Re: Recursion of components

2007-08-23 Thread Todd Orr
I think this issue is a moot point. But I will say that the tree
example is a perfect example because of it's nature.

 Any tree can be easily walked through like a list,
 but then rendered (indented) to look like a tree to the user.
Of course it can. That's not really the point. The point is that it is
far more complex, verbose, and therefore error-prone. Using recursion
to create a tree is the best way in these terms.

If recursion existed you wouldn't even need a tree component. You
could just create a component that deals directly with the problem
domain (domain object) and have it recurse on itself to do any number
of things - in this case, create a tree - with such minimal
difficulty. Here we are forced to create a framework (a tree
component) simply to display a tree.

It not a question of whether it's possible to do recursive work
iteratively. It's simply a question a why - why do something that is
so simple via a recursive algorithm in a far more complex iterative

I know this is principle 1, and its is the Tapestry way, and etc.
I'm still failing to see the major difference between a loop
(iterative) and nested components (recursive). In both cases the
actual number of components displayed is determined at runtime. In the
case of the loop we know that some combination of components (within
the loop) will be displayed some number of times at runtime. With
recursion we still know both of these things. So, I still need to
explore where the relevant code is, but my gut is telling me there
should be some work around to allow recursion as a depth bound process
(compared to the loop's breadth bound) - for lack of better words.

If you love the iterative approach, by all means go ahead and work
that way. If, on the other hand, you feel that recursion is the right
tool for these types of jobs and shouldn't be supplanted with
alternative iterative approaches with excessive code. No, it's not
science fiction, rocket science, or any extremely complicated
stereotype to perform recursive work iteratively. It is simply more
work than it should be.

On 8/23/07, Davor Hrg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can't really see why is not having recursive components
 such a problem.

 Any tree can be easily walked through like a list,
 but then rendered (indented) to look like a tree to the user.

 So, rendering recursive data, like BeanEditForm should be
 no science fiction. Like any other thing, providing a good
 example can suffice. Using recursiive component to create
 a tree is the first thing we can think of, but it doesn't mean
 it's the best way.

 Davor Hrg

 On 8/22/07, Francois Armand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello Todd,
  Todd Orr wrote:
   I'm also trying to perform this type of recursive structure. I don't
   agree that this makes anything simpler. Recursion is a powerful and
   concise tool for these situations. I will say that it is often abused,
   but this is a perfect use case. A recursive solution to this problem
   is far simpler and maybe more correct than this iterative approach.
  I read again my post and saw that I didn't express myself properly (put
  it on my low level in English).
  I should have write :The non-support of recursive structure seems to
  bring a lots of simplification with it _for Tapestry internal,
  replication and performance problematics_. It seems to be a design
  choice, and as I'm not a Tapestry developer, I can't explain exactly why
  it was done, even if replication/pool of pages seems to be around.  I
  came from functional programming projects where this kind of structure
  is quite common, so personaly, I find that it's a real lake.
   First off, the proposed solution requires complicated logic. Fine,
   it's not rocket science, but the recursive alternative (if there was
   one in tap) is far easier to read and understand. From a
   tech-management point of view the simplicity of the code is a major
   factor in its long term maintainability as well as its bugginess.
   Secondly, the proposed solution requires adding raw HTML output to
   code. This may be a more esoteric and arguable point, but Tapestry
   excels in having a clear and easy to use separation between the
   view/presentation and the logic components of the application's
   construction. Again, with regards to maintainability, it is twice as
   hard to maintain code if the concerns are spread throughout
   conceptually separate pieces of code.
  If you look at the source code for for component, you will see that it
  is far from being trivial. It also deals with raw output, and different
  case are need if the loop is in a form or not...  But the use of for
  component is quite simple. You could design a Tree component that
  handle this stuff and just use it elsewhere in a simple way. with a
  clear separation between template using this component and the
  component. It's what I did in a tree component :

Re: Recursion of components

2007-08-22 Thread Francois Armand

Hello Todd,

Todd Orr wrote:

I'm also trying to perform this type of recursive structure. I don't
agree that this makes anything simpler. Recursion is a powerful and
concise tool for these situations. I will say that it is often abused,
but this is a perfect use case. A recursive solution to this problem
is far simpler and maybe more correct than this iterative approach.

I read again my post and saw that I didn't express myself properly (put 
it on my low level in English).
I should have write :The non-support of recursive structure seems to 
bring a lots of simplification with it _for Tapestry internal, 
replication and performance problematics_. It seems to be a design 
choice, and as I'm not a Tapestry developer, I can't explain exactly why 
it was done, even if replication/pool of pages seems to be around.  I 
came from functional programming projects where this kind of structure 
is quite common, so personaly, I find that it's a real lake.

