I'm not talking only about the Combos itself... Any other field from the form 
loses it's value when the Zone is updated... So, the plan is to send every 
field value?

De: Geoff Callender <geoff.callender.jumpst...@gmail.com>
Para: Tapestry users <users@tapestry.apache.org>
Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 31 de Março de 2010 20:30:12
Assunto: Re: Res: Res: [T5.1] Best approach to Nested Combos on Forms

Or carry the 1at and 2nd combo selection info into the 3rd combo values too, 
eg. USA | San Francisco | SomeName. No?

On 01/04/2010, at 3:55 AM, Everton Agner wrote:

> Yes, there is also the problem that, if there is more than two nested combos, 
> the First Combo's selected option is lost when the Second Combo option is 
> selected (and fills/filters the third combo).
> So, the easier way out is really updating the properties values (in the Page 
> Class instance) by Ajax in every "onBlur()" on each field?
> Corrections:
> 1 - After the </t:form> , there is a </div> tag, not a <div>
> 2 - Its "So, since everything is inside the "updateZone" DIV, every field is 
> refreshed and lost their values."
> ________________________________
> De: Geoff Callender <geoff.callender.jumpst...@gmail.com>
> Para: Tapestry users <users@tapestry.apache.org>
> Enviadas: Terça-feira, 30 de Março de 2010 19:44:29
> Assunto: Re: Res: [T5.1] Best approach to Nested Combos on Forms
> The origin of the problem is that the context passed to ZoneUpdater has only 
> one piece of information - the value of the option you selected. No other 
> context is received. So the server-side must get the rest of the context from 
> either (a) the session, eg. by saving country and city in the session on 
> output by using @Persist; or (b) saving them in a conversation persisted in 
> the session or the database, which avoids the side-effects of @Persist; or 
> (c) including the context in the value of the option selected, eg. when city 
> option "San Francisco" is chosen, the value passed could be "USA | San 
> Francisco".
> Are there any other alternatives? Well maybe there's a way to use 
> ZoneUpdater's context parameter, but I'm not sure. So (c) is looking pretty 
> good.
> HTH,
> Geoff
> On 31/03/2010, at 6:53 AM, Everton Agner wrote:
>> Just to show the example cleaner...
>> <div t:id="updateZone" t:type="zone">
>> <t:form ... />
>>   <p:country>
>>       <!-- The nested combo that refresh the "cities" combo by the 
>> "ZoneUpdater" mixin-->
>>   </p:country>
>>   <p:city>
>>       <!-- The combo which it's content it's updated by the change of the 
>> Country combo -->
>>   </p:city>
>>   <p:name>
>>       <t:label ... />
>>       <t:textfield id="name" ... />
>>   </p:name>
>>   ...
>> </t:form>
>> <div t:id="updateZone" t:type="zone">
>> So, since everything is inside the "updateZone" combo, every field is 
>> refreshed and lost their values.
>> Thanks!
>> - Everton
>> ________________________________
>> De: Everton Agner <everton_ag...@yahoo.com.br>
>> Para: Tapestry Users <users@tapestry.apache.org>
>> Enviadas: Terça-feira, 30 de Março de 2010 16:39:37
>> Assunto: [T5.1] Best approach to Nested Combos on Forms
>> Hi,
>> I'd like to know which is the cleaner way to work with nesting on Forms on 
>> T5.
>> I saw a project with the ZoneUpdater mixin... But, to preserve the values 
>> from the Form - to reload them after the refresh - it needed to @Persist the 
>> values and update them everytime the fields lost their focus.
>> Example:
>> <t:textfield clientEvent="change" event="changeName" 
>> zone="updateZone" t:mixins="zoneUpdater" 
>> t:value="current.name" t:id="name" 
>> t:validate="required" size="30"/>
>> So, there is a "changeName()" method in the Page Class to update the "name" 
>> field value - which is @Persist'ed.
>> I don't like the way it sounds. Is there another way to achieve the nesting 
>> and preserve the Form fields values?
>> Thanks
>> - Everton
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