Try using google by entering the following in the search box:


Thanks to Rodnei Couto for this tip he gave me a month ago on this list.

Aaron Bartell

-----Original Message-----
From: Epstein, Ezra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 2:20 PM
To: Tapestry users
Subject: Why I hate mailing lists

So I wanted to read up about putting multiple portlets/pages in a single
Tapestry portlet .war and went happily to the online mailing list archives
and what do I find:

The archives are segmented:
+ first by month (oh and only 3 months are online) then by a "page" of 
+ "n" postings in a month.
+ there's no search feature.

This is why I deplore mailing lists.  They are so 1983.  Why don't all teams
follow Hibernate's (and others) lead and choose a simple Forum (phpBB in the
case of Hibernate).  It (like google/yahoo groups) is free, keeps all the
old posts, is automatically topically "threaded", is entirely searchable, if
you're addicted to email you can get posts as emails or, if you prefer,
receive daily digests.  Why would anyone continue to use an outdated
technology like an email list?


Ezra Epstein 

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