First off, the proposed solution requires complicated logic. Fine,
it's not rocket science, but the recursive alternative (if there was
one in tap) is far easier to read and understand. From a
tech-management point of view the simplicity of the code is a major
factor in its long term maintainability as well as its bugginess.
Secondly, the proposed solution requires adding raw HTML output to

code. This may be a more esoteric and arguable point, but Tapestry
excels in having a clear and easy to use separation between the
view/presentation and the logic components of the application's
construction. Again, with regards to maintainability, it is twice as
hard to maintain code if the concerns are spread throughout
conceptually separate pieces of code.
If you look at the source code for for component, you will see that it 
is far from being trivial. It also deals with raw output, and different 
case are need if the loop is in a form or not...  But the use of for 
component is quite simple. You could design a Tree component that 
handle this stuff and just use it elsewhere in a simple way. with a 
clear separation between template using this component and the 
component. It's what I did in a tree component :

Third, this approach makes it impossible for any node in the tree to
contain any non-trivial nested components. I see that you can create Kinda limiting if you ask me. This limits the usefulness
and extendability of the code. If more complex functionality is
required (lets say by a major client or some other critical business
need) within this pseudo-recursive implementation it might force the
developers to completely switch out frameworks to one more suitable
for the job. This is a huge risk from a business perspective.
Ok, so here, the problem is that the tree component is not well designed 
(or not as much generic as it should be). Perhaps a real tree component 
in standard lib would be good. But it has little to do with the lack of 
recursion structure, that is painful. A tree structure would be (at 
best) a bypass for this lack.

Francois Armand
Etudes  Développements J2EE
Tél.: +33 (0)1 58 18 68 28
InterLDAP - 
FederID -

Open Source identities management and federation

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Re: Recursion of components

2007-08-21 Thread Peter Stavrinides

Hi Todd

Interesting comments, particularly this:
putting one loop inside another freaks Tapestry out. This is just dumb.
I absolutely agree if this is true, in T4 I used nested loops without 
issues though?

For more complex components like the grid component I disagree though, 
even the largest frameworks restrict what you can nest and use 
recursively if you use a very complex component.

Also, with most projects changing frameworks means keeping business 
logic but chucking most of the view, which two frameworks are so alike 
that the view remains in-tact?

 Why make something so common and easy to do elsewhere so freakin hard 
in tapestry? It's completely backwards.
Again I agree with you... the attraction of components is to remove the 
boilerplate code (for productivity), but what Tapestry is missing is not 
really in its implementation of components, but perhaps decent support 
for an alternative way of doing things, i.e.: embedded scripting, much 
like .Net or ColdFusion, In my humble opinion this would provide the 
flexibility you are alluding to. Property binding with components is 
great... Tapestry can cover most situations, but for anything outside 
the norm you need to go back to the most basic programming constructs, 
which is missing in Tapestry.

and that's my two cents worth.

Todd Orr wrote:

What's worth considering is that the  reason it exists at all is
purely an implementation detail. There is already a pseudo-dynamic
component creating ability in Tapestry. Consider a Loop component that
contains other components. Somehow, Tapestry, in this case, knows what
to generate at runtime since the iterations in the loop can be
completely unknown beforehand (db, config, etc. driven).

However, putting one loop inside another freaks Tapestry out. This is
just dumb. Treating a component differently based on its placement is
not static, as HLS desires tap to be. It's completely modal. Whatever
logic is used to dynamically create loop/grid/etc. components on the
fly should be a basis for recursive components.

I believe that this principle is its primary shortcoming. So much so
that it could be the death of tapestry in certain development
groups/communities. Consider a company that has decided to upgrade
from struts to tapestry. It has years of man hours and tens of
thousands of lines of code invested in its application. However,
struts has been evaluated as a no-go for the app's future. If said
business were to move to tapestry it's developers would encounter a
very easy / quick framework and may be able to build out much of the
existing app in short order. However, in cases where recursion is
needed they will be up against a mt. everest of a learning curve who's
result may stil be unsuitable. This alone is enough for business
interests and concerned tech management to put a halt on tapestry.
Also, consider that recursion is such a universally accepted and
widely used concept (nevermind its usefulness) that existing companies
are sure to have at least a few examples.

Now, even though this example is stupid it is pretty much every single
existing enterprise (since java folks love that word) level company
in existence. Maybe it's not a migration from struts and maybe its not
even recursion that's the problem, but every single company that has a
non-trivial application will run into this situation. Sometimes
they'll be able to solve it easily with iteration, sometimes they'll
have to climb walls to do it, other times they'll say f* it and move
onto another framework.

To those of you that say fine, let them move onto another framework
you're missing the point. Tapestry is easy to use, has a great
learning curve, a healthy community, etc., etc., etc. Why make
something so common and easy to do elsewhere so freakin hard in
tapestry? It's completely backwards. While principle 1 might be
static, the entire design is focused on ease of component creation
(Tapestry is specifically designed to make creating new components
very easy, as this is a routine approach when building applications.
- same link). If it's specific design is failing, something is wrong.

On 8/20/07, Richard Kirby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

As Howard has authored - it is Principle 1 of tapestry - see towards the bottom of the page.


