Re: named page context parameters ? - using a Custom ValueEncoder

2008-10-09 Thread Joel Halbert


I think I found a simple way of passing named context parameters between 
pages and this is to create a custom ValueEncoder for map objects. I 
created a MapValueEncoder, and my intention was for it to do the following :

Encode a Map of String/Object pairs to a string of the following form: 
key1/value1/key2/value2 etc...
(and of course decode said string back to a map that can be passed to 
the context)

This has the advantage (I thought) of creating nice URLs from my map 
context e.g.

The problem is that the context string is URL encoded so that the 
forward slashes come out as 

Is there anyway to override the default encoding of 
TapestryInternalUtils.encodeContext(id) ?


Joel Halbert wrote:

Hi Ivan,

I'm trying out your extension, thanks, one question though:
The following class seems to be missing from the zip you linked to 
below (


can i get it anywhere?


Ivan Dubrov wrote:

Joel Halbert wrote:


Is it possible to have named page context parameters? (along the
lines of Wicket PageParameters).

I would like to be able to have bookmarkable URLs but rather than
indexing page context parameters (in onActivate) by ordinal in a list
I would rather key them by name.

You can use Link#addParameter to add named parameters to Link and
Request#getParameter to get parameter value. This is simple way, but
requires some extra coding.

I’ve wrote my simple extension to Tapestry that allows to work with
named parameters the same way as with regular context parameters. You
can either implement your event handlers
(onStoreParameters/onRestoreParameters, their meaning is similar to
onPassivate/onActivate) or use @QueryParameter annotatiton.


You can use it the following way (snippet from page class):

private Integer page;

The @QueryParameter works the similar way to @PageActivationContext

Since createPageLink/createEventLink and t:pagelink/t:eventlink does not
support overriding named parameters, to generate a link with “page”
value other than current one, you can use the following workaround:

// We temporarily set page to current one, to generate proper link,
// since we don't have a way to override parameter values
int saved = page;
page = newpage;
Link link = resources.createPageLink(resources.getPageName(), false);
page = saved;

Also, the code does not work well for primitive types (like “int”), so
it’s better to use wrappers.

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Re: named page context parameters ? - using a Custom ValueEncoder

2008-10-09 Thread Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
Em Thu, 09 Oct 2008 08:06:09 -0300, Joel Halbert [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Encode a Map of String/Object pairs to a string of the following form:  
key1/value1/key2/value2 etc...
(and of course decode said string back to a map that can be passed to  
the context)

Instead of encoding to a String, encode it to a List (first key, first  
value, second key, second value, etc). This way, the slashes won't be URL  

Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
Independent Java consultant, developer, and instructor
Consultor, desenvolvedor e instrutor em Java

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Re: named page context parameters ? - using a Custom ValueEncoder

2008-10-09 Thread Joel Halbert

Hi Thiago,

How would that work? The ValueEncoder.toClient method must return a 
String...something like this:

import org.apache.tapestry5.ValueEncoder;

public class MapValueEncoder implements ValueEncoder {

   private static final String DELIM = /;

   public String toClient(Object value) {
   String res = ;
   MapString,Object map = (MapString, Object) value;
   for (IteratorString it = map.keySet().iterator(); 
it.hasNext(); ) {

   if (res.length()  0) {
   res += DELIM;
   String key =;
   res += key + DELIM + map.get(key).toString();
   return res;


   public Object toValue(String clientValue) {
   try {
   clientValue = URLDecoder.decode(clientValue, UTF-8);
   } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
   String[] tokens = clientValue.split(DELIM);
   MapString, String res = new HashMapString, String();
   boolean tokIsKey = true;
   String currKey = null;
   for (int i = 0; i  tokens.length; i++) {
   String tok = tokens[i];
   if (tokIsKey) {
   currKey = tok;
   } else {

   res.put(currKey, tok);
   tokIsKey = !tokIsKey;

   return null;

Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo wrote:
Em Thu, 09 Oct 2008 08:06:09 -0300, Joel Halbert 

Encode a Map of String/Object pairs to a string of the following 
form: key1/value1/key2/value2 etc...
(and of course decode said string back to a map that can be passed to 
the context)

Instead of encoding to a String, encode it to a List (first key, first 
value, second key, second value, etc). This way, the slashes won't be 
URL encoded.

SU3 Analytics Ltd
61b Oxford Gardens
W10 5UJ

Tel: +44 20 8960 2634
Mob: +44 75 2501 0825

SU3 Analytics Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales under company 
number 06639473 at registered address 61b Oxford Gardens, London W10 5UJ, 
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Re: named page context parameters ? - using a Custom ValueEncoder

2008-10-09 Thread Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
Em Thu, 09 Oct 2008 10:57:31 -0300, Joel Halbert [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Hi Thiago,

Hi, Joel!

How would that work? The ValueEncoder.toClient method must return a  
String...something like this:

Oops, of course it wouldn't wok with a ValueEncoder. I'm sorry. :(

Instead of using a ValueEncoder, just pass the List (created from your  
Map) to the context parameter of the PageLink component. By the way, the  
type of the PageLink's context parameter is List. ;)

Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
Independent Java consultant, developer, and instructor
Consultor, desenvolvedor e instrutor em Java

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