Hi All,

The question says it all and here is some explanation. I have a jar file
that I don't wanna add tapestry tapestry annotations to, because It won't
always run within tapestry environment. So I can't use @Validate for

Now when I display an object using bean-editor. I can only validate this
object (client-side speaking) by overriding how a parameters is displayed,
*        <t:parameter name="param">*
* <t:label for="pName" />*
* <t:textfield t:id="pName" value="obj.param" t:validate="required"/>*
* </t:parameter>*

And using either "t:validate" attributes or using the related .properties
for the page including the bean-edior (Ex: param-required-message=Please
enter param)

Now my question is, why isn't it possible to *only* add validation
configuration in the .properties file only for this to work ?

*Muhammad Gelbana
Java Developer*

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