I've run into an odd problem which does not occur in my test environment. I think the tapestry-hibernate module is trying to take responsibility of the "java.util.Collection" injected parameter...

Operations trace:
[ 1] Realizing service ServletApplicationInitializer
[ 2] Invoking org .apache .tapestry5 .services.TapestryModule.buildServletApplicationInitializer(Logger, List, ApplicationInitializer) (at TapestryModule.java:1247) [ 3] Constructing module class org.apache.tapestry5.services.TapestryModule [ 4] Determining injection value for parameter #1 (org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.services.PipelineBuilder) [ 5] Resolving object of type org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.services.PipelineBuilder using MasterObjectProvider
[ 6] Realizing service Alias
[ 7] Invoking org.apache.tapestry5.services.TapestryModule.buildAlias(Logger, String, AliasManager, Collection) (at TapestryModule.java:325)
[ 8] Determining injection value for parameter #4 (java.util.Collection)
[ 9] Collecting unordered configuration for service Alias
[10] Invoking method org .apache .tapestry5.hibernate.HibernateModule.contributeAlias(Configuration, Session) (at HibernateModule.java:68). [11] Determining injection value for parameter #2 (org.hibernate.Session) [12] Resolving object of type org.hibernate.Session using MasterObjectProvider
[13] Realizing service Alias

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Construction of service 'Alias' has failed due to recursion: the service depends on itself in some way. Please check org.apache.tapestry5.services.TapestryModule.buildAlias(Logger, String, AliasManager, Collection) (at TapestryModule.java:325) for references to another service that is itself dependent on service 'Alias'. at org .apache .tapestry5 .ioc .internal .RecursiveServiceCreationCheckWrapper .createObject(RecursiveServiceCreationCheckWrapper.java:52) at org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.OperationTrackingObjectCreator $1.invoke(OperationTrackingObjectCreator.java:45) at org .apache .tapestry5 .ioc.internal.OperationTrackerImpl.invoke(OperationTrackerImpl.java:68)


The tapestry-hibernate modules are specified via a system preference rather than the standard jar/manifest mechanism, but I don't see how that would effect the ioc initialization, any ideas?

Robert Hailey

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