Hello, I'm having problems with cutom validators (Tap 4.0.2).
I've put into my hivemind.xml:

<contribution configuration-id="tapestry.valid.Validators">
       <bean name="jflyrequired" class="
org.jfly.webcommons.webutils.tapestry.valid.form.Required" />

then into my .page file:
<component id="nameField" type="TextField">
       <binding name="value" value="ognl:itemLoop.name"/>
       <binding name="validators" value="validators:jflyrequired"/>
       <binding name="displayName" value="ognl:titleColumnCollection[0]"/>

When I try to access the page  I've back:
No validator named 'jflyrequired' has been defined.

What am I missing ?

Thx in advance,

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