisation d'une application Web avec Acegi Security:
  I've added them on http://wiki.apache.org/tapestry/TapestryTutorials
  but it should be nice to add them to
  Bye, Salut
  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Michael Bernagou
Java Developper

Re: T5.0.6 I'm lost after upgrade T5

2007-11-04 Thread Michael Bernagou
I already tried to add the setters, without success. But Itried to access
Home and I got an error regarding my Logger :

My Home.java
public class Home {

  private Logger logger;

  String refreshList() {
try {
  logger.debug(Processiong refreshList...);
  users = applicationService.getUserList().getUserList();
  logger.debug(User lists set to page.);
catch (PapoException pe) {
  logger.error(Failed to get the user list. Nothing set in the page!);
  return FAILURE;
return SUCCESS;

And now I have this error :
org.apache.tapestry.internal.services.TransformationException: Error
obtaining injected value for field papo.pages.Home.logger: No service
implements the interface org.apache.log4j.Logger.

I thought Tapestry know everything about logging and in the documentation it
says   @Inject private Logger logger; was enought.

Usually I used log4j  like that :
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MyClass.class.getName());
but Howard told me in a old and previous mailing to not use the logging like
that... So, how to use the logger in T5?

2007/11/4, Nick Westgate [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Try adding setters to your fields.


 Josh Canfield wrote:
private Home home;
  The error message seems a little strange, but the code above is
 injecting a
  page called Home. Does that page load correctly if accessed directly?
  On 11/3/07, Michael Bernagou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Everything worked perfectly, but since I upgraded to T5.0.6, it fails
  understandable reason!
  I replaced my html by tml and placed them in the right place. I upgrade
  log4j to get the latest and add the new logging api (to avoid runtime
  The thing is really strange...
  My Start.tml
  !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN
  html xmlns:t=http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd;
  titlePaper and Pen Online - Identification/title
  p style=color:red;b${message}/b/p
  t:form tracker=login
t:parameter name=password
  t:label for=password/
  t:passwordfield t:id=password t:validate=required value=
  pSi vous n'avez pas encore de compte, t:pagelink
  My Start.java
  public class Start {
private static final String SUCCESS = Home;
private static final String FAILURE = Start;
private Login login;
public Login getLogin() { return login; }
private String message;
public String getMessage() { return message; }
private User user;
private Home home;
private UserService userService;
private ApplicationService applicationService;
String onSuccess() {
  message = null;
  try {
user = userService.getAuthenticatedUser(login.getLogin(),
if (user != null) {
  UserLite userLite = new UserLite(user.getLogin());
else {
  message = Login ou Password inconnue. L'identification a
  return FAILURE;
  catch (PapoException pe) {
message = La procedure d'identification a rencontré un probleme
return FAILURE;
  return SUCCESS;
  And the error :
  Could not convert 'message' into a component parameter binding:
  java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: papo/pages/Home
  location context:Start_fr.tml, line 8, column 363html xmlns:t=
  and Pen Online - Identification/title6/head7body8p
  11 t:parameter name=password12 t:label
  for=password/13t:passwordfield t:id=password
  t:validate=required value=
  login.password/So, the tml is found, read, interpreted but for a
  don't understand it refer to my class Home which is in the same package
  my class Start.
  I have a Register page (tml + java) and it give me exactly the same
  No error at runtime, no compilation error (Inject are the new Inject,
  Michael Bernagou
  Java Developper

 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Michael Bernagou
Java Developper

Re: T5.0.6 I'm lost after upgrade T5

2007-11-04 Thread Michael Bernagou
Ok, I got it It was not the right import ;o)
I used this : import org.apache.log4j.Logger; instead of import

Thanks :)

2007/11/4, Michael Bernagou [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I already tried to add the setters, without success. But Itried to access
 Home and I got an error regarding my Logger :

 My Home.java
 public class Home {

   private Logger logger;

   String refreshList() {
 try {
   logger.debug(Processiong refreshList...);
   users = applicationService.getUserList().getUserList();
   logger.debug(User lists set to page.);
 catch (PapoException pe) {
   logger.error(Failed to get the user list. Nothing set in the
   return FAILURE;
 return SUCCESS;

 And now I have this error :
 org.apache.tapestry.internal.services.TransformationException: Error
 obtaining injected value for field papo.pages.Home.logger: No service
 implements the interface org.apache.log4j.Logger.

 I thought Tapestry know everything about logging and in the documentation
 it says   @Inject private Logger logger; was enought.

 Usually I used log4j  like that :
 private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MyClass.class.getName());
 but Howard told me in a old and previous mailing to not use the logging
 like that... So, how to use the logger in T5?

 2007/11/4, Nick Westgate [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Try adding setters to your fields.
  Josh Canfield wrote:
 private Home home;
   The error message seems a little strange, but the code above is
  injecting a
   page called Home. Does that page load correctly if accessed directly?
   On 11/3/07, Michael Bernagou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Everything worked perfectly, but since I upgraded to T5.0.6, it fails
   understandable reason!
   I replaced my html by tml and placed them in the right place. I
   log4j to get the latest and add the new logging api (to avoid runtime
   The thing is really strange...
   My Start.tml
   !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN
   html xmlns:t= http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd
   titlePaper and Pen Online - Identification/title
   p style=color:red;b${message}/b/p
   t:form tracker=login
 t:parameter name=password
   t:label for=password/
   t:passwordfield t:id=password t:validate=required value=
   pSi vous n'avez pas encore de compte, t:pagelink
   My Start.java
   public class Start {
 private static final String SUCCESS = Home;
 private static final String FAILURE = Start;
 private Login login;
 public Login getLogin() { return login; }
 private String message;
 public String getMessage() { return message; }
 private User user;
 private Home home;
 private UserService userService;
 private ApplicationService applicationService;
 String onSuccess() {
   message = null;
   try {
 user = userService.getAuthenticatedUser(login.getLogin(),
 if (user != null) {
   UserLite userLite = new UserLite(user.getLogin ());
 else {
   message = Login ou Password inconnue. L'identification a
   return FAILURE;
   catch (PapoException pe) {
 message = La procedure d'identification a rencontré un
 return FAILURE;
   return SUCCESS;
   And the error :
   Could not convert 'message' into a component parameter binding:
   java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: papo/pages/Home
   location context:Start_fr.tml, line 8, column 363html xmlns:t=
   and Pen Online - Identification/title6/head7body8p
   11 t:parameter name=password12 t:label
   for=password/13t:passwordfield t:id=password
   t:validate=required value=
   login.password/So, the tml is found, read, interpreted but for a
   don't understand it refer to my class Home which is in the same
   my class Start.
   I have a Register page (tml + java) and it give me exactly the same
   No error at runtime, no compilation error (Inject are the new Inject,
   Michael Bernagou
   Java Developper

