Re: [T5] missing some listener to bind component/page events ?

2007-06-28 Thread Francois Armand

#Cyrille37# wrote:

In another way to explain,
I would like to make by hand the same work than a t:actionLink in a 

the code :
t:loop source=1..10 value=guess
   t:actionlink t:id=guess context=guess${guess}/t:actionlink
create several links like :

So, howto do the same by hand (without a loop) ???

You can use list in context. For example, if you have a
ListstringgetGuessContexte() {
   ListString list = new ArrayListString();
   list.add(new Integer(guess).toString());
   return list;
In your :
t:actionlink t:id=guess context=guesscontext${guess}/t:actionlink

You will have link : .../do./guess/plop/0, .../do.guess/plop/1 etc.


Well, if anybody as an idea about how to do this kind of think with 
submit button, I'm interested :)


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Re: [T5] missing some listener to bind component/page events ?

2007-06-28 Thread #Cyrille37#

Francois Armand a écrit :

#Cyrille37# wrote:

In another way to explain,
I would like to make by hand the same work than a t:actionLink in a 

the code :
t:loop source=1..10 value=guess
   t:actionlink t:id=guess context=guess${guess}/t:actionlink
create several links like :

So, howto do the same by hand (without a loop) ???

You can use list in context. For example, if you have a
ListstringgetGuessContexte() {
   ListString list = new ArrayListString();
   list.add(new Integer(guess).toString());
   return list;
In your :
t:actionlink t:id=guess context=guesscontext${guess}/t:actionlink

You will have link : .../do./guess/plop/0, .../do.guess/plop/1 etc.


Thank you François,

The problem is not on the component context, but on the component id.
I think a listener concept is missing !

Another example :
(This code is invalid because of the duplicate component id)
   t:actionlink t:id=want2beRich context=trueYES/t:actionlink
   t:actionlink t:id=want2beRich context=falseYES/t:actionlink
   Object onActionFromWant2beRich( boolean yes )

Perhaps I've missed some essential concept ??


Well, if anybody as an idea about how to do this kind of think with 
submit button, I'm interested :)


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Re: [T5] missing some listener to bind component/page events ?

2007-06-28 Thread Francois Armand

#Cyrille37# wrote:

Thank you François,

The problem is not on the component context, but on the component id.

Oups ^^

I think a listener concept is missing !

Another example :
(This code is invalid because of the duplicate component id)
   t:actionlink t:id=want2beRich context=trueYES/t:actionlink
   t:actionlink t:id=want2beRich context=falseYES/t:actionlink
   Object onActionFromWant2beRich( boolean yes )
Ok, now I better understand your concern. You would have a kind of group 
notion for action event ?

Somethink like that :
  t:actionlink t:gid=want2beRich t:id=foo 
  t:actionlink t:gid=want2beRich t:id=bar 

And the event handler onActionFromFoo match first link, 
onActionFromBar match second link, and onActionFromWant2beRich match 

I don't think this kink of feature exists for now, but you can take 
advantage of event bubbling to achieve your need : just create a 
trivial component Want2beRich :

public class Want2beRich {}
div xmlns:t=;
t:actionlink context=trueYES/t:actionlink
t:actionlink context=falseNO/t:actionlink
and use it on your parent component/page : t:want2berich/, with the 
corresponding event handler onActionFromWant2berich.

Well, it seems that the risk is to have a batch of component with this 

Nonetheless, I hope it will help you.

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[T5] missing some listener to bind component/page events ?

2007-06-27 Thread #Cyrille37#

Hi (again and again ;-)

Is it possible to create event for a component ??
After read guide Component Events and done some tests I could not 
figure howto manage differents events for a component.

For exemple I would like to bind 2 links to the onActionA() method and 2 
other link to the onActionB() method. How it is possible ?

This following code does not work, but it is to explain me need :

lia href=# t:type=actionLink t:id=A bind A()/a/li
lia href=# t:type=actionLink t:id=A bind A()/a/li
lia href=# t:type=actionLink t:id=B bind B()/a/li
lia href=# t:type=actionLink t:id=B bind B()/a/li

I've understand that :
A link :
a href=# t:type=actionLink t:id=doBallot1 Ballot 01/a
The t:type is a component, so I must use 'actionLink' to send a event.
The t:id is the unique id of the component.

It miss something like a listener as with Tapestry4, isn't it ?


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Re: [T5] missing some listener to bind component/page events ?

2007-06-27 Thread #Cyrille37#

In another way to explain,
I would like to make by hand the same work than a t:actionLink in a t:loop

the code :
t:loop source=1..10 value=guess
   t:actionlink t:id=guess context=guess${guess}/t:actionlink
create several links like :

So, howto do the same by hand (without a loop) ???


#Cyrille37# a écrit :

Hi (again and again ;-)

Is it possible to create event for a component ??
After read guide Component Events and done some tests I could not 
figure howto manage differents events for a component.

For exemple I would like to bind 2 links to the onActionA() method and 
2 other link to the onActionB() method. How it is possible ?

This following code does not work, but it is to explain me need :

lia href=# t:type=actionLink t:id=A bind A()/a/li
lia href=# t:type=actionLink t:id=A bind A()/a/li
lia href=# t:type=actionLink t:id=B bind B()/a/li
lia href=# t:type=actionLink t:id=B bind B()/a/li

I've understand that :
A link :
a href=# t:type=actionLink t:id=doBallot1 Ballot 01/a
The t:type is a component, so I must use 'actionLink' to send a event.
The t:id is the unique id of the component.

It miss something like a listener as with Tapestry4, isn't it ?


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