Hello Thiago,

sorry, the weekend happened to come in between. ;-)

> What value are you passing to the context field of 
> LinkFactory.createComponentEventLink()?
>  AFAIK, Tapestry always adds the current activation context to any links, 
> unless you specify
> an activation context yourself. Try createComponentEventLink(Page page, 
> String nestedId,
> String eventType, boolean forForm, new Object[0]). 

I wasn't using that method after all. I injected ComponentResources into the 
component and
used its .createEventLink(String eventType, Object... context) method. But I 
guess, this one would
only call the one you mentioned anyway.
I also pass a String value as context and this one gets encoded as a "path" of 
the REST-like URI
as expected. But still the ?t:ac=${original_page_activation_context} appears at 
its end.
The only way to work around it seems to be using the
ComponentResources.createFormEventLink(String eventType, Object... context), 
which I reckon to
call the method you mentioned with the forForm parameter being set to true. But 
to me, this doesn't
seem like the way it is meant to be done (maybe due to the "form" in the 
method's name.

Thanks for your help,

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