Re: [DISCUSS] JavaScript, Degradation, Page Load, Script Placement

2009-02-28 Thread farmand

 Further, on a page that loads slowly (one that has a large number of
 external scripts, is accessed via a slow-bandwidth pipe, or has a
 very complex layout), this means that JavaScript event handlers are
 not wired up until all JavaScript has been downloaded and parsed.  The
 end result it that you can outrace Tapestry, click a link that
 should update a zone and get incorrect behavior or even a runtime
 exception. I actually see this when using Formo's time-tracking
 application from home through a slow pipe, exacerbated by HTTPS, where
 I get the error that Block is not a valid response type. What should
 have been an Ajax request was processed instead as a traditional page
 render request, because the JavaScript was not ready.

For this problem, doesn't the solution is server side ?
I mean, if the (non-XHR) request return a Block, it's an error in T5, and
all in all, there is no gracefull degradation. The server code should
always distinguish between XHR events and normal requests, and return

Or perhaps it's a case of leaky abstraction : event handlers for normal
requests and for XHR one's might be actually different beasts (onXhrAction
/ onAction ).

I remember that there was several threads on that subject, especially this
one :


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Re: Switch from Prototype to jQuery?

2009-02-01 Thread farmand
 Whether or not one likes jQuery or not isn't the point. Tapestry is
 built with prototype, and it works. That's the point. Were it built with
 jQuery, I would have raised the same question if the suggestion of
 switching to prototype had been brought up. It's not my preference
 that's behind my resistance, it's the simple pragmatism of if it ain't
 broke don't fix it. On the other hand, the prospect of a pluggable JS
 framework is interesting and I'm all for that. That is a feature; an
 improvement. A wholesale switch from prototype to jQuery just doesn't
 seem like time well-spent.

Can't agree more :)

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Scala - Tapestry 5 : inject services, access properties

2009-01-11 Thread farmand
I updated my blog about T5 with a Scala back-end. This article shows a
first service and how to access bean properties.

The article is here:

And the code is available on Github:


Francois Armand

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Tapestry 5 + Scala : an hello world example

2009-01-07 Thread farmand

I'm building a toy application to see how Scala and Tapestry 5 get
together. The first step was to translate the quickstart application into
Scala (that was a little first step ;).

Scala is a functional/object oriented language that runs on the JVM, and
which I appreciate a lot more than Java (more expressive, and statically
typed, and yes it was obvious that I don't spend my spare time on things
that I dislike :). Info about the language may be found here:

I will try to extend the application in the next weeks, and see if I
encounter major problems or if everything goes for the best.

The source code is available on github:
You will find more information about how to get the code on my blog: and more precisely:

Enjoy !

Francois Armand

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[T5] Tapestry 5 and OSGi

2008-11-20 Thread farmand
Hello dear list,

A co-worker and I need to integrate T5 with OSGi. For now, we are just on
the proof of concept part of the project, and I am actually discovering

I know that several users did already have integrated T5 and OSGi (found ), and
I would be really graceful about any help on that topic. I will
particularly appreciate any information about what was achieved, what was
the problems encountered, what was the best practices, etc.

I hope to be able to write an hwoto on that subject to let other users who
may want to try the OSGi experience the more information on the subject.

Have a nice day everyone,

Francois Armand Etudes  Développements J2EE
Groupe Linagora -
Tél.: +33 (0)1 58 18 68 28

InterLDAP -
FederID -
Open Source identities management and federation

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Re: T5 5.0.16 @Paramerter and @Property on same field

2008-11-18 Thread farmand

 The odd thing is that now we are getting an exception. Does @Parameter
 transform a field into a final field now? I don't see any reference to
 same in the release notes.

I think that a @parameter field is read-only from the component point of
view, it's read/write only for the parent component (page and/or the
component which use it). It's not clearly explained in, but it's the
way I understand it...

Perhaps other people have more insight on that point ?

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Re: Tapestry users declined for the first time in 3 years, says this researh site ...

2008-05-20 Thread farmand
 We've stated on several occasions and in public that we don't like trolls
 either (here for instance:
 The whole my group vs your group is so incredibly childish.

 And the trolls are probably laughing their asses off right now. Ignoring
 them works better.

 Eelco (from the Wicket 'community')

Jonathan, Eelco, I'm going to speak only for me but I really appreciate
what you did here. It's really cool that you came and explained clearly
what is going on with this Rob. He brought a quite unsound mood here, and
I hope that your mails will clearly, definitely stop these troll, or at
least that now, we will actually stop answering him.

Thanks, and long life to Wicket :)

Francois Armand

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Re: T5 Desired complex community components

2007-10-18 Thread farmand
Hello !

 I was wondering what kind of components people are looking for that
 are not yet available as an open source example.

 What else is out there (either on the web or in a rich client) that
 you'd rather not reinvent?

I think that a tree component would be great.
The component could be used to traverse tree structure as, for exemple,
directory tree or menu.

Some details are given here :

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[T5][Info] Scala Programming langage works with T5

2007-07-29 Thread farmand
Hello guys,

I just began to play with Scala ( ),
a functional, full-OO programming language that run on top of the JVM.

And you know what ? I attempt to build a page in Scala for Tapestry 5, and
it works ! Scala allows to import Java class and use annotation, so I
think that we could use Tapestry 5 full power with Scala.

So, for whose of you who are tired of Java as a language and want to
explore new paradigm, but think that OCaml, Haskell or Erlang are just a
little to cryptic, go for Scala on Tapestry 5 :)

Here an example of the page built (I'm really new to Scala, so the code
may be totally not idiomatic), but it's just to show that it works :

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN;
html xmlns:t=;
titleScala w/ Tapestry 5/title
h1Test Scala Start Page/h1
pThe value is incremented in setup: ${mysetupvalue}/p
pThe current time is: ${currentTime}. /p

p[t:pagelink t:page=startrefresh/t:pagelink]/p

t:textfield value=myvalue /t:submit /
package example.pages;

import java.util.Date
import org.apache.tapestry.annotations._

class Start {
def getCurrentTime : String = {
return new Date().toString();

def setup() {
mysetupvalue += 1;

private var mysetupvalue : Int = _;

def getMysetupvalue() : Int = {
return mysetupvalue;

private var myvalue : String = _;

def getMyvalue() : String = {
return myvalue;

def setMyvalue(s : String) {
myvalue = s;

Have a nice play !

Francois Armand
Etudes  Développements J2EE
Tél.: +33 (0)1 58 18 68 28
InterLDAP -
FederID -
Open Source identities management and federation

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