One more time, without the pre-emptive send. :-)
I have an application made up of a bunch of pages, that will
occasionally need to be customized.  The customizations could involve
changing pages, or changing the flow between pages - adding additional
steps or removing some, for example.
The idiom that seemed to make sense was putting the pages in a library
and then externalizing the flow.  Instead of having page A activate page
B directly, it would delegate to a flow definition to see what page to
activate.  The flow definition could be provided by each customization
This is more work than I'd like to do if I can accomplish it through
judicious organization.  After reading:
.. I wondered whether I could simply override the components in the
library.  In "Libaries and Namespaces", it's stated that I can override
pages or components in the framework namespace.  Can I override library
components in the same way, too?
It looks like no; the overriding of framework components comes from the
search order that Tapestry uses for pages requested with an unspecified
Any guidance you can provide would be most helpful!

From: Michael Prescott 
Sent: August 11, 2006 10:40 AM
To: ''
Subject: Namespaces & Overriding Pages

I have a situation where I have a set of pages defined by a library.
These flow from one to another
Michael Prescott

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