Nick Westgate wrote:

There's been plenty of discussion about this in the past, and using
blocks from a template is the usual solution, eg:

I believe the static structure, dynamic behaviour mantra is for the
sake of performance, and a fundamental framework design desicion.

But if you think it's a bug, log a JIRA. At least one of the new devs
might have an opinion about this, but they haven't been on the lists
much recently.



Interesting, I hit this same wall a while ago when trying to render a
tree.  It seems to be a 

Re: Recursion of components

2007-08-21 Thread Nick Westgate

Nested loops work fine in T5 of course. I believe he is describing recursion.


Peter Stavrinides wrote:

Hi Todd

Interesting comments, particularly this:
 putting one loop inside another freaks Tapestry out. This is just dumb.
I absolutely agree if this is true, in T4 I used nested loops without 
issues though?

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Re: Recursion of components

2007-08-21 Thread Todd Orr
  putting one loop inside another freaks Tapestry out. This is just dumb.
 I absolutely agree if this is true, in T4 I used nested loops without
 issues though?
Yes. Nested loops do work fine in tapestry. I was not being as
specific as I should have been. As loops are iterative they work fine.

 Also, with most projects changing frameworks means keeping business
 logic but chucking most of the view, which two frameworks are so alike
 that the view remains in-tact?
I'm not suggesting that the view remain intact. Only that the process
for creating certain parts of the view may be similar. Although
frameworks range in how things are done, most support standard
programming practices. I don't think anyone would disagree with the
statement that recursion is a standard programming practice. I think
its safe to say that the majority of modern languages support it.

Maybe I need to examine the internals of Tapestry a bit more to
address my confusion, but I really don't see the difference between a
loop and recursion as it pertains to tapestry knowing the page
structure. In both cases the actual number of of times the body will
render at runtime is unknown beforehand. In both cases, conceptually,
there is a block of code that may or may not render some other blocks
of code. The only difference I see is that in the case of the loop the
iterations (or breadth if you will) are unknown and in recursion the
depth is unknown. Is that really an insurmountable issue for tapestry?

On 8/21/07, Peter Stavrinides [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Todd

 Interesting comments, particularly this:
  putting one loop inside another freaks Tapestry out. This is just dumb.
 I absolutely agree if this is true, in T4 I used nested loops without
 issues though?

 For more complex components like the grid component I disagree though,
 even the largest frameworks restrict what you can nest and use
 recursively if you use a very complex component.

 Also, with most projects changing frameworks means keeping business
 logic but chucking most of the view, which two frameworks are so alike
 that the view remains in-tact?

   Why make something so common and easy to do elsewhere so freakin hard
 in tapestry? It's completely backwards.
 Again I agree with you... the attraction of components is to remove the
 boilerplate code (for productivity), but what Tapestry is missing is not
 really in its implementation of components, but perhaps decent support
 for an alternative way of doing things, i.e.: embedded scripting, much
 like .Net or ColdFusion, In my humble opinion this would provide the
 flexibility you are alluding to. Property binding with components is
 great... Tapestry can cover most situations, but for anything outside
 the norm you need to go back to the most basic programming constructs,
 which is missing in Tapestry.

 and that's my two cents worth.

 Todd Orr wrote:
  What's worth considering is that the  reason it exists at all is
  purely an implementation detail. There is already a pseudo-dynamic
  component creating ability in Tapestry. Consider a Loop component that
  contains other components. Somehow, Tapestry, in this case, knows what
  to generate at runtime since the iterations in the loop can be
  completely unknown beforehand (db, config, etc. driven).
  However, putting one loop inside another freaks Tapestry out. This is
  just dumb. Treating a component differently based on its placement is
  not static, as HLS desires tap to be. It's completely modal. Whatever
  logic is used to dynamically create loop/grid/etc. components on the
  fly should be a basis for recursive components.
  I believe that this principle is its primary shortcoming. So much so
  that it could be the death of tapestry in certain development
  groups/communities. Consider a company that has decided to upgrade
  from struts to tapestry. It has years of man hours and tens of
  thousands of lines of code invested in its application. However,
  struts has been evaluated as a no-go for the app's future. If said
  business were to move to tapestry it's developers would encounter a
  very easy / quick framework and may be able to build out much of the
  existing app in short order. However, in cases where recursion is
  needed they will be up against a mt. everest of a learning curve who's
  result may stil be unsuitable. This alone is enough for business
  interests and concerned tech management to put a halt on tapestry.
  Also, consider that recursion is such a universally accepted and
  widely used concept (nevermind its usefulness) that existing companies
  are sure to have at least a few examples.
  Now, even though this example is stupid it is pretty much every single
  existing enterprise (since java folks love that word) level company
  in existence. Maybe it's not a migration from struts and maybe its not
  even recursion that's the problem, but every single company that has a
  non-trivial application will run into this situation. 

