Hello everybody,

I'm new on this mailinglist, happy to "see" you ;-)

After tried a lot of solutions found on internet, i write there my problem.

I use Tapestry JQuery.
I have an actionlink which refresh a zone "windowZone".
But the action link is in this same zone "windowZone".

       <!-- return the block to show -->
       <t:zone t:id="windowZone" id="windowZone">
             <t:delegate to="activeBlock"/>

       <!-- PART 2 : Preview validation -->
       <t:block t:id="preview">
             <div style="width: 1024px; height: 550px;">
                    <div id="previewDivBottomLeft" style="position: 
absolute;bottom: 1em;left: 50%;width: 25%;">
                           <t:actionlink t:id="validatePreview" 
id="validatePreview"  zone="windowZone" >

A first time I refresh the zone by javascript like this :
An applet call this method :
             function uploadImage()     {
                   // read the value in applet
                   var imageApplet = document.ScannerApplet.getBase64Image();
                   var data = {
                                 imageStringB64 : imageApplet
                   // set the value on server
                          url : "digitalize.scannerpopup.sendimage",
                          type : "post",
                          data: data,
                          dataType : "json",
                          cache : false,
                          async : false,
                          fail : function() { alert("error uploadImage"); },
                          success: function(data){

             function refreshWindowZone(htmlCode){
                    // put new data in zone
                    // show new zone

So i read value in the applet and send it to server, it's ok.
I show the good things at screen in windowZone, but my actionLink isn't good, 
if I click on it to refresh the zone, nothing happened.
My actionLink's id had changed.

I tried what I found on internet but without success (get id from .java, static 
value or injectcomponent, ...).

Can you help me ?



Ps : my apologies if my english is not very good


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