Hey Tapestry community,

TapIDEA 0.4 release is out. This is the first release that only works with IDEA Demetra(6.0), so you'll need to download that to use TapIDEA. The good news is that Demetra is actually quite usable right now so you won't have many unpleasant surprises.

You can find a complete list of changes on the project site http://tapidea.javaforge.com/changes-report.html . There's also on the site a new "Online-docs" section. That shows the exact same help system that is shown inside of IDEA and also helps show some of the features in action.

Now some bad news and some good news.
The bad news is that there was no progress on the Spindle integration. Geoff is working really hard on Spindle 4T4 but it's not quite working well enough to make TapIDEA integration possible. The good news is that, if everything goes according to plan, Geoff will be able to provide a first working version of Spindle-core very very soon. This means that i'll concentrate all the core stuff like auto-completion, navigation and building for the 0.5 release, and later provide some more advanced gui stuff.



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