Re: Recursion of components

2007-08-21 Thread César Les
maybe Tapestry should support alternatives to components like Rails do
with Partial Templates. So whe can choose the right tool for the right

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Re: Recursion of components

2007-08-21 Thread Jonathan Glanz
Cesar, I've never tried it but I'm sure you could write a component that simply 
used the request dispatcher to include another resource, such as a rails page 
or a struts page etc

It may take a little work but there shouldn't be anything stopping you

Sent via BlackBerry by ATT

-Original Message-

Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2007 10:54:05 
To:Tapestry users
Subject: Re: Recursion of components

maybe Tapestry should support alternatives to components like Rails do
with Partial Templates. So whe can choose the right tool for the right

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Re: Recursion of components

2007-08-21 Thread Thiago H de Paula Figueiredo

On Tue, 21 Aug 2007 12:54:05 -0300, César Les [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

maybe Tapestry should support alternatives to components like Rails do
with Partial Templates. So whe can choose the right tool for the right

As far as I know, you don't really need to *instantiate* components on the  
fly most of the time: just *rendering* the component again would suffice.  
Example: AJAX in Tapestry 4.1.

Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
Desenvolvedor, Instrutor e Consultor de Tecnologia
Eteg Tecnologia da Informação Ltda.

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RE: Recursion of components

2007-08-21 Thread Mark Stang
You can always render them from a different page.  Store them in a different 
page and draw as needed.  I have one page, I just substitute different 
components as needed.

Mark J. Stang
Software Engineer
office: +1 303.468.2900
Ping Identity

-Original Message-
From: Thiago H de Paula Figueiredo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue 8/21/2007 10:52 AM
To: Tapestry users
Subject: Re: Recursion of components
On Tue, 21 Aug 2007 12:54:05 -0300, César Les [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 maybe Tapestry should support alternatives to components like Rails do
 with Partial Templates. So whe can choose the right tool for the right

As far as I know, you don't really need to *instantiate* components on the  
fly most of the time: just *rendering* the component again would suffice.  
Example: AJAX in Tapestry 4.1.

Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
Desenvolvedor, Instrutor e Consultor de Tecnologia
Eteg Tecnologia da Informação Ltda.

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Re: Recursion of components

2007-08-20 Thread Richard Kirby
As Howard has authored - it is Principle 1 of tapestry - see towards the bottom of the page.


Nick Westgate wrote:

There's been plenty of discussion about this in the past, and using
blocks from a template is the usual solution, eg:

I believe the static structure, dynamic behaviour mantra is for the
sake of performance, and a fundamental framework design desicion.

But if you think it's a bug, log a JIRA. At least one of the new devs
might have an opinion about this, but they haven't been on the lists
much recently.



Interesting, I hit this same wall a while ago when trying to render a
tree.  It seems to be a common occurrence, so supporting it in the
framework would be highly desirable. I ended up doing almost all the
rendering in Java code, using the template only to hold blocks which I
called to render from the Java code. This allowed me to at least specify
some blocks of HTML in the template, rather than doing it all in code.


I couldn't believe it, so I made an example. And I had to discover that
it is true:

The template for component example.recursive.components.Node is
recursive (contains another direct or indirect reference to component
example.recursive.components.Node). This is not supported (components
may not contain themselves).

I consider this a bug that has to do with the alpha state of T5.
Otherwise I have doubts on the usefulness of T5 at all.

Todd Orr wrote:

I'm also trying to perform this type of recursive structure. I don't
agree that this makes anything simpler. Recursion is a powerful and
concise tool for these situations. I will say that it is often abused,
but this is a perfect use case. A recursive solution to this problem
is far simpler and maybe more correct than this iterative approach.

First off, the proposed solution requires complicated logic. Fine,
it's not rocket science, but the recursive alternative (if there was
one in tap) is far easier to read and understand. From a
tech-management point of view the simplicity of the code is a major
factor in its long term maintainability as well as its bugginess.

Secondly, the proposed solution requires adding raw HTML output to
code. This may be a more esoteric and arguable point, but Tapestry
excels in having a clear and easy to use separation between the
view/presentation and the logic components of the application's
construction. Again, with regards to maintainability, it is twice as
hard to maintain code if the concerns are spread throughout
conceptually separate pieces of code.

Third, this approach makes it impossible for any node in the tree to
contain any non-trivial nested components. I see that you can create Kinda limiting if you ask me. This limits the usefulness
and extendability of the code. If more complex functionality is
required (lets say by a major client or some other critical business
need) within this pseudo-recursive implementation it might force the
developers to completely switch out frameworks to one more suitable
for the job. This is a huge risk from a business perspective.

While I think these points are painful enough on their own, it does
raise some questions about the framework's usefulness in specific
situations. My main concern is in relation to CMS features. Many
applications require support for some level of features that would be
considered CMS functionality. This static structure imposed makes
creating dynamic sites, well, painful. When you are attempting to
build an application that must adapt to known types of runtime or
user-configuration driven alterations that have many variants during
runtime (eg. depth of a tree, etc.) the static structure is limiting.

Tapestry is a great framework. However, the intention of the static
structure, while clearly advantageous in many respects, limits the use
case coverage for the framework at worst and makes certain otherwise
easy tasks very difficult at best.

