I am trying to repeat what Ted has done in his FCKEditor and DatePicker to
package my own custom components:

1. I created a couple of components, they work fine in the project where
they are created.
2. I packaged everything used by these components into a JAR with structure


3. In the com.myserver.myapp.LibModule I included the following:

public static void
configuration) {
        configuration.add(new LibraryMapping("mylib", "com.myserver.myapp

4. I made sure that the manifest of the JAR contains this line:

Tapestry-Module-Classes: com.myserver.myapp.LibModule

However, when I dropped the resulting JAR into a lib directory of another
project and tried to use one of the custom components like

<span t:type="mylib/MyComponent"/>

I got an exception:

Unable to resolve component type 'mylib/MyComponent' to a component class
name. Available component types...

Where I am wrong then?

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