T5.0.6 I'm lost after upgrade T5

2007-11-03 Thread Michael Bernagou
Everything worked perfectly, but since I upgraded to T5.0.6, it fails for an
understandable reason!

I replaced my html by tml and placed them in the right place. I upgrade
log4j to get the latest and add the new logging api (to avoid runtime
The thing is really strange...

My Start.tml

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN
html xmlns:t=http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/tapestry_5_0_0.xsd;
titlePaper and Pen Online - Identification/title
p style=color:red;b${message}/b/p
t:form tracker=login
  t:parameter name=password
t:label for=password/
t:passwordfield t:id=password t:validate=required value=
pSi vous n'avez pas encore de compte, t:pagelink page=Registercrees-en

My Start.java

public class Start {
  private static final String SUCCESS = Home;
  private static final String FAILURE = Start;

  private Login login;
  public Login getLogin() { return login; }

  private String message;
  public String getMessage() { return message; }

  private User user;

  private Home home;

  private UserService userService;

  private ApplicationService applicationService;

  String onSuccess() {
message = null;

try {
  user = userService.getAuthenticatedUser(login.getLogin(),
  if (user != null) {
UserLite userLite = new UserLite(user.getLogin());
  else {
message = Login ou Password inconnue. L'identification a échoué.;
return FAILURE;
catch (PapoException pe) {
  message = La procedure d'identification a rencontré un probleme !!;
  return FAILURE;
return SUCCESS;

And the error :

Could not convert 'message' into a component parameter binding:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: papo/pages/Home
location context:Start_fr.tml, line 8, column 363html xmlns:t=
and Pen Online - Identification/title6/head7body8p
style=color:red;b${message}/b/p9t:form tracker=login10t:errors/
11 t:parameter name=password12 t:label
for=password/13t:passwordfield t:id=password
t:validate=required value=
login.password/So, the tml is found, read, interpreted but for a reason I
don't understand it refer to my class Home which is in the same package than
my class Start.
I have a Register page (tml + java) and it give me exactly the same error!

No error at runtime, no compilation error (Inject are the new Inject, for


Michael Bernagou
Java Developper


2007-07-13 Thread Michael Bernagou


I'm looking for catching the event onSessionClose. In fact, I would like
to change the status online to offline of a user whose session is
Any idea? I thought about a timer at the application level able to get the
full list of sessions and make a full update but it seems to me there is
maybe another solution.


Michael Bernagou
Java Developper

Re: [T5]Global object?

2007-07-12 Thread Michael Bernagou


So I created a singleton class with static field, created at the first
session since the last server restart, but I didn't understand why I should
use the ASO notation also. I don't need, I think, to store the object in the
session, would be redundant, wouldn't be?
The object is already available at the page level since I created services
to get and update info from this object.

Mainly, my UserList store a list of User objects with live fields
online/offline, lastIP, lastTimeConnected I don't want to store in my DB
(maybe only one of them, if really needed). When the server will restart,
new sessions will be created and this creation will update the user status -
something like a shared contact list.


2007/7/11, Howard Lewis Ship [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

You can use the @ApplicationState annotation on a field to mark it as
an application-wide state object.  It will be stored in the

Most of the infrastructure for storing such an object in the
ServletContext is available; see the
ApplicationStatePersistenceStrategySource service.

What's missing is to define a context application state persistence
strategy, contribute it to the service, and contribute a
ApplicationStateContribution to the ApplicationStateManager service to
defne that your ASO belongs in the context, not the (default) session.

Again, these are things that will eventually be cooked right into
Tapestry (hint: add a JIRA issue) but in the meantime, can be added on
an ad-hoc basis.  Now that's what I call Dependency Injection!

Side note: and that's why we need T5 IoC and not Guice or Spring.
Those don't have a concept similar to Tapestry's service configuration
/ contribution system.

On 7/11/07, Michael Bernagou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I search into the mailing list and didn't find how to declare an object
 as an ArrayList at the context level.
 ASO is for session and @Persist for requests, but what about the
 Application/Context level?

 My site needs to maintains a list of users with their status without
 to reload it from the database at each new session created.



Howard M. Lewis Ship
TWD Consulting, Inc.
Independent J2EE / Open-Source Java Consultant
Creator and PMC Chair, Apache Tapestry
Creator, Apache HiveMind

Professional Tapestry training, mentoring, support
and project work.  http://howardlewisship.com

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Michael Bernagou
Java Developper

[T5]Global object?

2007-07-11 Thread Michael Bernagou


I search into the mailing list and didn't find how to declare an object such
as an ArrayList at the context level.
ASO is for session and @Persist for requests, but what about the
Application/Context level?

My site needs to maintains a list of users with their status without having
to reload it from the database at each new session created.