Perhaps the rules for the static structure could be allowed to bend
from time to time as a nod to those of us that do require greater
flexibility. I'm sure this is easier suggested than done, but what are
the options?

On 7/17/07, Francois Armand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dmitry Sidorenko wrote:

Hi all.


In my project I need to generate edit form for a class like this:

class Section{
 ListSection subSectionList;
 ListField fieldList;


Probably I'm doing something wrong, maybe my task should be done in
completely different manner.. Any ideas?
Is there any way to develop visual editor for such a recursive

I don't know how T4 works, but if it's like in T5, their is no 

of recursive template/class.
So, for tree structure, you have to use a non-recursive algorithm (I
think that in your example, you wish to use a 

Re: Recursion of components

2007-08-20 Thread Todd Orr
What's worth considering is that the  reason it exists at all is
purely an implementation detail. There is already a pseudo-dynamic
component creating ability in Tapestry. Consider a Loop component that
contains other components. Somehow, Tapestry, in this case, knows what
to generate at runtime since the iterations in the loop can be
completely unknown beforehand (db, config, etc. driven).

However, putting one loop inside another freaks Tapestry out. This is
just dumb. Treating a component differently based on its placement is
not static, as HLS desires tap to be. It's completely modal. Whatever
logic is used to dynamically create loop/grid/etc. components on the
fly should be a basis for recursive components.

I believe that this principle is its primary shortcoming. So much so
that it could be the death of tapestry in certain development
groups/communities. Consider a company that has decided to upgrade
from struts to tapestry. It has years of man hours and tens of
thousands of lines of code invested in its application. However,
struts has been evaluated as a no-go for the app's future. If said
business were to move to tapestry it's developers would encounter a
very easy / quick framework and may be able to build out much of the
existing app in short order. However, in cases where recursion is
needed they will be up against a mt. everest of a learning curve who's
result may stil be unsuitable. This alone is enough for business
interests and concerned tech management to put a halt on tapestry.
Also, consider that recursion is such a universally accepted and
widely used concept (nevermind its usefulness) that existing companies
are sure to have at least a few examples.

Now, even though this example is stupid it is pretty much every single
existing enterprise (since java folks love that word) level company
in existence. Maybe it's not a migration from struts and maybe its not
even recursion that's the problem, but every single company that has a
non-trivial application will run into this situation. Sometimes
they'll be able to solve it easily with iteration, sometimes they'll
have to climb walls to do it, other times they'll say f* it and move
onto another framework.

To those of you that say fine, let them move onto another framework
you're missing the point. Tapestry is easy to use, has a great
learning curve, a healthy community, etc., etc., etc. Why make
something so common and easy to do elsewhere so freakin hard in
tapestry? It's completely backwards. While principle 1 might be
static, the entire design is focused on ease of component creation
(Tapestry is specifically designed to make creating new components
very easy, as this is a routine approach when building applications.
- same link). If it's specific design is failing, something is wrong.

On 8/20/07, Richard Kirby [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As Howard has authored - it is Principle 1 of tapestry - see towards the bottom of the page.


 Nick Westgate wrote:
  There's been plenty of discussion about this in the past, and using
  blocks from a template is the usual solution, eg:
  I believe the static structure, dynamic behaviour mantra is for the
  sake of performance, and a fundamental framework design desicion.
  But if you think it's a bug, log a JIRA. At least one of the new devs
  might have an opinion about this, but they haven't been on the lists
  much recently.
  Interesting, I hit this same wall a while ago when trying to render a
  tree.  It seems to be a common occurrence, so supporting it in the
  framework would be highly desirable. I ended up doing almost all the
  rendering in Java code, using the template only to hold blocks which I
  called to render from the Java code. This allowed me to at least specify
  some blocks of HTML in the template, rather than doing it all in code.
  I couldn't believe it, so I made an example. And I had to discover that
  it is true:
  The template for component example.recursive.components.Node is
  recursive (contains another direct or indirect reference to component
  example.recursive.components.Node). This is not supported (components
  may not contain themselves).
  I consider this a bug that has to do with the alpha state of T5.
  Otherwise I have doubts on the usefulness of T5 at all.
  Todd Orr wrote:
  I'm also trying to perform this type of recursive structure. I don't
  agree that this makes anything simpler. Recursion is a powerful and
  concise tool for these situations. I will say that it is often abused,
  but this is a perfect use case. A recursive solution to this problem
  is far simpler and maybe more correct than this iterative approach.
  First off, the proposed solution requires complicated logic. Fine,
  it's not rocket 

Re: Recursion of components

2007-08-19 Thread damien
Interesting, I hit this same wall a while ago when trying to render a
tree.  It seems to be a common occurrence, so supporting it in the
framework would be highly desirable. I ended up doing almost all the
rendering in Java code, using the template only to hold blocks which I
called to render from the Java code. This allowed me to at least specify
some blocks of HTML in the template, rather than doing it all in code.


