This is really weird and I've spend all day trying to fix it.  I believe
this started a couple days ago.

I noticed that my Tapestry-acegi interception code started asking me to
reauthenticate on every page navigation to a new page, or form submission.

Then I noticed my grid tables columns could only be sorted in ascending
order, and only once--after the first sort on that column I could not
reverse the sort.  Sorting on another column would sort that column in
ascending order, and so on.

Here is what I've tried:
I've tried stopping Tomcat and deleting all the deployed stuff, then

Since I have a funky custom Grid Model and Grid Source in most of my app, I
copied over the very basic Grid sample from here:

Except instead of using a DAO, I made a method in the page class:

    private ArrayList<ListableObject> getAll() {
        ArrayList<ListableObject> lo = new ArrayList<ListableObject>();
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            lo.add(new ListableObject(i, "Name" + i, 5 * i, "Name2" + i));
        return lo;

(I also renamed the tutorial's User class to ListableObject, since I already
have a user class)

What is really strange is that I'm not getting this problem if I use the
IEtab plugin inside Firefox, which makes IE render the tab.

I seemed to have narrowed down the reason, and I can see my sanity at the
end of the tunnel!  I had the Yahoo YSlow plugin on Autorun, and that seemed
to be the cause of all this.  Now that I've disabled the Autorun feature of
YSlow, the site loads much faster and the problem instantly disappeared!


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