Hello dear list,

A co-worker and I need to integrate T5 with OSGi. For now, we are just on
the "proof of concept" part of the project, and I am actually discovering

I know that several users did already have integrated T5 and OSGi (found
http://markmail.org/search/?q=list%3Aorg.apache.tapestry.users+osgi ), and
I would be really graceful about any help on that topic. I will
particularly appreciate any information about what was achieved, what was
the problems encountered, what was the best practices, etc.

I hope to be able to write an hwoto on that subject to let other users who
may want to try the OSGi experience the more information on the subject.

Have a nice day everyone,

Francois Armand Etudes & Développements J2EE
Groupe Linagora - http://www.linagora.com
Tél.: +33 (0)1 58 18 68 28

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