 I couldn't believe it, so I made an example. And I had to discover that
 it is true:

 The template for component example.recursive.components.Node is
 recursive (contains another direct or indirect reference to component
 example.recursive.components.Node). This is not supported (components
 may not contain themselves).

 I consider this a bug that has to do with the alpha state of T5.
 Otherwise I have doubts on the usefulness of T5 at all.

 Todd Orr wrote:
 I'm also trying to perform this type of recursive structure. I don't
 agree that this makes anything simpler. Recursion is a powerful and
 concise tool for these situations. I will say that it is often abused,
 but this is a perfect use case. A recursive solution to this problem
 is far simpler and maybe more correct than this iterative approach.

 First off, the proposed solution requires complicated logic. Fine,
 it's not rocket science, but the recursive alternative (if there was
 one in tap) is far easier to read and understand. From a
 tech-management point of view the simplicity of the code is a major
 factor in its long term maintainability as well as its bugginess.

 Secondly, the proposed solution requires adding raw HTML output to
 code. This may be a more esoteric and arguable point, but Tapestry
 excels in having a clear and easy to use separation between the
 view/presentation and the logic components of the application's
 construction. Again, with regards to maintainability, it is twice as
 hard to maintain code if the concerns are spread throughout
 conceptually separate pieces of code.

 Third, this approach makes it impossible for any node in the tree to
 contain any non-trivial nested components. I see that you can create Kinda limiting if you ask me. This limits the usefulness
 and extendability of the code. If more complex functionality is
 required (lets say by a major client or some other critical business
 need) within this pseudo-recursive implementation it might force the
 developers to completely switch out frameworks to one more suitable
 for the job. This is a huge risk from a business perspective.

 While I think these points are painful enough on their own, it does
 raise some questions about the framework's usefulness in specific
 situations. My main concern is in relation to CMS features. Many
 applications require support for some level of features that would be
 considered CMS functionality. This static structure imposed makes
 creating dynamic sites, well, painful. When you are attempting to
 build an application that must adapt to known types of runtime or
 user-configuration driven alterations that have many variants during
 runtime (eg. depth of a tree, etc.) the static structure is limiting.

 Tapestry is a great framework. However, the intention of the static
 structure, while clearly advantageous in many respects, limits the use
 case coverage for the framework at worst and makes certain otherwise
 easy tasks very difficult at best.

 Perhaps the rules for the static structure could be allowed to bend
 from time to time as a nod to those of us that do require greater
 flexibility. I'm sure this is easier suggested than done, but what are
 the options?

 On 7/17/07, Francois Armand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dmitry Sidorenko wrote:

 Hi all.


 In my project I need to generate edit form for a class like this:

 class Section{
  ListSection subSectionList;
  ListField fieldList;


 Probably I'm doing something wrong, maybe my task should be done in
 completely different manner.. Any ideas?
 Is there any way to develop visual editor for such a recursive

 I don't know how T4 works, but if it's like in T5, their is no support
 of recursive template/class.
 So, for tree structure, you have to use a non-recursive algorithm (I
 think that in your example, you wish to use a non-recursive preorder
 It's not really natural, but the non-support of recursive structure
 seems to bring a lots of simplification with it.

 You can look at this How To entry :

 I wish it would help.


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Re: Recursion of components

2007-08-19 Thread Nick Westgate

There's been plenty of discussion about this in the past, and using
blocks from a template is the usual solution, eg:

I believe the static structure, dynamic behaviour mantra is for the
sake of performance, and a fundamental framework design desicion.

But if you think it's a bug, log a JIRA. At least one of the new devs
might have an opinion about this, but they haven't been on the lists
much recently.



Interesting, I hit this same wall a while ago when trying to render a
tree.  It seems to be a common occurrence, so supporting it in the
framework would be highly desirable. I ended up doing almost all the
rendering in Java code, using the template only to hold blocks which I
called to render from the Java code. This allowed me to at least specify
some blocks of HTML in the template, rather than doing it all in code.


I couldn't believe it, so I made an example. And I had to discover that
it is true:

The template for component example.recursive.components.Node is
recursive (contains another direct or indirect reference to component
example.recursive.components.Node). This is not supported (components
may not contain themselves).

I consider this a bug that has to do with the alpha state of T5.
Otherwise I have doubts on the usefulness of T5 at all.

Todd Orr wrote:

I'm also trying to perform this type of recursive structure. I don't
agree that this makes anything simpler. Recursion is a powerful and
concise tool for these situations. I will say that it is often abused,
but this is a perfect use case. A recursive solution to this problem
is far simpler and maybe more correct than this iterative approach.

First off, the proposed solution requires complicated logic. Fine,
it's not rocket science, but the recursive alternative (if there was
one in tap) is far easier to read and understand. From a
tech-management point of view the simplicity of the code is a major
factor in its long term maintainability as well as its bugginess.

