Numa Schmeder <numa <at>> writes:

> I have a problem localizing a tapestry application in japanese, a  
> translator has translated all properties file in japanese in utf-8,  
> so all the properties file are encoded in utf-8, opening thoses file  
> in eclipse or in a text editor that support utf-8 works great i can  
> see all japanese characters correctly.  Then i set as specified in  
> the docs the property '    <property  
> name="org.apache.tapestry.template-encoding_ja" value="UTF-8"/>  ' in  
> my .application.
> When i display a page in japanese i get cabalistic characters on my  
> web page like:

Open your .html file in a browser and check what character set it is in.
For example, in FireFox, choose View | Character Encoding to see which
one is selected. I suspect your file is not in UTF-8.

Kent Tong
Author of a book for learning Tapestry (

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