Hello all again!

I'm trying to do a simple content management system.
The point is, the system I'm working on has many semi-static pages.
The designers do the contents, and a little bit is dynamic, something like:

<h1>Sample Page</h1>
> Blablabla blabla ${currentTime} blablabla

And there are many of this pages.
As dynamic content is minimum, I don't think it's necessary to make all
of this .tml pages with their own classes. So I'm trying to do
only one .tml page (Dynamic.tml with Dynamic.java).

This class will receive a parameter, so on onActivate method he will know
wich page to render.

void onActivate(String page) {}

The problems start here.
How can I mix the Dynamic.tml with another .html contents page?
AND in way that ${tags} in .html files are properly rendered (it will look
getTags(), not print ${tags} as it is).

Any ideas?

Fabio Kreusch

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