Secondly, the proposed solution requires adding raw HTML output to
code. This may be a more esoteric and arguable point, but Tapestry
excels in having a clear and easy to use separation between the
view/presentation and the logic components of the application's
construction. Again, with regards to maintainability, it is twice as
hard to maintain code if the concerns are spread throughout
conceptually separate pieces of code.

Third, this approach makes it impossible for any node in the tree to
contain any non-trivial nested components. I see that you can create Kinda limiting if you ask me. This limits the usefulness
and extendability of the code. If more complex functionality is
required (lets say by a major client or some other critical business
need) within this pseudo-recursive implementation it might force the
developers to completely switch out frameworks to one more suitable
for the job. This is a huge risk from a business perspective.

While I think these points are painful enough on their own, it does
raise some questions about the framework's usefulness in specific
situations. My main concern is in relation to CMS features. Many
applications require support for some level of features that would be
considered CMS functionality. This static structure imposed makes
creating dynamic sites, well, painful. When you are attempting to
build an application that must adapt to known types of runtime or
user-configuration driven alterations that have many variants during
runtime (eg. depth of a tree, etc.) the static structure is limiting.

Tapestry is a great framework. However, the intention of the static
structure, while clearly advantageous in many respects, limits the use
case coverage for the framework at worst and makes certain otherwise
easy tasks very difficult at best.

Perhaps the rules for the static structure could be allowed to bend
from time to time as a nod to those of us that do require greater
flexibility. I'm sure this is easier suggested than done, but what are
the options?

On 7/17/07, Francois Armand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dmitry Sidorenko wrote:

Hi all.


In my project I need to generate edit form for a class like this:

class Section{
 ListSection subSectionList;
 ListField fieldList;


Probably I'm doing something wrong, maybe my task should be done in
completely different manner.. Any ideas?
Is there any way to develop visual editor for such a recursive

I don't know how T4 works, but if it's like in T5, their is no support
of recursive template/class.
So, for tree structure, you have to use a non-recursive algorithm (I
think that in your example, you wish to use a non-recursive preorder
It's not really natural, but the non-support of recursive structure
seems to bring a lots of simplification with it.

You can look at this 

Re: Recursion of components

2007-08-18 Thread Todd Orr
I'm also trying to perform this type of recursive structure. I don't
agree that this makes anything simpler. Recursion is a powerful and
concise tool for these situations. I will say that it is often abused,
but this is a perfect use case. A recursive solution to this problem
is far simpler and maybe more correct than this iterative approach.

First off, the proposed solution requires complicated logic. Fine,
it's not rocket science, but the recursive alternative (if there was
one in tap) is far easier to read and understand. From a
tech-management point of view the simplicity of the code is a major
factor in its long term maintainability as well as its bugginess.

Secondly, the proposed solution requires adding raw HTML output to
code. This may be a more esoteric and arguable point, but Tapestry
excels in having a clear and easy to use separation between the
view/presentation and the logic components of the application's
construction. Again, with regards to maintainability, it is twice as
hard to maintain code if the concerns are spread throughout
conceptually separate pieces of code.

Third, this approach makes it impossible for any node in the tree to
contain any non-trivial nested components. I see that you can create Kinda limiting if you ask me. This limits the usefulness
and extendability of the code. If more complex functionality is
required (lets say by a major client or some other critical business
need) within this pseudo-recursive implementation it might force the
developers to completely switch out frameworks to one more suitable
for the job. This is a huge risk from a business perspective.

While I think these points are painful enough on their own, it does
raise some questions about the framework's usefulness in specific
situations. My main concern is in relation to CMS features. Many
applications require support for some level of features that would be
considered CMS functionality. This static structure imposed makes
creating dynamic sites, well, painful. When you are attempting to
build an application that must adapt to known types of runtime or
user-configuration driven alterations that have many variants during
runtime (eg. depth of a tree, etc.) the static structure is limiting.

Tapestry is a great framework. However, the intention of the static
structure, while clearly advantageous in many respects, limits the use
case coverage for the framework at worst and makes certain otherwise
easy tasks very difficult at best.

Perhaps the rules for the static structure could be allowed to bend
from time to time as a nod to those of us that do require greater
flexibility. I'm sure this is easier suggested than done, but what are
the options?

On 7/17/07, Francois Armand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dmitry Sidorenko wrote:
  Hi all.


  In my project I need to generate edit form for a class like this:
  class Section{
   ListSection subSectionList;
   ListField fieldList;
  Probably I'm doing something wrong, maybe my task should be done in
  completely different manner.. Any ideas?
  Is there any way to develop visual editor for such a recursive classes?
 I don't know how T4 works, but if it's like in T5, their is no support
 of recursive template/class.
 So, for tree structure, you have to use a non-recursive algorithm (I
 think that in your example, you wish to use a non-recursive preorder
 It's not really natural, but the non-support of recursive structure
 seems to bring a lots of simplification with it.

 You can look at this How To entry :

 I wish it would help.


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Re: Recursion of components

2007-08-18 Thread Hans Jörg Hessmann
I couldn't believe it, so I made an example. And I had to discover that
it is true:

The template for component example.recursive.components.Node is
recursive (contains another direct or indirect reference to component
example.recursive.components.Node). This is not supported (components
may not contain themselves).

I consider this a bug that has to do with the alpha state of T5.
Otherwise I have doubts on the usefulness of T5 at all.

Todd Orr wrote:
 I'm also trying to perform this type of recursive structure. I don't
 agree that this makes anything simpler. Recursion is a powerful and
 concise tool for these situations. I will say that it is often abused,
 but this is a perfect use case. A recursive solution to this problem
 is far simpler and maybe more correct than this iterative approach.

 First off, the proposed solution requires complicated logic. Fine,
 it's not rocket science, but the recursive alternative (if there was
 one in tap) is far easier to read and understand. From a
 tech-management point of view the simplicity of the code is a major
 factor in its long term maintainability as well as its bugginess.

 Secondly, the proposed solution requires adding raw HTML output to
 code. This may be a more esoteric and arguable point, but Tapestry
 excels in having a clear and easy to use separation between the
 view/presentation and the logic components of the application's
 construction. Again, with regards to maintainability, it is twice as
 hard to maintain code if the concerns are spread throughout
 conceptually separate pieces of code.

 Third, this approach makes it impossible for any node in the tree to
 contain any non-trivial nested components. I see that you can create Kinda limiting if you ask me. This limits the usefulness
 and extendability of the code. If more complex functionality is
 required (lets say by a major client or some other critical business
 need) within this pseudo-recursive implementation it might force the
 developers to completely switch out frameworks to one more suitable
 for the job. This is a huge risk from a business perspective.

 While I think these points are painful enough on their own, it does
 raise some questions about the framework's usefulness in specific
 situations. My main concern is in relation to CMS features. Many
 applications require support for some level of features that would be
 considered CMS functionality. This static structure imposed makes
 creating dynamic sites, well, painful. When you are attempting to
 build an application that must adapt to known types of runtime or
 user-configuration driven alterations that have many variants during
 runtime (eg. depth of a tree, etc.) the static structure is limiting.

 Tapestry is a great framework. However, the intention of the static
 structure, while clearly advantageous in many respects, limits the use
 case coverage for the framework at worst and makes certain otherwise
 easy tasks very difficult at best.

 Perhaps the rules for the static structure could be allowed to bend
 from time to time as a nod to those of us that do require greater
 flexibility. I'm sure this is easier suggested than done, but what are
 the options?

 On 7/17/07, Francois Armand [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dmitry Sidorenko wrote:
 Hi all.


 In my project I need to generate edit form for a class like this:

 class Section{
  ListSection subSectionList;
  ListField fieldList;
 Probably I'm doing something wrong, maybe my task should be done in
 completely different manner.. Any ideas?
 Is there any way to develop visual editor for such a recursive classes?
 I don't know how T4 works, but if it's like in T5, their is no support
 of recursive template/class.
 So, for tree structure, you have to use a non-recursive algorithm (I
 think that in your example, you wish to use a non-recursive preorder
 It's not really natural, but the non-support of recursive structure
 seems to bring a lots of simplification with it.

 You can look at this How To entry :

 I wish it would help.


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SPRICOM Informatik GmbH
Firmensitz: Brucknerstraße 29, 53721 Siegburg
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Siegburg, HRB 8808
Geschäftsführer: Hans Jörg Hessmann

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Recursion of components

2007-07-17 Thread Dmitry Sidorenko

Hi all.

In my project I need to generate edit form for a class like this:

class Section{
 ListSection subSectionList;
 ListField fieldList;

I tried to implement SectionEditComponent with following html template:

table cellspacing=10
   tr jwcid=@For source=ognl:subsectionsList 
value=ognl:subsection element=tr
   tdspan jwcid=@SectionEditComponent 

   tr jwcid=@For source=ognl:fieldList value=ognl:field 

   tdspan jwcid=@Insert
   tdspan jwcid=@TextField value=ognl:field.value//td

But Tapestry 4.1 says that I have recursive components references and 
throws an exception.

Probably I'm doing something wrong, maybe my task should be done in 
completely different manner.. Any ideas?

Is there any way to develop visual editor for such a recursive classes?

Best regards,

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Re: Recursion of components

2007-07-17 Thread Francois Armand

Dmitry Sidorenko wrote:

Hi all.


In my project I need to generate edit form for a class like this:

class Section{
 ListSection subSectionList;
 ListField fieldList;

Probably I'm doing something wrong, maybe my task should be done in 
completely different manner.. Any ideas?

Is there any way to develop visual editor for such a recursive classes?
I don't know how T4 works, but if it's like in T5, their is no support 
of recursive template/class.
So, for tree structure, you have to use a non-recursive algorithm (I 
think that in your example, you wish to use a non-recursive preorder 
It's not really natural, but the non-support of recursive structure 
seems to bring a lots of simplification with it.

You can look at this How To entry :

I wish it would help.


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